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~d7wi ie"±i <br />/I°@tGSFp t() $BF) <br /> <br />Ems), <br />.~..-- <br />Thin ttteie.tti eked iata:thie j~ a., o[ ~~"GL•*••~"°-c~°''"~ <br />Y4 ~ by sad between ISi~ND UOI,LI~SAN I3aI.DIlVG CC1T~', II3C, ` <br />f he:eiaaiEtm'teEereed to as mortgagor) and the Adtniaustntor of the Small Bosinese Admiaiatration, an ageacyaf the <br />Gorernr.teart of "the United States of America (hereinafter referred to as mortgagee), who maiutaiaa as office and <br />plaer~ bnsYe at Et~ire State Building. 19th & Farnam, Omaha, NE 68102 <br />~'itt;ttttwalrN, that for the consideration hereinafter stated, reeeipt: of which is hereby aokaowledged, the <br />'dies>heer~ tt~rtgage, sell, tRaat. +~+ aai.convey unto the mortgagee, his snooeason and aaifpoa, all <br />of the folluwiea.deser€hed property srtaated and being in the County o€ F~IFSIS, <br />State of <br />A tract of land in the. Satath~st Quaater of the Southeast <br />{Sim;:} , of Sec`aon Ztaenty-fie t 21) , 'Ibwnship Eleven (11) North,. <br />Fangs Piste (9}, ~~test of the 6th, described as follaas: <br />Catttaertcng at the Southeast Comes of Pleasant IA~ne Subdivision, nrrg'+;na <br />thence Westerly on the South line of said Subdivision, 294.0 feet to the <br />Center Line of South Eddy Street; them r~aning sotwt~therly parallel <br />to the. East line of Sectr~n 'IDaPnty-one (21} , Free hundred forty-one <br />(341.0} feet to the paint of begirning; tha.~e Westerly parallel <br />to the Soutrx line of Pleasant Dane Subdivision, 327.0' feet to a point <br />thersoe southerly parallel with East line of Section ZWenty-fie (21} , <br />295.5 feet too a paint; thet~e Easterly, parallel to the south'line of <br />.Pleasant Iiotne Subdivision 360.0 feet to a point; thence northerly, parallel <br />iz~ East line Section amity-~'ie (21) , 130 feet to a .point; thence Westerly, <br />parallel to the. south line. of Pleasant flottee Subdivision, 33,0 feet to <br />a point.; thence. mrthesly, parallel to the east line of Section <br />'Pae~tty--One i21}, 165.5 feet to the paint of beginning and. containing. <br />2.31...acr~, ar less. except that ground: wnveyed by Quit Claim <br />Det~ci to the City of Grand Island, ~ rituaicipal Corporation anti <br />recorded in Book 145 at page 19l azri Book. 145 Page. 193 of the <br />Bookaf.Deedsoontained in ~.he office of the Ftegi,stes of Deeds. <br />iat F3a1.1 Co»zznty, Nebraska. <br />Tepether with aad,iaebrdiag sII bnildinp~e,.all 6xtnres iaclttding. bat sot timited to aA plumbing, heating, li{fht- <br />in~, veatelatim~, re~ri~[eradintC, ineinentiag, air conditioniag:apparatus, and,eltvators (the marE~G,agor-.hereby <br />deciariery~liut it is intended <tltst the Stems herein. enumerated shal€ he deemed .to have keen permanently:, in. <br />-taI{eci g. peri of the realtw}, a+nd.all-improvements now or hereaftier existing.. thereon; the herediWmente and <br />app~rtenw:~ceacand n!! other rightr thereuatohelongina, or in anywic~e appertainiat[, and rite reversionand;re- <br />ver.ions, -rmaimi~rr and rtmainden, afi rightri of redemption, and the real;+, 3s:,nes, and profits of the above <br />des.~rihed proi~erty (ftrovided, howeser, that the martttagor shall be entitled t<, the possession of said property <br />sad to r++llere and reti:irr tht_reitts, fis+aues, and profits until default hereunder) . To have and. to hold the same <br />unto. thrc nwortptagte iertd alts sueeeseors in interest. of the mortgagee forever in fee simple or such other estate, <br />ifaAia ail 1~ iUltld herein. <br />'f}ae moartgagor e+rie~afite f6at hr is lawfitll7i seised sad possessed of and haa. the: right to sell and convey said <br />property; that the ssune a €re~c from a1I euwmixatatae etseept as hereittabo~re seeited; and that be hereby bind' <br />himself and his succewnn in interest is wcartant and .lefend the titla afroresaid thereto astd every part tltcaeaf a~ytiast <br />tisa rlaiass of sl: parwna rhotasgerer, <br />This irwtreraa~gt ie gnaen to ,sarure the payment of a protniuoty note dated. ?"ay 8, 1981 <br />is the prta~agal a# x 35fiS}O.Of3' _ si~,tel lyv F?re£;ic~e[Yt c'tr~d .°ia; L, 'etAXy <br />in. t~rS+x!# r.f ';L T3. t~rl`~£$J.Ya3I'i `[iC1~C1nC7 (:.C[1~iSY~+r ~:SSC. , 'JLit d5 ].3K:. ° E'k'e C:~t <br />au=..~,. »sx ~~..:., r«r.,~wu.....cwwa.,.. S4:1,'~OO,Od~ by ~'»tttc~'tc'~t~estt t:o idatG. ck~tt. ..~ ~ ~/~- '''~ <br />_._~..~..J~ __._...~.._._,' <br />,~. <br />