3~---tjCr~~~~ 1~t~RTCi~GE
<br />'I`Fi7.5 M+3dfTGAGE is ttaede this.... lt.. :.. ?-'nd .. :.......:..day o£ ..... , . January .. _ ..... . ,
<br />29. ~~. e~ttw*aentlte~riarigagor, .HARi.AN .R~tOS ,AtyD.MAF'f .AI~N. ~IMCs, t..usbstrd ~nd•waf~ :.. ..
<br />................. . . (het+eitt "Borrower"1~ and the Mortgages, .Home Federal
<br />5tvinga t~tnd Loan Associataan, a corpartttioa organized and existing under'tlse lases of The United States of
<br />America, whaae adrir'ess is 227. South I.ac:rxtStreet, Grand Isl~rd, D3ebrriska herein "Lender'`-:
<br />Wxt=aE.as, Borrower is indebted to Lender in the principal stam of:.TWEi„11,E THp~I$AY;~ .AND;NO/J.fIQ-c--:-
<br />--'----------`- -°--------- - --"Dollars; which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's'nota:
<br />dated... Jaituar•}r• ~~•, .7 ~$~ (herein `Hatt"), providrng for monthly instaltmentsof principal and itterest,
<br />with the'~alartce of Sne indetuedraess, if not sooner paid, due:and payable on... MdrClt. 1.,, ZQ[}/..... .
<br />Ta Secuxt: to Lcndc:r (aj the repayment of the indebtedness-evidenced. by =he Note;: with interest thereon, the
<br />pavmcnt of aL other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith io*.rotect the security of this:
<br />Mortgage, sad the performancx of the wvenants and;agreernents of Horrawer hereincontained; and (b}:the repayment
<br />of anv future advances, with interest therean. ntade to Borrower by Lender pursuant to-paragraph 21 hereof (herein
<br />"Future ,~dvanc~s"7, Borrower does hereb~~~artgage, grant and convey to Lender the fallowing: described pzoperty:
<br />i~xaledin the Cotu-ty of.......::.... .......................... State of Nebraska::
<br />wtrich has the addraas of ...... 61 d ~f`s t 15th S t - ... , dtld . . _ ... , .. .
<br />... .,
<br />..- ~--• ................... ..... . Gr dsi~attd
<br />l~ebraskn E&80] tstM+eu tc+~7
<br />.. _ iF~n.`•Prn~ttg Address ~`
<br />tsns~ ,.na zm coder
<br />Toaert4x~c with all the improvrmeats now or harraftcr erected ura Phc psrvl~erty, ar9d all ease7nenkti, ig~ffs,
<br />appurteatancrs. rents, rayalties~ mineral, ail and gas rights and prc7hts, water, water rights, zt±d water st,,ek: aitd ~Il
<br />fiEturea now or bereafta attpelteti to the property, alf of which, including repfac~tnents and adciiti~~rs th~ct:to, ::chap be
<br />ds..etf~f tx~ be arxf mtmin a psrt of tlsc prarperty covered by t%is I~iortEsgr; and all of the f«regaing, r;~gethc .with_said
<br />ptcety (ur tlac leacrisald tstate it this A2ortga$~; is can a lcusehoEd) are dacrcin rafrrred to a; Ehe "?rriperty°T,
<br />iikxrra~c: rrvemnssthat l3arrrwa_-c i. ;acufutEv Ga°iaed of the etieae heret~y ecrnsey^d and ittts the right-tamartgttlgt,
<br />grt*srt xnd tiartuev the f'ropesty, that the f ri~pe:rtj, is eercnc:urnlxrr;L. sad that Elc~rrowrr will war[urtt and: defend
<br />~~x~abli} tH~: side ;p the €'xesper4y a~ainra a}t elaErrn and c+csnvn;ia: >>n}ecttcz aerS. dec~iarati~~ns, c~tntsar-restricti¢atce
<br />tigtysf is? as;lsEeza# ~tex::tpiicins tea;rctvtra~ iw any title i~csurancc p.:iiet i*rsuring i.enders intxnsst in the f'ropturry,
<br />~._; ;~t ca>~itt-c;t~•--iRAFRrSlfi.i~ IIMp'All~t IfiglRtlFT
<br />