~~ ~1~~03~~'
<br />3. Tlae ator[~gor covenants and agnoes that if ht shalt fail to pay said indebtedness or any part. thereof whin
<br />due, or alrall fail to preform any covensnt Or agt'teratat of this lnatrnment O! the ltrolni6aary nott recured hereby.<ihe
<br />steles ind+tlHednxsa hereby secured ahaH immediately bexotae due, payabft.,and collectible without notice, at the
<br />optima of the tnortgagte or araigna, reltardless of maturity. and the mor!}ta~te or his assigns msy before or afurentry
<br />sett said property without agpraiaemeat (the mortgagor having waived aad assilttted to the mortgal{ee all rights of
<br />agpraieemeat 7
<br />I rl at judicia}-sale. pursuant to the proviaioas of ?8 [J.S.C. 2001 (a) ; ar
<br />(n} at the option of the mottaa6ee. tither by auction or by solicitation of xakd bids,"farthe hi6heat aad
<br />beau bid eoanplying with the ternta of sale and maaaer of payment specified in theapubliahed notice of rtk, fizat
<br />giviutg f~ottr weeks' notice of the time, terms, and plate of such sale by advtrtiaemeat not less-.than' once
<br />durvtg tech of said four weeks. in a newspaper published or dtatributed in-the-county;in which said property
<br />iasitnated, alt other notice being. hereby waived by the mortgagor (aad said mortgage, or any peasoa on
<br />behalf of said mortgagee, may bid with the unpaid indebtedness evidenced by said nou'). Said sale=rbaA=be
<br />held-at or on the property to be said. ar at the Federal, Lwuatp, or city consthouse far the. county it- which the
<br />property is located. Tht mortgagee is hertby authorised to execute for .::d on behalf of the mortgagor aad to
<br />deliver to.the pttrcharer at such ask' a aul6eient convevaace of raid property, which conveyance shalt coauia
<br />tecitsls as to the happening, of the default span which the eiecution of the power of sale herein gsanted
<br />dapaads; aad the said mo;tssgor herebyasmtitnta aad appoints the morigaget or say agent oe attorney of.the
<br />mortgagee, the anent -aad- attorney is fact of said mortgagor to make each recital and to ezecute said
<br />ranee and: hereby oovernaats and agrees that the reeitalr ro made shall be effectaal-to ba: all equity or
<br />right of redemgtiaa, homestead. dower, and-all other- exemgtianr of the mortgagor, all of which are kereby
<br />expressly waived- clod conveyer to the mortgagee; or
<br />(tlt) take any other appropriate action pnnuant to state or Federal statute. either in state. or Federal
<br />wart or otbtrwiae for the disposition of the property.
<br />In the event of a salt as hereiaabavP provided, the. mortgagor ar say peraoa in poreeeaion ender the mortgagor shalt
<br />then. bexome and be tenants holdantt over and shall forthwith deliver posxasioa to the purchaser: at such sale or be
<br />summarily disposseascd, is accordance with the provisions of law applicable to tenants holding over. The power
<br />and agency hereby Frances are eoupted with an interest. and are irrevocable by death or otherwise, and are granted
<br />as extmnlative to the :remedies for eoIlcction of acid indebtedness provided by law.
<br />~4. The preeetds of any uk of said property in accordance with the preceding paragraphs shall be applied first
<br />to pay the ewta and expetues of said sale, else expened inrnrred by the mortgagee for the parpase of protecting or main•
<br />raining said property, and reasonable attorneys' fete; secondly, to pay the indebtedness steered hereby; and. thirdly,
<br />to pay any surplas or a=tKes to the person or perrons Iegailp entitled thereto.
<br />5, to the-event raid property is sold at s judicial foeeelorure salt or pursnarti to the power of sale hereinabovt.
<br />graate:d, sod the peoaeeds-are not srtic:ie:nt to pry the totalrndtbtedaess secured by thiainstnrment sod evide;noed by
<br />said pramirwry note, the trwutda~ee will be urtitleai is a deficiency judgment for the amount a[ the dejGciency without
<br />regstr~d to sppniseaaeart.
<br />6. In the event the mortFat[or faifa to pay any Federal, state, or local Lax. aesexsmtnt, income tax ar other tax lien,
<br />cbsrge fee, or other txpenre cltarRtxi againwt the property, the mortgagee is hereby authorised at hie option to pry
<br />tbe.same, Anysumr ra paid by the mort{tagce shall be added to aad became a part of the principal amount of the
<br />ittiieabtedness evidenced- by said rears, subjext. to the €ame terms and candtiana. 3f the mortgagor shall pay and
<br />dir,seharge rho indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note, and Shall pay such runts and shalt discharge all cases
<br />and liens. and :the costa, fear, and txpertses of making, enforcing, and. es„cuiuag this tnortgage, rhea this mortgage
<br />shalt` be csncekd-and sorrandtred.
<br />7. The coveaaats herein ewatainexf shall bind and the bcaefita:and advantaiter shall leers to the reapectivasuc.,
<br />carats sad awigta of the,partiea.hexeto. ~hentvtr used, the aietgular number shall include the plural, the plural the
<br />~iageilar, aad, the ttaeol" say geasder shslt iaelade: all gender.
<br />$+ No waive of aay,covenmtberein or of the obligstioa secured Hereby shall: at any time thereafter be be1rZ
<br />to:be a waiver of tlrr terms leermf ar of the.aota aenered hertby.
<br />9. lt+ eass'erith sew 103.1 !d of the Auks and Rtgalatia~ of the Small r~itiiaeas nu~winiit?a`4i.2n (13
<br />C.F.It. 101.3{dl j= thist is to be soartrued and enforced io sccordaaae with applicable Federal law.
<br />itF. ; jvdids! drerpt, order, oc j~lpreeat holding any provision or portion. of this Lnetrumeat tnvaled or ua-
<br />eaforeeabk rhaI1 out in my way. impstr cr preclude: the tet[ommtret of the temainiog provisions or portions at
<br />heir i~trA~isat.
<br />4 P(} n E •.O
<br />