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°,~~ uaas~ }i.k' ~ ~ 'Z 't <br />The Tnustor requests than a copy of any notkoe of default and of any notice of sake heveunUer be makked to him <br />at the adiress hereint~efore set forth. <br />1iQ WlTfVESS WHERt:49F, the Trustor has executed this Trust Deer! the day and year first above written. <br />~~ <br />kroc-E. saxes <br />JA~T A. SORENSEN <br />ST~1TE'~;F f1EBRASKA <br />SS: <br />COtifQTY QE €.~ar.r. ) <br />9efora rne, a P~otary Public, quakkfied for said County, personally came Rc7GER c. & JANET A. SaR3rNSEN <br />knowrn fo me to be the tdentlcai persons;who signed the foregokng knstrnment and acknowkedged: the execution <br />thereof to be his, her, or their voluntary act and deed and if executc-f an behalf of a corporation, that: the.- <br />execution#hereof was the signer's voluntary act and deed as such officer and the voluntary act and deed of said- <br />oorporatfon and that the seat affixed thereto ks its corporate seal and was thereto affixed bythe authority of its <br />hoard of f}irectors. <br />~r 1 <br />WtTTiESS mvha~_*+ k seat this „`.~ day of ,~ i'a~1,:9- a~~r ,19 :3' <br />~~w-lrrsw~ f` . <br />QNMOsl41Nt!!'i ~ , <br />Mq't>M~a Eq~ Jra l7.'!M ; `~ ~ h ,~"fa~~~; ;t~ i <br />~~ Notary Public <br />Mir contmisaton expires: >~z' ,-' ~. ~,`,'~Y',~ _. <br />REQUEST FC'R R~C~NVfYANCE <br />To Truste~er <br />Theunderstg:ted is-the holder of the note or notes secured by this Geed of Trust. Sakd note or notes, together <br />with a#f other indebtedness=secured by ihks Deed of Trust, have been paled in foil. You are hereby directed to <br />cancse! sake note or notes and this Deed of Trust, which are delivered hereby, and to reconvey, without, warranty, <br />ai! the estafe now haled byyou under this teed of Trust to the person or persons legally entitled thereto. <br />DBite:' <br />L_ <br />tSAace Retow ThJs Llne Reserved for Lender and Recorder) <br />