<br />prier rn ont¢q of m ptsdgrtfent enforcing Chic Mortgage if- Ca}'Bortxtwec pays lender aii sorts which wtwld be then due under
<br />this Mtmctfge, the 'Mote and trn~ vrcuring Ftimre Advances, if any. had no acceieratton o<xurred; (b7 Borrower cures. ai}
<br />l;reacdx's of zny other cover ants oe agretitaents of't3arrower' contained `in dhis Mortgage: {c) Harrower pays aft reasattabih
<br />rrpensr;s im-.vrtr_d by Lender in enfoeeing iho. ctvenanis aad agreements of Borrower ctxttained in this Martgagt and £n
<br />enforcing Leoder's remcciies as provided in paragraph'ig hereof, inc-ttdiig, but notl£rtited to, reasonabie attorney's €ees and
<br />rdi Borrower taDcce such action as Lender tnay reasanabiy rcqu£re.to assure that the -iitn of this Mortgage, L.ender's intettst
<br />itt the 1'ropemr and Barrawer'c ohtigation co pay the scullssecured by #his Mortgage shah santinue unimpbt£red. Upon such
<br />paytttent sod cure by Basrower, ttis Mortgage and ih¢ abli$aticx[s secured hereby shall remain in full. force and effect as if
<br />no accniention hoc+. occurred.
<br />21i. Asttfpt+eent of Renra; Appoiutweat of ICeceiver, Lender in Pi>a. As additional security hereunder:, Borrower
<br />hereby assigns to Lender rite rents v€ the Property, ptYSVided than Bdrrower shat}, prior to acceleration under paragraph lA
<br />hereof ar atsandonment of the Property. have the right to colieet and retain such rents as they ltecome due. and payable.
<br />Gpon xceicntian under parattraph tg: hereof or'abandonment of fhe Property, Lender. in person, by agent ar by
<br />judiciaAy appointed n;ceiver, shall-be entitied-to emer upon, takepascession of and manage the property and tv col1eet the
<br />:rents o` the Property, including those past due. Ail rents collected try i.ander ar tha receiver ~hati be appiitd first to payment
<br />trf the rasrc of management of the Ptopertyand eotlectian of rents. ,nciuding, but not limited to, receiver's fees,. premiums an
<br />receiver's bonds and reasanahle attorney's. fees, and then. to the sums secured by this Mortgage. Lender and the receiver
<br />shah bt tisble to amount only for those rents actually received.
<br />ZL Ftetr~r Advatecea, Cipan request of Borrower, Lender: at Lender's option prior to release of thin Mortgage, may
<br />make future Advances to Borrower. Such Future Advances, with interest thereon, shah be secured by this Mortgage when
<br />evidenced by pramusory notea:stating-.thaw said notes are secured hereby. At no time shad the principai amount of the-
<br />ittdebtrdness sctwttd ltythis Mortgage,. not including sutras adv~n~ in ccardance herewith io protect the: security of this
<br />Aiortgage, exceed the original atttaunt of the No[e pins USS...yI/,UQ>~~ .......
<br />22. Relpat. Upoti pa}intern of aii sums secured by this Mortgage. Lender shad discharge this Mortgage without:.
<br />charge to 6ortuwer: $irrawer'shatl pay ail costs of recocdstion, if any.
<br />Trt WttN~ss Rtt~ttsnF, Borrower has executed this MoRgage.
<br />~` f
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<br />tir]P~ dR Qdt~05 ,,/ _ -eorrawer
<br />inul'y At#n Rin05 -Barrcweer
<br />ST'A'eE +a1•*-Ni~a~txs~ .............. ~A~L ........ _ ............... Gdtutty ss:
<br />Qa ths.....22ni~........day af...~8rludTY......., Ig. ~~. More mc, the undersigned, a l+iotatyPub3ic
<br />duly com~csiatted atul qualified far said county, persona}}y tams. [`1AR.AN1Cl5. APif1.MA&Y. ANPI.AWOS,..... .
<br />,husband,~nd. w f~ „ _ . , , , , .. _ , ..................... ......... to the known to be the..
<br />irkniica! person(s:) whose rtame(sl are subscribed to the foregoing instrument anti acicnowtedged the execution
<br />th~teerf to Ge., .....L)?~? r....val#mtary act artd deed.
<br />Witness:.my lssmd and notarial seal at....GCd[t:d:.I.51dod.. Nehrask3 .............. .in said. county; the
<br />date:aftfrtaaid. 22
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