f~o~TC~c~ ~2 ~~ X1(3 3 4
<br />Tttris;ldortgage is rnt~red rota be sweep _ Roomer [3. At*¢vstin and Loi_: ~~Aueustin,_;husbarid
<br />-'-_,ni1d__._.._ ;~_.~ r_~ ~._ (herein "Mortgagor"~ and:
<br />_~1 ~1 2v:iIO? BitPIK- t~'+(1? TRUST GL1MPhNY~STTNGS, NE$RASKft ,--__ _(herein ••Mortgag~e'>):
<br />?rlortgaRar,is indebted to ;4fatYgngee in the principal sum of $ ~,~r~g,.gg__ . et~dencQd by Mortgagor's note
<br />datF+i `~-,,,,;.ru Z£.,..19R~ 4hereiri "Note"p providing fat payments of principal and interest, with the balanas of the
<br />urde~tedicE"sa, if not sodner paid, due artd payahle on~ January 26 , 1983
<br />Toscrure the payment of the Note, with interest as provided therein, the payment ofall other sums, with interest;
<br />advanced by tif3rrKagee to pzatect the security of this Mortgage, and the perfarmance of the covenants and agreements of
<br />the .Llortgagor txarttained herein, Aiartgagor does hereby mortgage and convey to. Mortgagee the fallowing described
<br />lrropert}' t«ated in- i-1a11 _County, 1Tebraska. A11 of ~t Six. (6) on Island; and that
<br />part cif L~~t One {1} an Island mare particularly descr;rred as C©>zrmencing at the Northeast
<br />cnrtter of tat Sax {6) an Island in said Section lineteen {19}; running thence Northalong
<br />an extension of the East line of said Lat. Six (6T to a point where said so°extended EasC'
<br />line of said Lot Six (6) intersects the Center line of the County Road rght~f-wiry
<br />(which Ctrunty Road right-of-wuy runs in a Nartheasterl}~ to Southwesterly direction:-:North'-
<br />erly from the premises herein canveyed)> running thence is a Southwesterly direction
<br />along, and upon the Center line of aaid County Road right-of-way to a point where said
<br />County Road right-©f-way Center line intersects the idest :Line of said Lot Si.s {6), as
<br />such West line is extended to the North;. running t}rence South along. theso-extended West.
<br />line of said Loz Sis {6} to the Northwest corner of said Lot Six. (6); cunning thence East
<br />along-and upon the ~3crrth line. of said Let Six (6} to the paint of beginning, and being;
<br />the ~Tartheast c:arnt=r of said S.,at Szx (6), all in Section Nineteen. (19), Township Iwine
<br />(9} North> Range E1e~~en (11) West oz the 6th )?.~i., Halt County, Nebras[ca, together with..
<br />all: accretions thereto.
<br />'fbgether with ail buildings, imprnvrments, fixtures, stmets, atieys, passageways, easernenis, rights, pruileges and
<br />appurtenancti~s 1oc~ted thereon ar in anywise pertaining thereto, and the renis issues and pmfsts.rrven;ions and remainders
<br />thereof; including, but not limited to, heating and eauling equipment and such per~:ona1 property that is attached to the..
<br />mpmvemrnta sa as to corsstituLe a P+xture, all. of ahrch, rncludrrrg replacements andadditions thereta, is herebydedared
<br />to tell a part at the rt+at estate. secured isp the Gen of the, ~tartgage and at1 of the €aregoing being referred to (ierein as the.
<br />"Pmpem ..
<br />tilortSagar farther canvenan[s and agretw, with tiiarigagc*e, as fcrkiows:
<br />1. Payment; Ta pay. the indetrttdnes~ and the mtere>t rhereeen a promrded in this iortgage and the Note.
<br />2: 7l'tfe. :vfgrtgagar is the annex of the Pmpere}, ha ibe_ right and authority to mortgage the Property, and
<br />warrants treat tree lien areatxd hereby is a first and prior iron un the Prtrpert}-, exr.€+pt a, may otherwise be set forth herein.
<br />_ q
<br />1£3"'fYte Property is subject to a idtortgage +aherein Patty -.zo.. and.:S>ill:L,lam-._R~.._F'ai_rhanks____-__ -~
<br />;t. #t$1- 96112
<br />is Nte Al~t~agee, recorded at _ _,._.... _... _ _ ._- _ aC the Martgage Rarord, at ._.._..13311.-_.____.. -_ County,
<br />Nebrffika, whiter 1Nort{fageis a tiesa pr:ur w th, i~en..created.hrrekryr.
<br />Other:priorTiensarerkun~taran~e" _.,_._.._--_ .,_._ ___.__,.- ..,__....___ _..__.__,._ _.__--------
<br />v. Taxes, Ascessmenis:: To pa}< when-'due a7i ta~c>, spt'e,e, .,~seanrrnt:; nerd e,t <;tli.r enarges against-the Property
<br />u~d, upon written demand by l~origagea, toadd to tis= }ra};~:~nin requira~u nonce i_he tiote ,~cucedhereby,,yueh airrrtWnC-as
<br />may ~ st:fCrtmnt to c~apie the Fiort:g;igew, to pYy ~trn awes, arc-meat, o; oilier thar~s_tts they bctcome-doe.
<br />~, lnaurwn:.e. "Po keep 4he improvemt~n±s now ~r irerenaer la~aled ua !!re rent estate drsctihad hvrc4n insured
<br />alpiust+iantage by Gee and cuc6 ath.t h2xard. as 1i.,rtttag~•s- oxen rec}uire, io amaunisandveitheorrtpanns.ac"eepktr!351rtothe~
<br />ASart.grgrw. and witEs fos, n2yable u: the G1ar[gagee :~ case of ksa u:adgr ,uc~h palicies the ,~tortgagkq is-authori2ed to
<br />adgrst, collect sue: eamprverse_ in iG discretion, ai, rtaicrr. t}wrauan7er a[ ~r~- <ale optirtn, autharia~~taeiiherapAiY the?
<br />prxeeds to the rr•stotats9n rsi ?lire l'°rope:rty ,.rr utrrn Jse !ndeh,rdnrx, secured he:o~by, butpayments h,YreundershalYconr
<br />~nuc" until the sums stY need he~try are paid to tvlF.
<br />v. ~ f~senrw Far Taxes and innurancs_ 'ot:.°i tttsta_,rdi t~ est thin„ rutttsir}ed in pat7~ra¢lrs Sand d hereofto the
<br />r-ortL^at6', Mortgagor 3?rYi? pac 1_u ltre ?rTa)rtqugee at ahe time of paying the ntvnth;.~ ln,talbrients,,~i'prinaipaiandinterest,
<br />carpe-twelfth of the yeazly ts'+oes-,LCU~nents, itrzard icsurence err-[mums, acrd Krou;rd n~n;~:.•it arryj wiiit;h may 3tiaitt a
<br />prctrrit} amen this i414rrtga~, aid ns mat ouahiy eatitxtsatcd ircr,m tiara [o time t,} the .S3trrcgager. ?~i:eamaun~ so paid shad !Se
<br />Sretd by the ?hlortgagtM~ cgii3roteC i:ftere~,t ncd :+pplaad 1a chr~ payrn:~ur a+. nu: its~nt; ir, rc~sprc[ 'o rv},tChs>ACfa amuttnLt were
<br />depr»iteti. `l'ire a151ra) paid sr+ 4°iilrt~;rrm- hera~un#~,r aR: nVedgnd a~ sdditinrai ~e•cunir I~~r '.rte andebtednw+ss secured by this
<br />3~&}stgrr~,:Flori~agarshiutlray to .'eiortgrrgYa the acnuutrt of any der uerae:_~ "riw,'F~n tie act,xal tarse~, asse5xpczrnlS_ ttLcuran!ci
<br />prrrraurssw and~~ruuara r},,tts acrdtRe dt;x>tirLS t=ereu .d 'r ~.:irh,rt f .:lays atirs d•:o:yaatc. ~s ttrade,Upt3n.4furtgagur re:yssesting
<br />#~S.cu+: Fi ths;r:r.€.
<br />&_ F3.~r. !!i+tinte~rarsc~" aza? s `+sa. icn rnrnscrily ;epzyir, rsuers" :Tr rebrzitd any tsuildir+gs xxs imprrrmtrnre~nts rrerw or
<br />tex~~sr-tree ;rn ~gu 'r'Tr.,~4r6k . ;:r kit t.i;"^ i'tT,yra~~ sn Grn,ri rs>acitinn and~rapmr. ~iEAaut u•sste. tt-na rer*a frvacas n'u^~^hsndt'>ti r*~r
<br />cxitn, raj ra:.. -.r. e , ;p:~;,•ii~ s~~r:ra ir,n,~•d ~r- r~ri .a..:~r.e r~. r..,,, acs ~tal.e. •ettd'f~r a[ Kxrtrsni~E avrc s~.us.+~anex~ io e~xeat. nor *,o diznSn-
<br />ni c C.,.~:,:,i.
<br />:bir tnr .rtty`rsiit .c:~• s'ml ~~r ,f :R 4°errir.:~rt, irE -r:, .ar'i ~, ~eE". :tCi+d dt> cnttryNy *cstfa ;ri: ;r~{erirtrttSNix'ls t>C i:s tier with
<br />