'' ~ 55~r S~ce Title
<br />= A~~al"i:"~i'."~';'N'!° „~~ ~r!SPmf'.~'^~; ~,N?! xat?^Z,'CC~,`"tr1N aSRF:?'±t~;g;°s
<br />~~~~~~
<br />r~r~{ '~AwI:~ zr`-~ ~..~, F~t`T€aS4",~iS;~a"1 ~'~'~A',i;IAL G`~?P~?.~""iON, a "rinnesota Corporation,
<br />dross hPrtstsu assi3~zs and t.rarsf'er to ~?? ~'AT 'IA""I~TA.i n~C??.^AGi~ rs.;~S'It:l'A"'?0?d the
<br />'~txrt+~ag?e cocecr~*~d b~ ~ol?da? ^arden "'cwnhouses II, a ?;ehrasE:a ^ez}eral ~'artcKSrs?aip
<br />izt °avo2' of IX}Ai ~T. Arc*`~'~~.A~' CEO. on the ~'ollowi n~ desori.hed property=
<br />~tolida~; harden Second St2hdi•r3.sion, Ci to or ~3rand Island,
<br />. ~?a:ll Co,~nty, *tabraska, as s~.xve^*:~, platted and. recorded
<br />izz ~a17 ';oJatrx ~3e~raska, w~:'_ch is rercrda^ as ^ocu*±ent Via. Sl-~7 }1393 0_` the
<br />:fort=aFe ??pcords, which ~o*~ts~are was assi~Tted °r~ ate.^~ '"c~~;rraa ~o, to
<br />Rothsclt ~ 4inanciaZ vos^~orat:sn and said Assi'zsraent is recorded as P.ocuznent
<br />'~~r. 82-~JOD22~ in the *"ort~-as ~ecorris o!' °~all ;~c~srty, tvehraat!a and which
<br />~fortx,ace Bras ~odi.~ied by a '~od~_°_raLion €~,:resaneni executed ;?r :?ol~da=r firarden
<br />'!'~rxz+.hgusi5 Z in favor a: :?oths^hi ~. ~ inaz*~ ial ~;~z x:oration az~ recorded as
<br />T~ac*,mzezzt ?.Io. R2-~~i32~Q in the AtortEa~e pcords of !all Ca~aatS*, ,°Sebras`~ca,
<br />together with the debt secured t}tere2aVv , and ~:~erebr authorises said assi~raee to
<br />re~eeipt fur and cannel said *':?r_3-are and '~odi_'ica*ion A:-ree~nt, o° record.
<br />IN ~'I?""1k';~a" ~+'~'~?.,'?~, said ~?~ .,!'??`:.~ '':r~'S!~.~.L ('i'..:~PA"``I^Fd, has caused.
<br />*:~~se ureses~ts +,;o he sx med '~~r its :senior " cp '~=re;?ide!?t this '~~'~th
<br />pr3 ,r r TP7r".~ItIA'L " M.^.SaarJ~?.F';'i'"!?*i
<br />D
<br />. • ~aasle~r, <'r., iir• r.e s~.dent
<br />fir: th . ~ >th: a -.?' iar~uazy, l'~`~e^, heore , a fiwot:ar~r Pub2.i.c in anc3 fo:^
<br />~' saz~' "o r*y n~r~ ^~al *~~ `~ 7
<br />r, ~ , ,~. ais_ev, <.r., Senior zce Fresidcnt of
<br />•.. s~., me.S': `-? ~_ T'~n? ..,_,,,~,i~ ?~!"y'O6nall."! r;;ti~ #Sj .^,e tCY np $.}~..f* 3_den tia al ;'7Cr94t1.
<br />:d«a~ si^r.a*,~~e .s afffxed go the. ~nre~rn~r i~rstrnt as such nfficer o~" sa9.d
<br />chrnaration, and acs:^caw?edrod said instrument to ';~e hi.s Yolunta~-v act and deed
<br />r~s sut;h o+°~ce;. aaar 'he -.-of+1n'tE+rv act a.r:d deed ob said ror-,orstion.
<br />?~T?'"FF.:`ii hand a ox ~ics,al seal ¢he date last aFOresaid.
<br />1NM/ M~MiM-s~rslwwr, {'
<br />~e wren YJk 3 7 +~ 5.82i
<br />~`,~ i°issi~n ~:xpfres: x`arch 22, l~~L.
<br />
<br />
<br />