<br />JOaNT ~~xANC~ WARRAN~r DEFiD
<br />t3g73MAnt"W. HAt3SSE2d and 'PHEL,t~1 L. HAN$SF.N, husband and wife, HAROLD L.
<br />f3AA755EN an*3 BONNIE L. HANSSEN, husband and wife., and FdZLLI5 J. HAFSSE2~ and
<br />SliA8f3N ai. HANSSEN, husband and wife, GRAI~t'PUR5, i.n consideration- of supple.-
<br />meriting the Suzvworshp tiarranty Deed filed in the. records of Hail County,
<br />tiei~raska, oar May 13, 1.971, in Book 164 of Deeds., at page 241D, without
<br />additlol?a'a C®AffiideratiQn, convey to WII,LIS J. 4~TISSEN and. SHARfJN M, HANSSSt3,
<br />Husband anid'wi~e, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common (two of the
<br />~f'iANTt1R:~) , GRAN3'EE.S the fol lowing described real estate (as def iraed in
<br />Section 76--2iT1, R.l2.S. 1943) in Hall County, Nebraska;
<br />Aa undivi.ded one-third (1/3} interest in the South One Half of
<br />the Northwest quarter (S~ NG7~t} of Section Fiv° (5}, Township.
<br />Twelve (12} Nort2a, Range Tweive (12} West of the 6th ~.M., in
<br />Ha11 County, Nebraska,
<br />ssilaject to easements and restrictions of record,
<br />GRiANTO~2S covenant with GRANTEES that:
<br />1. GRTGfRS are lawfully seised of the real estate;
<br />2. The>real estate is free from encumbrances;
<br />3:. GRANTC}12S have legal pawer and larrrui authority to convey the real.
<br />estate;: and
<br />4. GRANTORS: warrant and w3l defend the title to ttre real estate against
<br />the lawful --Maims of all persons.
<br />Dated:: January ~_, 1982.
<br />`~~`'T~~S ~s: ~:trt.dzt.vt.., ,_. Sfn.~ .~../_~_.''^_ al"'. ~,~.,.-~ ° , "~" °'---~'~~ f l --~ n _
<br />(ttarrrtan tc:, lian~sen} (ltarold L, yFioan~sJsen} (~7illxs ./~H'ans€~sfen:}
<br />'Chelma L. A nssexi} .Ronnie L. Hansen} 5 arnn M. Hansen}
<br />sT7aTE CF DiEF4$AS[CA, CL}C?aRi2"1 C7F H;z~.1+L:
<br />The foregoing instruttnt wat~ acknowledged before me an January ~,
<br />1932,. t}y £4orman W. lIanssen ants` `fhelsisa L. Hansen, husband and wife, two of
<br />file GRAt`iTOF.S.
<br />~~`Iatril~~Y
<br />f ~11~1
<br />~~
<br />Notary Pu lid c
<br />_ `L;se *Gregong 3.nst.rurment was ack:~owle~ged 5s£ore ~ on January t<l.
<br />~~'9~<, by Harold' L. Sansse:: and Sonai.e. L. ?ian~sen, husband and wife, two of
<br />~e GRAN2i312S.
<br />NF.
<br />.~: ~~~ ..
<br />`"~ -s ~~ ~ _ Nt~t,3 ~f ~ lic
<br />~TATL' v~ ~IEBFsA$ICR, CC3CfA1~Y Of' i#:AL_L:
<br />The foregoing instrsxnt was acknowledged More: >ne can Janssary
<br />~sb2,. b f Ydil i;.u ~iarassen asad Sharon M. Hansen, h'€xskaand and wife, two of
<br />tk'ES i;,F1h3iTCi4L~.
<br />
<br />