~' k"1't-A;•-3A•ECir A!4fiG`3 LIEA! •+f
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<br />Nebraska ,
<br />State oj..___._.._.__.._..._._.__.______
<br />~
<br />~a 11 ss.
<br />__.___._..__ ___.._.__ i.'aanfy'
<br />` Foster woodruff, President of S. A. Foster Lumber Company ng ~~
<br />duly swarm; os kif: oath sags fiat the joregoang itenaued account of work, :abar, skili______ .........................._--•------...._..°--_-
<br />} nroterials, aprl iruproaemearts is true curd correct: shat same were done and perjor+ned and furnished by the tandersig„ed
<br />far the said.._.__.._.._.._..__._.__..-__........._._....-__.._ ._.____-_..._._....._---.--.-°--°----------°--__.._..--°---..-_.----•----•-°---•------_ ...............
<br />tiwder a"n_--oral _.___._•.____.__ .....................__. cantract.-_-___.--.----.._...-.-.._,_..-__._---._.-_......._-...,...-.....,...__....-._.....-•---••--•--------
<br />jar rke'__-_.__retlscadeiin:~_~_______._.......__-•--.. _.._ ..............of a -..._-... hc?me
<br />o» the f oliocong lot, pscce or parcel o f land, vas: ~ : L't? t s h 7 - 8 - 9 - Bast 18 feet o f I O
<br />
<br /> Clarks Addition, wood River, t`E
<br />Lien c&d+rrad bp:
<br />S. A. Foster Lumber Coitapany,
<br />la.~,.m,. P .o. Box &568 Linooln, NE
<br />IA:-______..
<br />
<br />- ,,
<br />H~ttman arad Feifan E. Wolf, K'altar+. Ne. 6Rd62
<br />January 21, 82
<br />Uarald 5 Julie Foxtloven
<br />wood River, L7E 68883
<br />1Jr. Cr
<br /> Stye EXl'12b1t i1?~, ~ .~ ~
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<br />------____ _--_a, -------------------------------------------------------- -----_•_-----~ ~------------ ------ - ---------
<br />That at, the tiwte said eontraet :eKZt made cend labar and »utteriats furnished and delivered lhereunder___....-_--°-.........
<br />Gerald 5R Julia roxho:~~n ---•were-_----~ owner of said prarmisses~
<br />That: the date aj the first steps: jurnuied and detivered was.-~ 2'3 81 ... and the
<br />dare of tie last item uaas_..._-. I2 07 8l
<br />-.',~iatrt jurthsr° states that sa+d dnbvr ux..s ~erjorvned on and matersals were furnished for. delivered at, and wed iu
<br />said twilding or prerwisss ms and. brtween the dates speas~ed.
<br />". That fht priees char ed tierejor arc jaa and reasonable, and that there is nozu due on said account the suet of ,
<br />G~~ Tn~usand ~orty r~ina and ~Sl`14t} -.:.Dollars, that said° a
<br />S ~ Foster Lumber Company a ~lebraska Corporation
<br />r
<br />_. _ _.
<br />_ ___w. ~___._- .-._..- - ._ ._.-. clarmt a lien ox the said premises for tlae full amount of
<br />raid accouat to-wit, 1'hc sure o S . _- -..._
<br />j I ~~~ 95 . 'ogether with interest thereon at the legal. rats,
<br />#roat tlrsa_ 22nc1 ..day oj_ ~ecett:ber t -.l -. and urther a/~ant snys not.
<br />. -S A F(?S`PER TSCIMBER Cf3is1PA , -: ~EBSKA CORf'ORATIf3?~
<br />__,. ,
<br />r-~--~•- ~ _._~ Freszdent
<br />~j aoA~n 5ct~i~° ~ _.. ...... G
<br />21st
<br />^~-. 1 -~.'3.~~ Subscribed in my presowce and s¢aorn to bafore care thxr-,.. ._,..... ...
<br />as r,. _
<br />i :, , •. ;r day of Ja t~lua iiy r~ 8
<br />(Set t+eti-erae sid:, fear iastrarWtwp4s) ~ , ~ hTatary Public ..-„
<br />33'A':`F: (?1?' .. ,......_-.,. ... ..:.._,._- _.......--- t EaP:ased u6F atimeri+cai. index aiui. filed Cor re~ccrrd .~'.
<br />_ s-.
<br />Cxzessp - .. ._.. , ,,... ........,.. _ ........ ..~_.:_.. ~ itt fire Ftegates nt L~eerls t)!£i~ cuE nryiri fiounsy Lire
<br />_ _ _ day at:,< . .. ..: ... .. . .... .. ... •..._, 19:_... _.., at „.. _._........ei cio~ek and,<__., minuttu -
<br />_ . 'til.,
<br />wd ne[rx:Sarl m Plwy9g, ~,.,..,. ,..,.-_.,.. cdW,,..__.. , ..,__._. ._.--..,.At p~e,,.~..,_, - ..- ___. __ _
<br />_.., ...__ . _ 3ieyr. aai LA~wtx
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