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<br />ASSTGitlM flF MdRA'G,4~ Gor€xaratian ~°`^~ <br />s~, ~1 ~; ~ <br />11CNQisP ALL M~ I3Y ~I3ESE P1~ESF..t7R°s, xhat saperior Martgage, Tcrc. a carpal ~tion, <br />ths~ party of the first part, in consdezaton of the sum of Ch$rtY eight thousand <br />~~ :'~n~g"°"°'-"-'°~°°- t~llars law€ud, money of the United states of Iunerica, <br />to it in haz7d paid by BANC.d t~DR1GAt~ Ctl~AtsY, t'a O. Hex 780, Waterloo, Iawa, 5~J7o3 <br />a Ca~~oration the party of t2se second'part, at or before the ensealiztg and <br />delivery of these presents, receipt whereof is hereby:aeknoaledged, has granted, <br />bargained, sold,. assa.gaed, transferred, and. set.. aver, and.,.. by these presents, does <br />grant, bargain, se11, assigp,.transfer, transferred., and set. over..urtato the said <br />party of the'second part, its svacessors and assigns, a certain IAIDEN'iSRtE Oi' <br />Pf~Tla1'~GE', Searing date 29th afI~cember , I99Y , Retarded" <br />AQCane:nt ;' 91-fl663U1 of the Mortgage Records of Ha31 rouzaty, <br />Nebraska and made by Xevn H. P~aaze}s, a single person to <br />~p~ior kortgage, Inc. and all its right, title and intexest to the premises <br />th~reiss described, as follows, to-wte <br />Iot Four (4 ), Itrtash 3xbdivsion, Hall County, :3ebraska <br /> <br />R`ogether with the note ttkerein dR:scx'ibed, and. the :raney due or to become dne <br />th±erexaader, including interest thereon, '?'Q tLAVE AND 2X7 ROI17 the same unto the <br />safd party of t:~ secoiad pa-, its sucoassors a, u assi~s forever, subject aaly <br />to the: prrnrisions" of said ZNDS,~PC7RE dF td7R2Y~AGE therein contained. <br />And:-the party of the first part, does hereby i~rake, constitute and appoint <br />rite s$ei party of the seconi3 part, its true and lawful attorney, irrevocable, <br />in its name, or otherwise, but. at their av~m proper costs and charges, to have., <br />nse, and. "take all lawful ways and means for the recovery of the said money <br />and interest, and,. in case at paymient, to discharge the same as the party of <br />tht? first Dart r<ngtzt, ar could da, i.~ these presonts were not made. <br />123 'ldlis5 WHF.s'TEu^k', 5u~erior ri4artgage, inc.. a corporation of the &tate of <br />Pebraska has caused this Assignment of Mortgage to be execrated by its President <br />and attested by its Vice tresident and its Corporate. Seal to be hereunto affixed <br />the 19th day of ,~anuary in the year 29 92 , <br />.~y.~, .... ~5. <br />. S'[iYk:~ti(7kt M7R2GASE, INC. <br />rat Y. <br />_ / 3ames S, Tteed, President <br />r <br />~' Rttest: ~c <br />R, S, Lancaster, Vice President <br />.ate of tiebraska } <br />_~ county of HaiY } <br />,~ t7n this 14th; day of January , 19 82 ~ before me, a Zv'otary <br />...a rublic, duly c~>ati.ssiaued exact qualified in exact far said trsvnty and State, Personally <br />cau~ the above Weaned Tamc'.s S, Reed, President, and R, S, Lancaster, Vice President, <br />of the 9.3p.sior vortgage, Inc, wkroo are personally knawaa to me to be the <br />identical ;.arsons whose noes are affixE.d to the abate assignnsent of '2ortgac~ <br />3s the President anst Vice. ?resident of said mrpoxatican, and they acknawledgect <br />tn~ inatrum~;at to 'be their ves3untary act and decd, and the tvl:~antary act and deeii of <br />the slid u`sxrxxration, <br />xs2*r~s5 rev °~.a:rd ,.~ official seal, in Grand Island, in said County, the <br />aatk ag4.~w~.i~. <br />t ~~ _i <br />rxst~r~ Pu~alac: <br />?~y aba~pY ~. i;.z v~ r~~>irs lta ~;am.t 1_. 1364. ~.. <br />°!crt:iz° t~dc .~„_ i ~~ "t9K'L+~iii€~~*, Ir.~:, <br />