<br />K°#)W R:~S, AY TkiES~ Pi2RS5r 'That giperittr Mortgage, Inc". a corparatioa, the
<br />pax-t~ ~af the first gaxt,; its consideration of the s°~n of Porte sib t~ ~
<br />fi~:t~ and *b/SOtS ---°-°^---^°°l~0].7.ars, to it in txand paid Y
<br />CtJl~tPRNy, P o Rnx 78g, tiaterlao, Iowa St~70A a Coxpoxntion. the paxty of the' second:
<br />part, roccipt r+tsereof is hereby aeknexvledged, has wanted, assic~ed and transfsxred,
<br />and, by ±hese presents does grant. assc,~ and transfix unto: its gtnccessors and.
<br />assigis, a certain Trust Deed,-wherein the ss~3 Supexiax Mortgage's Inc. is
<br />aeneficiarp, Gerald R Die and-Chezyt:2~. Lade, Htsband and' i~2ife is
<br />Tn~stor, and Lawyer's Title Insurance is Trustee, which Trust
<br />Deed wgs dated the. 3Qth day esf Decentrer , I9 82 _ _r and-recorded.
<br />the 30th day of Dec~nber I4` 82 , doeuarant tt 81-fl0~332
<br />c€ the !tartgage Records of I~13 J Caaanty, laekszaska, a~ aIY its
<br />riot, ti.ti.e interest to the property therein described., as follows,.... to-wit:'
<br />Part of Lot 18, Geer 9,:hdivision of Lots b, 7, and 8 0 Garzett's 9abdvision
<br />a part of the:. Fxtst Che-half (7/~} of Section 9. 7bwnship ll, North, Rand 9, Gtest
<br />of the Cth P.fii. , Hs12 County, Nebraska, arn3 :mr:~ particularly described ; as:
<br />'t'hat portion:: of Lot I8 lying 3~vth of the sovther2y line of 2Dth Street except'
<br />far the southern. 25 feet, therecf, in 111 Cotuzty, Nebraska
<br />2bgether with. the prn~issory note therein described, and the :~::ey due: or to :2eo~e
<br />due thereunder,, iztctu3ng intexestcthezeon, subject only to the provisions
<br />of said Trust Deed therein contained,
<br />IN WS7`NESS EOF, The 5~=rior Mortgage, Inc. a corporation, has caused this.
<br />tissicycmeat, of T,r~t Deed to be es~cnted by its President., and attested by its
<br />Vice President, arnd its corporate. seal to be hereunto affixed tizis 24th
<br />day of January 19 82
<br />Si3i'EitIQR l~TJR'i°G AGE, INC, ~j)
<br />- ~ - _ s S. Reeei. President
<br />. _ - /
<br />Fsttest: ~ j;,e,,,t,~yl.•
<br />,,,,?t.., ~ R, S. Lancaster, Vice President
<br />S`S7SfiE OF MF.3tA
<br />} sS.
<br />CO~TlFTY OF iIRLi, }
<br />:h this 19th.. _ day Qf Jaauarv 19 82 __ , before me a
<br />not~r,+ public only issicrx~d and quatifad in and €or said county and state:.
<br />personally cane the -above: named 3ames S. Reed, President, and R, S. Lancaster,
<br />vice President of ~g~icz TtGxtg'n9e. Inc.. who ase personalty known to me to the
<br />the identical arsons rrhage sa3mes are affixed to the above Assignment of Trust
<br />deed as .~ Prasicient and Vice President of said coxporaton axu3 the.~v ackna/+ledge
<br />the inatrvsent tta Ae their-voluzxtary asst and deed and the wlvrrtary act and deed.
<br />.- 4f sold rocpQratiesa..
<br />wi:°S~IESS a+y :~ttd_z+nd cyfficiat seal,. at Graaxi Island, ~;[s said county, ttce date
<br />efc~zeaaid ,,(~~ -'% ,
<br />~.. ~ ~, ~. ~ yr, .. _ 7
<br />~ntary Public
<br />;~y cz~ai,saiv-~ ~s~ires: ~~t.~ust 2~, .~'~ ~'
<br />Rets~rn ta: ~~rior [9wr::~ngv,, Inc,
<br />€ Q P+67c Eby
<br />Gr:31xi ',.3taptl, :lE 6°tl3St3i
<br />