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_: <br /> <br />TEit5 fNDEf7T17RE, ~. t:~a.:~_ 2Gth_-- der of ~.:[1dnUaY~f .._r.~.._~ is _g2_. r..y a»d L•etwcer <br />__FranSc Kasinski_and Daroth,~A__Kosinski, husband and wife, ._____~,___ <br />M ~_H S2~ ~ -_ [=ounty, Nebraska,» mort~.. and Home FMerat SavittgaandLoan Assiticiauon:ofGrand Islam:, a curporatian <br />orpniml attd cxircins ands the laces ofthe f3hiieA'Siaeer ofAmericawith its peiocipal office. and:pleu of business at (,'rand Island, Nebraska, as <br />NTINESSETH: TTut saidmortga`cr_ S , foragdin:caisidetationofthtsum of _ ____,~~ <br />Five_Thousand Eight Hundred Eighty-Seven dollars 25/100 _~~,ls 5,887.25 ). <br />the rexeitu of ?~ch iaheteby ad[no.kdged, do, hythesepresmts mortgage sad wvrant unto said mortgagee, itsiucceasars and atistu, <br />forever, all e3~:folfowiog deeeribM reaF eatare,situated in the Countyof Ha 1 1 <br />and State of Nehraaka; to-wit: <br />Lots One .Hundred Twen (129 and One: Hundred Thirty (I30) in Bslmont,.an <br />Addition. to the Gity of Grand Island, Hail County, Nebraska. <br />Together wiihal9:heating, aiscdndition:Jag, lighting; andplumbing equipment and futures, intllyding asreens, awnings. -storm windows and ~„ <br />tlaors, andwindow ahtsdea ar blitide: uxdon or itrcontvaction with said property, whet}ser'the samosas now locatod a» seid property or herenftcr ,. <br />Placed thereon: <br />~ TDHAYFiAITDTQHf1LDTHE.SAfi!ll,togetherwithailandsngularthecenements.,hts»digmcntsandappttnenances~hereuntohe~ ~~ <br />katgitig, or nan,;y+r{ae appertaining. forever, and watrant than title ta: the same. .Caid:.morgsgar.;.$:::.._herrtry coveoanc ... _. with said <br />j mortgagee that __.__the:Y:... _._.. ale ___. , at thadeiivery hereof, the. lawful awner_ S .. of tl,e pretnfsw above conveyed citd described. <br />find-. are seized.of a gaud and teidefeaaible esu,te.atsaheritancetheeefa: free and ckarof elf enctu»brsaces; ao1 that---the.,~..:will <br />j w^emnt aad~de#entithe title therow: forever agaieisttheelaims and.~demand3of trllpersons whomsoever. <br />FROVSDE:D ALWAYS, a[sdtbuin~trum~nt is eaircuted and de{ivraed uro seeura the payment of th~sum of _-- <br />_~._ <br />E_v,~..T.bSit~~~.d__~f..4.~.~Hu~¢I~d Eighty~Sev_@n_dallars and 25,is>__.5~7.25___.~_~___a. <br />I .ntai:.:.aeetchettrrn,togd;her+vithsuirltsitargesandudvant~eamay6edue,eadpryabletosaidrrwrtgagceundarc{tetermsandconditions <br />of ll,r ptroanineay *.tnfe of even datehereaiith and *recurvsitaereby: ezeented by aai<lrnott.gagor__S__~to saidtnortgagee, expressed <br />is said mee, aced err as[•i[re tits pat•,farmitu[arof all +.he :rare: sad eandltiane contained ihetein.. 'f9,e forma of satd rwtzare..heruby..incorpersuxi <br />i,ereia by tills n,faeace. <br />Ic is the intenuoo and .rr.araent of she parties hereto clot thuttnortgageahallaisa secure any futa:e advances made rA. saidmortgagor Sw <br />by said mcxtgwgee. and any and cell indebtrdruuw in addita,n c„ tt~e amount above stated wh{clisaid tatmgagors, or any of them., may oweto <br />said rnortQagwr, however evidenced, whether by naxE. Fxtoi: accOnnt or otherwise. This niartgaga shalt remain in fuil;Force and ef'.fert between <br />tAe parties herew aced t{wv heir, persona/ rep reseniatives. successors and asa{gas, aatil allamouncs'sscvred hersunder, iitcltufing future. <br />advanoa, are paid s full avit» int,erer*.. <br />9'I,e tnort,g„y;or ._.~. he,.by aeaegp.._,~.: to said mottgagee.:ali::reats sad.. uuome atiaiagat anyand. all times from sail property a»d <br />hereby wthorire acid mortgagee ar ita agent;at itaopUua. uporadefanlt, to take chargeafsaid property amt cailirct all rents and income <br />tAsrefrr,m std apply [he name to the paymattt-of tatereac. pnneipal, insurance. ptrmittme, lases, assessments, repairs or imprr.vements <br />osuwary to kW sand preparty io'.-=•-"=tsatfitiuu, ca ru orlur charges orpayazeota for »emin ar vt the note hereby secur«d, "Phis <br />r¢pt bs_'~neoeut a1y{i cantim>t ie torus until [lie unpard ha{aace. of aaidfwtE {s tally paid. The taking of possession here>nder s}u71 in ns rns root <br />Qrevmt. ar r4a[d acid mortsa{re in [i,e cdlattnrt of said sums by~ forec{astuea vt..herwlse. <br />'E'he taihtre of thz maxtygapa to arert any of its rights hereunder at t»y tFme shall not 6e:CanBtrus. J as a waiver of its rignt to assert the. <br />same st any :afar dmc, xnd tv iasiat cpou sad ertionv aunt+_ cnsrspluocs with ;aft doe teraac H»dprovie:c,us r.( aid n.~te and ni [Pis moriyiage. <br />if said. ataaSgagor $ ahaL ay®e to 6.e pad ~ said sc>,-tgagee the eat.irf aawunt due it heteund+;r,. aced under ;.he [ends zn~i. pmviK•i©as. <br />c:f sad. ogle 6eeeby ~uutvd, inrL,diag futon rbv~nc[te, and soy c~teaaiona or re~waLs chereofinaccurdatttewitlathe.teruu: and jtrovisions. <br />[barest. sad if said mxt~ar._ S __, +irii comply w3:u Mli the pmvimnaa M said note and of kltis mortgage, then then[:: presents .}hall be yell!; <br />at-artrir to rwuaia in fail fees sad stllact, aced said tutx"tgagee shalt bs entitled tts thepoesesstian:of cell aF said pmpestv,.:arui msy. at its splicer,. <br />dsciars tba wLeia of said mla and aS iadttbistdasrrr rspr*ierz;c,d thereby to be amroediauely dies and payabta:. std: may.. foreclo:~. [hit: nrirtgega <br />rx uke say rrthar !rigs! aetioo to protect its right- .,~plrraisrment waivsd. . <br />This mortgage alrr{i ba buotho,g upon sad shag mute to the lena(it of thr harw,:eaiwcutors, admiaiscrawrs, st)tY,yesara anti s.vnigns t.f e:Ma <br />^sspeeiiwa paf_iea :basso,. <br />{!ti ~a'.STN£`_.i5. RHF.It£i)F, acid MartKag«.~... h,..'~~ fmWizuntn art....-. C.hl°77`__._... hand....,5.._.the dryaudyear ftrat abcxsre <br />sY,r3Ya. , : -.. <br />~ if <br />p ;;~~ <br />t~y" ~y,~ 4-j{r.-c .~£... ~. 7 ~ it--t*x: ~~r -p ~."`~. <br />~rXnk ~osfnfki: _ _ _ --- _ _ ~`ari5th "~~ K`[f5~°f15~1t~' _ __::~.__ . <br />