~ !--va~rpaaetueMa AW.+wivoaa+;p wxera+vty- c~ai tits vsasa144St~
<br />The Htt}fan.a aan+.ual BuPPt! rtauw, m.kneoFm. 3: •hs.
<br />~AlV9. .~r.'3i-i. ata8t +JW.Y 1~ +.?.tiW. V2:3W 1.r.t.A~".~di ~{~ay
<br />a earpartL3iaxt organised and caieting xt,~d$r ~md 4y vitae a£ the lens a£ the Mate of 2'~EPRiISFCt~
<br />in canaideratianof T~f'~i~ AITd#E _ t~ T°~C3 DgLZA~:; (99L.QQ~
<br />'~ received frium grantee, dads grant. bargain. sell, convey and ean£irm ante
<br />j R(}°la }1Y!~td ,~FiLIIx~ A23~3 C:,Y: I:Y2~Pi SRAl3A~ litSl ~l~ T'~i'E
<br />~1
<br />~ as jnint ienaaxts with right of starvcorship, an3 net as tenants irr camman, the faltaning described real: propexty in
<br />Gaanty, BALL ' 3tE13R.lLSKA
<br />IYVFS F31`5 ~£~lI~TSZOlY, E?AZ,L ~ll~~s ".taftS~
<br />( p4{. ,'dE~FU~Sd(4 S]t7CUR11E3V$AR`C
<br />tti ~Y: STkP~4P "4-~lX
<br />--v~~a
<br />„~ ~:
<br />(/
<br />'Fo have snd to hold ,,=he :atxave described premises to~ethcr ,sith all tenements, hered'ttaments sad appar-
<br />tenait;e"5 t;«!ra~'u tselangin{~ data the gtsnterx and to clseir .tssigtrs. or to the heirs and assigns af. the. sanlvor of
<br />tt1°rL IOrF'l'S'r_
<br />,lad. t!raatar for itelf and its snceessars dies i±<rafsy ~=~svenani a it.h the y;;rantees and with. t4leir assigns and
<br />scith ti;~ lairs and.assi{~txs of theatiarvivax a£ tnem ?hat grantor is tawfaLty seised o£ said }sretraises, that they are
<br />free.:1'rom eacambranee ?rki.~f3:ti"t s Alm ~ST:4Str'i`T Ol'' 8~+~
<br />,.Itst ~raiafar has gaad right. and latxfat antharity to caasvec• the same; and that grartttsr tearzaatts and. Yvtl defend
<br />t.~~ ti;1N to said ~rremises a;gainat the iasrfnl r.-tainss of ztil pr_rsotcs tiriramsaerer.
<br />lt. is Lhe +ntenziasa. of all paxties itermtn that in the z*z~e=tt cif ihe± deAth ae either of the uranteKS, t$e enure
<br />ree .impt4, title to the cent estat:~: sitali bNSt rrt the xarcising;irantee.
<br />3 tt 3ritness whereof„ gratrtar Psas F,~rrtsr:tt3 c.aarsed e* i;<,rgrrsratte aka trs be taf£ixed nand these. ;;resents tiigned
<br />`~ ESF YtC Prrsldenf:.
<br />t ^
<br />~( bated 9 lxt LF1.
<br />{
<br />~ tsf ''.. J". a'it:ffZt~~~.":-!'~11~7~--r~.....F':esideut
<br />j 8T,'!7`g ~ ,i• =~`Efiat .. . , ...... ;oauty ;sf. u.~T'T : . ..... .......... .
<br />lef:rre me. a rutarp puLli~.tFirali-"acct an sait§ epant5-. ~,erst,nztiir came ~`a~~~t'•~ i"tc4T...a
<br />... l'reJldeat 4f
<br />t ,.
<br />~-- ~_'. CQ!~`P~'S' C'PTn` G£7. y , a car;zaratiun
<br />[~aawn La ~e tp ba the Yre^ciLts~nL zead identical persata µt3a sirrzssd zlxe Paregaiag instxnment, and acltnatviedged the
<br />~eaectaLi~u ?hz^tw~ t , ~.},;a cc,E!tn;sa•,. slit sued deed asa suc:u c3ffieer and the calntstan; act nand died tsf ai,l earpo-
<br />ration and that t*s cnrparste seat was thereta aifized by i>,;; xatizcrity.
<br />E_.
<br />[~ ituett+ro :r,, hard tt:td ratariul sea! an.. X. ~ ........ ... .............. ly. ng ...
<br />r _
<br />.. ' . '. !~' s. ! ! . \ rttary I'ublse.
<br />~.1- soxtaazais~oa cxpi. _ : $ttFCgs~t,F~,1pMt-14„ 3~i,:.... Iy .... - _
<br />~Ta~l~7 r,dF ..........................
<br />_~
<br />.u.>se+•ci axe :xasara~eaisa+1~x Gnat fileel fzsr rerctrd r ~§.= Iter ~t.~r ;" I?t:e~,'_., (1; `ice of ssaitl t+~nnty the
<br />3ar .fL . , _ !3......, at, 0 2
<br />ldt*~.c, 4e~•,i.s.....
<br />9i< . 1eusrtk~
<br />