<br />iWW iGii ~i~ YY&W ~~GRibslL~ $~o!> whrse~at. !n nn adiwa En uie Dutriei f:aurt of !!u
<br />Elzvettth Hall
<br />_.. _._..~__.__.ladieiat l)t~eetaf ttee SYate~lYe6>•a+eile;.riWenas+tPdar..fhn Cau,>tyoy....-----. _....... _ ......_ ...... -..--__. vdrrnein
<br />The First National Bank of Grand Island,frand Island,Nebraska, a Corp. was
<br />Bill s;. Hallenbeck , et al., were
<br />._.~ _.....~..____..._.. _..._..__....._......__.._.._......_.... _....._._....._....... __...__. ....--°-.... .. ... __ ....._....._._.._drjendards.
<br />~~^~,-:i~anuary 1st`_^__~.~.p):ts...,_~.lo~m;deowt,The_First„National Rank of Grand Zslan_d
<br />.. . ._.
<br />Bill E. E~oslenY~eck et al ,
<br />did aoirin a tdmw+ee findirop,iAet!$ete is due from___----... ___ _._
<br />.._ . _- _
<br />T?i~ 1`i:st National Bank of Grand Is~.and,Grand Zsland Nebraska
<br />to__. _...._........ _. _...-.-.-._..-___....._._._.,.._.. ...._..___.
<br />.. ._._._ . ........... .._ _.._ ..........,._ .. ..... t1u aura
<br />_ .
<br />~Fori:;, ~.~Tine Thousand Eight Hundred Eight and 221100 ($49,80.8.22) ..d~~
<br />FZfty Two and 80/100 $2.80)
<br />_; mad eaEtgj,aurt tastd at____. ._...~._._ ._ . ~..._. ._ -_._ ~ . .__. ...... _. ._.. _-dollars, und, whereas, d wax then and dhrrt
<br />f~finarderaadin. tae said action fast in default of the pnvment of fhe stern an found due by the said-_... _
<br />frill fi. Hallenbeck et al. Charles F Fairbanks
<br />.._._..._._.___.___ .._.... .. , ___-.. _ ...thaL_
<br />34vi said Hall ...._... shwald taaase the lands arut fearments hrninafter described fa ht
<br />.~4'f ~a~n(v of..__.. _._.. ____.__..___ ._-_
<br />rdsvtirrs and Baldaarard,r~ !o taw to ppaayy the sarm. and. wtterrrs, defau<[ Ixrairag beta. rrwdr therein. !ht said..... .-----...._.. .._._.. _....-_
<br />Charles F. Fal. rtAankS
<br />....---, ShertjT of said cot[nty, antler and br airfaae w rr"ere srid decree and
<br />dAr ardp u mte to hun daH disreltd, did an the ? 8th
<br />f . _ _ _ _.....__..dayrf.._._L}eaembes ._.___.-...._.4.A.f9.$.}...
<br />at tae.-l~a*.rer_Iobby._ ,A`'~ rftltr Cauxty (:aaart Hwrae is me_ t'i tp.. ____._ <>f Grand Island__._..._..__
<br />--- Ha21
<br />ira Brad !,".uarafy of..... ___ .. .......... ..... .__...- _..._.... ..... haeiaq jmal guxn dar rnd fegnl notice of the lime and place of said snle
<br />jtr mart taan tatsty days priarLixerela in theurnd I~lanci.. Daily. IndeD enderi: t. , _"_ ~ a rxwspaper printed and in general
<br />tira'afrditrrr inraid fatataty af.. _ -_-....... }jail _ .. _. self said premimu al pablic nadron do:_The F1rSt
<br />National Bank o f Grand Island ---... j,,,, the yarn of...___ .. ...
<br />(h2e and ~f 100 f $ 7 (}Q } - - V.. _~_dalLxrs, which sale mss afterrrard at tJte-7 ariuarv 1.S t Term ~f said court,
<br />. ,t. D., 19...~.~ caamined and corttrrrcmt and ifas raid. ....._ GYiarLeS F . Fairbanks _.....as saela Sher4jf, ordtred
<br />- _
<br />fa ebmey fhe wid prrrruxs in ju :imp/t m the said... The F:it st .v at ~ onal Rants u f [rand Island
<br />Charles F. 'rairbanks ..her:jJ'aflheCoantyaf
<br />,~~~t1 ~LtIOTt. 1, tdt r4ld..---__.. _ .. ___._ _ ____ _ _ __
<br />._...._ ...............~33.1........~. _.......___.._ar aforesaid, in cansideraliore if thr tu~rmisca and uy rirtere <1 fhc j.Nxttrr:rrlML in nu by kna+ andlhe
<br />detrte of said court. do hta'tdgr Gia, [:rwtt amt f:oaaary to Girt said "'}~ _._. F'.l..~b C `~.s? L 1 OTt al..._Ran k 3 f (.rand I s ]and ,
<br />Grand Island Neb tasks 57.3.C-t:~.5 S.a.~~~a~jir. the pmnisea m as afarerard aotd, la wit:
<br />..,....._... _.___. ___._._. ....?~3~ rastrs3v Twq-Thirds (F,2/3} of Lot Seven
<br />('7) in Bi.ock Sixty-six +~Sb) in the L~ri~;inal. Town,
<br />.._. sow City cif Grand isl..nd,tlall Gounty,^inbrask~a.
<br />_ __ _ _ 4.z . -_ ~pcalffl` f-3f3GliMECiT fiY
<br />A _ ___ _.._..
<br />.......,_.. __ ,~ t*' t F /___ _ ~Tfl+fvSP TAX _
<br />..
<br />__. _ _ -~_~C~_~'~.._ _._... ... .. ....__.....
<br />-._ __
<br />_......,..... .._._. _......,..._. .. __...._. -.___-.._ ._ _._ _.._ __ ..- .. ..._ .......wda Geer appurtenaruxs.
<br />t6a ~abt 8~ t0 ~o~D t~jt ~A1R! urdotheaaid..- 1'he First National Bank of Grand
<br />': T.sland,Grand ~s and,~vehra~ka
<br />;. ...._....~..e..._......:.. ., ..:.._ +~.......:..._ __ ..__.... . __ -__.._____._~ heirr and auigru, arwi fo thcrrt and 11zev au and behoaf joreaer.
<br />~~- ~ It~0iC1+ LVy.~Ctpf..I lame, as arch Star' aerexuslo set _.. 13th
<br />,Ja- aQ', my lwnd this.. ._ ..._.. _....__. -...-.,./__~_. day of
<br />~.: ^` ...ate'....` .°-`~ ~ ._._... ,. _ .. %
<br />_.1. __..
<br />.`. ` E:carulr.J aru{ <:rtirastd in Idtc prt+aenor ~ It 31 ~
<br />'- SaerijF of_~.. .._... ...... ......__.-.._ _ ....C~+aray, ,Yrbraska.
<br />R.L., `v1 i j,_~3r~vc
<br />p p~ [, ~j -~-.-~C..~.p ~....... _.. _.__.._.__....._ _.. .__ ._ , ~ .
<br />". lit .}anuary
<br />...._ .
<br />~+7~L Fit ~ Onlaas.,.. ........._ . ~syoj_...... ..... ._ .._
<br />----°- f9 ._`~"~„ h~cla+re ass,Jxe urutersignsd.... Rodg~e r L 'r<111 Iamaa .
<br />__. _.._
<br />QMwwMllf-l~sailr..lr .. ._ .._ __.. ._...
<br />1lp0gRti l.. WlLiJAtA~ ,ai arul.F~ said rnuraiy, perstaraity appawrd Ent saad _
<br />;IRril~ear-~llrtxti~.891a r Charles f Fairban1.s
<br />----^'---^-'.'~-. . - _. ._._.. ...._... ... _ _ .._ . ._ _ Cihrsij~ ~ oats C:ouraly:
<br />'u t- a ;o c rtt ide'raf3aai peraraxa u.~aa sryrurct Ehr nxyraix~ uutr[vncral us vrankx. and
<br />a 9 !1 .,.~:r !a err e4,.t auunfwy auE and +fera$+ ns erch w~arrrlF, fa^ ltat asea uead purpvaem
<br />~. ..a,. ~. tiac.c.n av,~r <
<br />i~~~/ ~~`.'1~3~ . vy duFUt and uya•~u::..vtL fns a4r{r auut +-Ur ,.,ara
<br />