<br />
<br />nOIiMAN w., EtANSSEta acad. THBLMA b. HANSSEN, husband and wife, HAROLD;,L.
<br />H~t55E.iv asad BONtv'IE L. HANSSEN, husband and wife, and WILI.3S 3. IANSSEN and
<br />SHARDA' h~. ?iaCvSSEN, husband and wifey GRANTt7I2S., in consideration of su~+ple--
<br />rrentiir~y the Bur*>isrorshi}a Cdarxanty geed- filed in the records of fall County,
<br />Nebraska, on May 19, 19?3, in Book 1b4 of Deeds, at page 240, without:..
<br />additio.r_al cons<idesaton, convey to N4RNlA~N W. HANBSEN and THELMA L. HANSSEN,
<br />t-~usbar..d and wife,. as ;Dint tenants and not as tenants in common: (two of the
<br />~Rr1N1C>RS), CR~TISES',, the fallowing described real estate (as defined in
<br />Secticn ?5-201:, R.R.S. 1943 in Hall County, Nebraska.:
<br />An-undivided one-third (I/3) interest in the South One Half of
<br />the Northwest. Quarter (S~ i~[-) of section F_ve {5), Township
<br />Twelve (32} A+3orth, Range... Twelve (32) West a€ the 6tb P.M., in
<br />Hall County,. Nebraska,
<br />subject to easements and restrictions o€ record.
<br />C+"EtA1JTt)RS covenant with GRANTEES that:
<br />1. GRA1+iTQRS are lawfully seised of the real estate,
<br />2. The real estate is free from encumbrances;
<br />'s. f>~tAAi's°'€3iiS have .legal dower anal lawsul authority to convey t,`~e real
<br />:estate; and
<br />4. t,~tAi1TTCJRS warra.~t and will defend the title to the real estate against
<br />the lawful claims of all persons.
<br />Dated: .Tanuary ,~ 1982. /~tS
<br />~{ orma~n '~v. xanssen) GHarald N. ~3anssen) (Willis xarssen)
<br />~' ` ~,t~/ ice, ~xKl.~~~s.~,.~,~' z~',~, ~:.~,~,-
<br />~2`helma L. Hansen) Bonna.e kianssen) (Sharon M. Pianssen
<br />the foregoing instrument was acknowledged.. before ~ on January fir' ,
<br />y82, by rForn~an W. Hansen and sd2elma L. Hansen, husband and Wife, two o£
<br />ts1e C;r,AI3TOF.S.
<br />4is4f1~'Rt19f No ry public
<br />mhe foregon, instrl:.~nent wars acknowledged before she on 3anuary 1'~ P
<br />2.952, by Haxa3d:l.. rianstsen and Bonnie b. Iians:sen, husbazad and wife, two of
<br />the i~RAtd?'ORS.
<br />r ~nra~r-wry*~w...M
<br />_ E JililgNd r ry ~ !,
<br />S:Afi~ UF' ~lE~R.hfifCA, ~JUi`i~Y ,~yk ~TAfI.:
<br />~, ";: he `orez~uing instrum~snt was: a~owledg~cP be€oxe e orz 3ar~uary /~ ,
<br />198l, P.~y ti~il lis ~~ . F3_~r+ss,~n an<i :~'s::~.~s3n. AS: Hsnss~?~, tiusbard aneP wife, two csf
<br />tr"tp Gi~AN'CU~.
<br />