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.~. , ~ . . <br />Y tU, Ttxst the Martga~gor weU keep itie buitdirtgc open said'prcmises in good repair, aqd neither Commit nor pttmit waste <br />trgiort said land. txu se.lfu ehe said ptetniscs ro be used for any unlawful pttrpose. <br />i 3. That if the premists, gar any part ttretrof, bye cnttdemged udder the power of emirmnt: demote, o[ acquired far a public <br />eta, [ht damages awarded, the prix eeds for the taking of, or the Consideration for such acquisition, tea the extent of the full <br />amva.nt of indebtedrtes upon this mertgage and the na~e_ which it is given to secure remaining unpaid, are hareh}• assigned by the <br />1Nartgagor to ihs ?rtortgagcc, and shall be peed Forthwt[h w said Mortgagee to be applied by the latter on acCOUnt of the next <br />tnalttri ng installments of such indebtedness. ' <br />32. The .hitutgagor thriher agrces that should this mortgage and the note secured hereby rot be cligib!c for in- <br />rarance under the Natiolral Housing Act wit'tin Sixty days from the date teeredf written statement of any officer <br />of the 1}cpartment of Housing arfi Urban t~ve!opment or nutitgrized agent of the Secretary of Nuusing and Urban <br />Devclopmcnt dated subsequcmta the Sixty days time from the dare of this mortgage, deCtitting to insure said <br />nou and this mortgage, being deemed canC!usive pmaf of such inetigibitfty), the Mortgages or-balder of the note <br />may. at its option, declare a31 sums xcurred hereby imntediatcly due and payable. <br />13. That if the Mortiragor fails to make anw payments of money when the samcbecomedue, orfails to conform to and <br />comppy wish any of the canditivns or agreements contained in this mortgage, or the pate which itseeures, then Utcentire princi- <br />pal ::um and accrued interest shalt at once IaeCCtme due and payable, at:[he elee6on taf the. Mortgagee, and this mortgage may <br />thereupon be foreclosed immediately [or rhewholr oC said money.,. igtere4t. monthtypaymeq[s, costs,,grbund rents, taxes and <br />the cost of extcgding ttte abstract of title from he date of this loan to the#ime of commzncing such forec[bsurc suit, and a rea- <br />sanable attorney's Eec, all of which shall be included in the decree: of ~areClosure: and the rnntract ergEtadied in this mortgage <br />and the pore secured hereby, ;hall iq all resptCis be gavetned, construed and adjudged by the taws of Nebraska, where ttte <br />same is made- <br />ihe covenants herein contained shall bind, and the benefits and advantages steal! insure ta, the respective heirs, executors, <br />administrators. successors and. assigns of the parries hereto.. Whenever used. the singular nuti7ber shall in..tgde the plural, the <br />plural the singular. and the use of ang gender shall beappticabla[o all genders. <br />The foregoing condrnons. all axed singular: being performed according to their natural and legs[ ifnport, [ens conveyance <br />shall be l old and said premises released at the expense of the Mortgagor, ofherwisc to be and:remain in full f once and effect. <br />Iti N'ITNE SS WHE12Ef}F'; the Martgagorts) ha ve hereunro set their hand(sl nc~ day and year first <br />abovic written. <br />to+presence af: e~/~ ~ `' ,(~` <br />~r''~^-t / ~ 1~r [SEAL T <br />STE4EIil R. S£12NEY <br />[SEAL) <br />f ` <br />'•a~t {SEAL:]. <br />DSl;NI4E R. AF.RwFV <br />[SEAL] <br />{SEALS <br />GPC 941138 <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA. <br />ss: <br />COUNTY Of HAT.T, <br />.Cite :his 22nd day rrf Jaxtuaxy . A: p. l9 82 before me. <br />a Notary Fubl i c in and far said County. personally came <br />Steven x. 13eraey serf 1Tiattrte iz. Berney,.. Husband and hti.fe <br />personally tome known <br />to he the identical persc+n g whose names: aze afftxed'ro the above and farc- <br />going instr+iment as tilurtgagar; and tktev have acknowledged the said rnstrumcnr and the. <br />execution thereof to be voluntary aet and deed, fnrthe purposes therein'expressed': <br />In restimony whzrcof.lhavettertuntosetmyhand'andaffixedby notarial<ealat Grand Island., NE <br />an the day atld date fast above wruteq. ; <br />4 <br />~L i No[arylFuf>Att <br />~~ <br />STATE CtF NEBRASKA ss <br />Filed fnr record lus day of A.D. l9 <br />at o"clock M., sndentered tit Neimerica7 Igdex, anti <br />recorded in Rack of Mortgages, on <br />page rsf <br />Repster of IJeeds <br />«.%; t:; =sea, n~i ,vt <br />i <br />5 <br />