<br />2Qth January 82'
<br />THiS 7?V'Y9E21;i'FDAA:. mtda'thie _._ _--daR of --~. _ ~_ 19 ~.. _-, by and bYtween
<br />Robert ,~. Obst and Janice L.'Obst, husband and wife, each in his and her own right
<br />tfr.d as .> «use a~ the other~_ ----
<br />qf _ H a 1 i t;ounty, Ni~rtska, as atortgagar 5' sad Hsane FMeraF Saviags sad [:oaa Asaociatlon of Grand tataad. acatgoration
<br />nrgynized and cziatinp undo the: taws of ttmetfnuad Statesof Amemicawithftsprincipal aftice and Place ofbttsincssat Crratmd Island. Nebraska, as-
<br />rrlattga~tx;
<br />W:1'NESSE`t"H: 'that sai3 mar!gagOr S ,.Porandia rxiasidention of the Stan of
<br />*Si x Tht~usand Twe1 ve and YoJlggttts* --=n~a~ts-~Q72.~0_ ; ` y,
<br />the receipt a; which islfaedry.~,:do by ttuse ptesents mortgage aadwarraat uotxfaiidr~ufartgiiCer. ils siicccssorsanr#assigns.
<br />torcv~-r, all ttic ~Jollowialg dtatxitxtlrtalestats; titustcd is tame Countyof _ tla11 _~.-~.. ...., ,.
<br />and State of hkoratka~ao-rrit:
<br />Lnt Paine {9) of r`Farming~on SubdiYision," a subdis~sion located on part of the
<br />Southeast Quarter of ttfe Sauthwes# Quarter (SE~4St~;~ of Section Twenty-one::..{21},
<br />Tcwnsi:iG Eleven (T1i ,~ttrth, Range "dine (9~, Test of the 6th P.M'., Na3T County,
<br />idebras ka.
<br />Tagettserwith a81 'tr<'atsslR, sip.~,;jiing, oral plumbing-equipatent end. fixtures. including screens, awnings. storm w4ndaws and
<br />dmrs; sad wiadcr+ rhadea or {iinda, oaad~9n~.a urconnactioa with saidpropesty, wbethar the sameara~ now tncated on said property or hereafter
<br />pLced ttreretmn. ..
<br />,, TQ HAV c~ A?vx? TCP fI(3I.D THE SAIN13v, togntfmc~r with all sad sittgular the tenaaratlts, hertditaarents and appurtenances therrrlnto be-
<br />}gnginq, nr in atlYwae appertafnmg, torever.. and wa.^rant the title to the seams: Said morgagor _,_S .__ borsht wvermnt._.--._ with. said
<br />tF,ertgagee that __.t hay ,..,.._..___3F:1'_.._~, at the delivery hereof, the tawfut awraet$.._~. of thepratni!~m atmave conveyed and dascri.bed..
<br />and- -- drQ... - semxect of a sad codefafeibi® saute of iaheritaace ttrernia,. €ree sad ckeor of all encumbrances, and ttmat_.~, het~_. will
<br />sartant and defel8 the tttict9eteto forever. agai~~.st tlscckaims sad demasula of alt persona whoalsoever.
<br />f'RC3L'1 DZ;D :.LW R YS,'gnd this inatruia®tisexarutsd and delivered taaeeuaethepaymentnf the sum of _______ ___.~ .
<br />_ ~~~.
<br />ix Tho _ _
<br />-----USHittf TWet':ve and N~1Q(lths*.~_-__-- _~__._T_ Douarafs: 6>_41.2~.~_Q,_._.____~___.,.
<br />with :Itteteet theri9on, t,ogethrsr with:auchchargesand advanax+s as mar tiedua-snd: payaole to saidmartpagsr, under she terms end randztions
<br />of rs~ praprias~rrttk~g of everm date.3mtaaithaad secured heroley,. executed. by said morti„gagor..S~_tasaid mnrtgegee, pa3abte. as expressed
<br />in saxi aoka, and W aetura tbelm~fnrnraaeemf aU tkatera3s atul coaditiona. contained tJssamia; The xernme at said note. are t:ereby incarporai:ed
<br />~[CiYI br ihis:refrrenee.
<br />t is the;nt~taon a,adsgreemeat of thepartim laereiu xhaC.thxa mortgage ahsll:s}so. aecmtalagy: future:dvancesamade to said: martgagar~..
<br />6v said mortgagee, and any algid all indelmtedness ia:ariditioa totlle:amoaat-above stated wtiitti. said:.martgagora. or eoY ofttlam:; mayawe,:to
<br />said n~8+'+e. however «videaned, whether by oats., book acmaaU. oYotherwiae. TbismorLgagesMllrentlaima in full forceand effetTbetweea
<br />the yan.ic lx.:etn xnd their heirs, Persaxmai rapresaatatives; murraaors artd asaigas, until sll: amounts seruredhereunder... inckudiiiQ. futnr°
<br />advan~ees, era paid in hsL' with interest.
<br />T'hr wrKtgagor~_ hrrnby aasigr. __:___to saai-tnortgegye~atl namts8ad incomf arisints at any atmdalltiaarafromaaid prapertY.sald
<br />heretly toihoriae sod mm-tgagee or its agent. at its optiort: ufror:.. default, to rake charge of rani property sad' collect alt. rentsandincome
<br />tice~e(r[m: and apgty the. same to the payment of ratereeL.. print pal. insurance premiurs, t.~cc~, ussesam@o~..repamta or irnprovamants
<br />naapraarS to ]leap acid property rtr ta>raatabie maclisian. nr to other charges :~r payments provided inr hetglrr or sTF Clore seta
<br />ten: assignment aluli contirve >n 5nroe unt.J the unpaiu balnrce of said note ra hilly aid. The rakLz e h@tcb3 M~`ti'Rd:""F his
<br />P K o. E%ssuaa~.ion hereunder shelf in nn moaner
<br />prevent ar retard S6[d nnxtgagen in the cnliectitm of said sum by Carec!osure ur ~~! herwise.
<br />Tea. failure ut :he nxlKgagae W esaert env of it~a rights hereunder nt enl~ time shat! no! .c constru~3 as z waiver of ifs right fo erase ;he
<br />ramr ai ony later Lirar, arld to insM upon alld eufaracstr,ct ctilnpliance with ell the ternln and Provisutu5 .,(.said..rwta sad. of thrs mortgage:.
<br />[f said to[Irt~agor 5 shall aura to 6r paid wsa~ clartgagee t'k entire amount due it hrseunde r, a~cf ulxiar the. terms arxi p~nvisiotls
<br />et said aol;e h.ceby w.-ccanx{. ir>r3adin6 fnYUrr e~dva~. ;e,-ui an-~ rzta_mas>nza or rene~+sal therrof is acvvndaxxe urith ti~te~ and praviaions
<br />Lhamt, and i3 aairi rarigagor __S..- aMii oorasply ik3t sU ± he rovisions of said note and of tMs n~o]'
<br />'" p ~ .-Kax~.:.lmatt chaos presoetashattbe°void:
<br />othar+rae Ga r'ataame in rnR fcrtreaad 6Ylact. sad nail a-rartgagYe sh.,alE bn anutlad co the posrx.,rvion oY aiJ c.t sa mu prppetty. sad may, at it,sap:iun,
<br />dacurn the whnir of said mre sad all kndahmdtmaae rallresented theret,Y to he imtrredialeiy due xnd payable, a>uf nYaY. foteclase th1: akrrtgah.~
<br />nr toile amq: other 1e~x1 actwn to protacf Ito rrght. Apprw:.»raenl, welted.
<br />T'-~ ;zwr*.ggge ~a31 >7e Fa>a3ing upon and nk~il enure w t'ue L~nefit aF tk:e heirs..ccwvtor_5. adrninutracs~rs. sacra acd assiigm.of rhea
<br />tciyrr;.iiwe'paritra kareae.
<br />Sti Wt'l1'~!^).En4 A'[f~H~~1F, said 14os<.,gagar _.. ~. =ta H~_._ hmrv~nbs :rei._ ~hQ'?-r._-_ hsn~n 9 _._tia daY amt yeas 'first alxrv~
<br />matL«to-.
<br />/~
<br />~_ 4.~~ ~
<br />*~;„.
<br />~ntc~ ~. {` i4
<br />