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<br />LriLS 1~.~~.]r i~~7t
<br />$~=~--iJ U 0 ~ `~ ~
<br />~~ 'Phis form is in cannee-
<br />tinn with nwrt~a~re insured
<br />under thrr ane- to four-Tamil}
<br />provisions of Ghc National
<br />flousln~:Act:
<br />THIS~tt)it"PG.tvE.madr'aitdexecutedihis 22ttid dayAf Jant>a3ry ,A.D.
<br />4N f.2 . by and hxtwcen Sterten R Berney and- Biat2ne K. Berney, titxsband' and Wife,
<br />of the ~ uunt+ of Ha1I: ,and State of Nebraska:, party of the fvst part, hrrenefur called..
<br />tSe nttKtgagor. as+d Superior 44ortgac~e, Ina.
<br />„rurporaron orranizrd and existing umlesthr tawsaf Nebraska.
<br />part+• nt the ~rtond part, hereinafter called-the iNeirtgagee:
<br />+~'ITNi= SS£TH That the road "~tarrgagnr, #ur and in scynsderation of thrsum of "orty thz'ee thousand force
<br />}^.tuzcsed fifty and No/lUQths----------°-°- Dollars f~ 3, 450.00 ), paid by the Mart-
<br />eage;. the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, tics Granted and Soid and by these presents does Grant, Bar-
<br />gain. tieii, C`ar..ey and Confirm unto the `,fiarrg:iger. its succrsstsrs and assigns, forever, the €ollowingdescribed
<br />i-eztr~state.in~teddnihetountyaf Tali ,and State
<br />of ~ ~brtska: to wit.
<br />Lot Six (5} in-Bernhard Voss... First-5ubdivsion-, being a part of Lot One (l:}
<br />of Vass .Stabdvisirxr, betxg all that part of the East One-half (E~} of the:;
<br />Southwest Quarter (SFWis} and the West One-half tW#} of the Southeast Quarter.
<br />(SF3a} of Section Eleven (T1}, Township Eleven (11}, North, Range Nine (9D
<br />t3est of t2ae' 6th. P.M., a:rt Ftall COt]zlty, Nehraska
<br />of the Sixtk PTineipaltifendian,containingin at! acres accordingta Cavern-
<br />mrm-sun a ~"
<br />T(? HA<<~ 1~C3 TO H(ai.D [ka promises above described, with alE the appurtenances tlaereunta he}anging and including
<br />~~!! heatinc. ,,^.!urnbin~ and fighting fixtures and erfuiPment now ar hereafter attached to ar used in connection witk_said real estate
<br />vntatltz 14~rtgeger.:rnd taitssacce.sars and assigns.. farever,The P7:artgagar represents to, and covenants with, tke Mortga-
<br />gee. that the ~icxtb~gor t,as good right tie sail and convey said premises; that they arc free from anaumksranar; .md tkat the
<br />Martg:~s;or wiiE warrant :utd defend 7kr same agatnst the lawful claimsof alb }sersanswhamsoever: xnd>the said 'vtottgagar hete-
<br />by ctlinquiihes all nghts of ?tomestrad. and all zrnsrtiai rigkis, eStker in law <>r inequity, and aH otkee contingent interests of the
<br />}.iortg:tttor .n and :a the acct+e-described-prtmisea, the intrntton beingta eanvey hereby oat absettu[e tit3e, in fee simpte,:includ-
<br />rngali rigt,t.~ of hutne~trad,.:tndothtx rigkts and[nterrsts as aforesaid.
<br />1?R~ri'IQE f) AL~4r1Y5, attd,thaw presenrx are executed a*.ui ifelivzred npan the following sondiiions; to wit:
<br />The ht nrtg,=zr,r agues to par to the.4tort~gee. or order, the principal sum of Forty three tYtousand four
<br />hundred fifty and:NOjlClOtlzs t)otlarst5 43,450.00 ),
<br />with interest Front dos, ar Lhc rate ui Fifteen anal Oxlxe•-half: per centum ( 15.50 yo} per annum an.
<br />the uttpsld balance until pain. The said prie;cipa: and lntereic_sha11 fee payable at throffice of Super2or Ntfrstgage,, zie.
<br />in Grand Island, t><ebraska , or at such atker piaceas tka koldrr of
<br />ilte note maq de~ignare ir• writing, in iatirtztltiy in;taihm~em5 of F#Ve hzsndred sixty SiX and 81~100ths--~-
<br />Jo(fars t; 505, 81 ), commencing nn the•:fisstttay of
<br />March lq 82. anti on[}:r5rstdaynfeax:k nantkihereaftarrmtilthrprincipalandin-
<br />trrtst are fu]iy paid, rscepa that the itnal ~a}~mrnL of f~rincrpal and intrrrsl., if not scroner paidM shah tie due and
<br />pat ~ntz ,n the rest day of Februazy f ' Q1Z : alL atxorddng 4a the tarns of a certain promis-
<br />;uzti- en~tz ;i' even rate herc:litlt ese~uted b~ tht .~:dd~tartta~r.
<br />f2te Atotttx in order more fully to pr:ura the' rfiurityofkheS~Mortgagtc,agtcest
<br />t. 'that. he wtil pay tSr inazbtedness: as iterrinbeforr provided. Privilege is resarxed to pay the debt in wtrole, rte in an
<br />.trrav'+1nt egw~l w ene tar nrosa eu+n[h!V Fay r<'y=nts on[fic. prirtcipRl that aremext duo ~n the note. onthc firstcltay of any::tnonth
<br />pcu7r a? taatacity frociried. tmtk~rr~er. Tkat a-ritten aati~ of an,intanuan:~tu exercise: sash pf%vi'lrge is given at.3rg5[ahirtyt30)
<br />t;~Y4 prwr tD ptC pa Yananl.
<br />P'~.xt, rc*grther with, and in additiaa a.*, the monthiy~ pdr:nents o~f~~ncap:ii and ininree't,payabk ind~tthrternt;5 aF'ilts
<br />=aYta' sccarcd lterzt~y, the :7 ortt;:,gor wtll t?:ay t~ the hfnt tg;kgte,c:n tlie•firstday of +taa3t montkuntil ikr saittnotr i+ful3y'paid, the
<br />t4litt?K iTf~ vOSI4W:
<br />i~) >:r,fevsrt su+frcarn*, t~3 provt3c rt:e iatrlcltr ttereraf-wick tearadaxar pav :hc r,e,Yt srezrtgage tnsurartze q~antustt if this
<br />rrarura:nt area the r,,te secrtstJ hztehp ate isssttred„ c~r?c-t1ttY,ithlr ri~acRe i:M 1e~ra trja ~rtrFt ttt~turiave pre-
<br />mv.m; ii t;try ~t.ti ;zeta by t?re ~k~ :etsry .,r ttcwsn=gand'.?;rsn r,;crpn,e,na, ass fo0ows:
<br />!t? !; a~r4 n., e„izs, 3a ,,i srtrc , , tvttn date sad stir= acct ~ :at are inuaretl ar ors a~aRnsxttedaanc3e~ nc~ prx>,
<br />vtsEOa,<<~! t8a tics ..,., ~., l7ouxrn~ het, ::c ,m,runt scrtti °~~,::..'r,ac~a+ttssrs,Ia~tn ttte, h"nafsuf th, h~tald ~: ::•nr
<br />t~..i ,. d, i r a z t ,t~t* .4Yw9 n ~ -,:..~cK+ , .pt:: ~ „ < a:,weatna,ax .`+'i'A17'F i i t ~ F:l. It 7 ~ ~:7
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