..H~.._ ,
<br />
<br />TH3;i Mt?R7Y3AGE is made: this, . , .19.th... dsyy of ~ astuaxy ...... ,
<br />t9. $i, t,etween the "Aortgagor,...IiPkY':~ .$.: Mc~~.ur3s.n,and, Ruth ,E._,PrxcGltzrkxn~r„
<br />.Eusb~-xd. an ti..Tnli~e, , o.... ..... .(herein "Borrower'). and the Mortgagee,. Th~..>*i~St..Na:~;~~na2
<br />.Bank . i~£. brand. S.S lculd,. CXat?d .~r~.}.~~d c I+Tebraska ., a corporation organized and existing
<br />utfder the i>zws of.. ..N~'xzdStlCd:. ..... ...... ,whose address is.... 202. West o 3rc?_ . ,
<br />. . ..... ... .
<br />.Stxee.t, . Grand . T.slc'ind:, .N~bX'si~1S'r~ ............................. (herein "Lender"}.
<br />Wt#~x~s, $arrowcris indebtaf co Lenclerin the principal sum of, .Th].rty.-Three .TYlou~dit~1 .aAd.
<br />.00%lfb;~~.~,~..~:~r~---t----------r--r.-F?otlars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's note
<br />dared... , .Tc-ttrzaary.. 7.~, . ~.5 82 . (herein "'Note"), providing for monthly installments of principal and interest,
<br />whit the balance of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, dnc and payable on....F~~xil~txy..1,..20.a~:... .
<br />Ta~:?cuttt to Lender (a} she r.payment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the
<br />payment of ate. otters sssms, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance, herewith to protect. the security of thin.
<br />Mottgs{~e, and the performanceof the eo~~enants and agreements. of Borrower herein contained,. and (b} the repayment
<br />of any fueure advances; with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein
<br />" e3idYanoes"}; Borrowerdoes hereby mortgage, great. and convey to Lender the fotiowing described pmpetty
<br />loeatrd%5n the Eauuty of... _ .... Nebraskcl ........................ State of Nebraska:
<br />T.ot Three {3}, Western Heights Second Subdivision, Hall
<br />trsaturty, Nebraska.
<br />wfdeh has ttte address of..... , .. 4.252..Lazat . F~-yie ............... ....~tr~rl~..~a.l.and ... , ....,
<br />tssrwu tcarx
<br />. Nib tasks .. F:$ 8 Al ...... (berei~o '`]aroperty Address"};
<br />iStYts and ZeC Ca9~i ..
<br />~'c>GErsrsat with ;tit the improvements naw• err hertafrer snared on the property, and aU easements, rights,
<br />appottensrs:~3> rcxttx, roy7eirxs, minersl, ei1 artd gas rights anti ptoftts„water,.water. rights, and water stock, and ell
<br />ftztcret xsow yr lvtrraf!er atta,;hcd tt~ the propzxty, a.Fl s?f +~hich, including rrplacentents and additions itterew, shatl.be
<br />c#rem~i u~ t~ and rentaixrr a pert cf the property rovertd 63` tFci3 b4+~r2gs; and all o€~ite f>xregoing, togetfrer wHh said.
<br />pn~perty 4cr t1:e leaselu~lts es[ate if xh» r`«4arx~.tge is on a leaschcrid} are iicrein refrrrzl to as 2tse "Property".
<br />Ho4zo+ves +':Ud2FYantS that t3arrawrr n Sa.stte6[y iscd c>f tttecstate harexsy costvr.yed knd hay xhe right to taortbage,
<br />g:sEat arat con~:y ih,c Praxx-rty. the: the P'rr~ae-rty is etsttaacustztacred: and. asst $arrca«ucr wiii wgrrant and cicfcnd
<br />ply t3ae uL1c ~.+ thr prapxxy ingainsr ail clairres seat sub~ct ia.&tty tie~t>Bx84aotus. casernts err re3..iciiex9s
<br />4iutf ir, ~ ~:hcsistic ~f x~cr~ticrns tr. ;;..rykr~xc in any title insttr:c pokey iterating Lender's interest in the 1?mperty.
<br />
<br />