<br />~;
<br />'This mortgage made and entered into this 8th day <if Januazy _
<br />14 ~~= _, hyandbctwrcn C, Daxyl Eiaxter and Sallie 3axter, husi,and and wife
<br />(hereinafter neferred'tq as mortgagor) and Commercial National Bank aad Ttust Company-
<br />(hereinafter referred to as
<br />mortgtaee?, who maintains an office and place of business at 42A'Y"3~st Third street in Grand fsland,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />W1TtaeSSErH, that for ?hc consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the mortgagor
<br />does hereby tnortgtye, sell, grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagee, its successors and assigns, all of the fol-
<br />lowing described property situated and being in the County of hall
<br />State of Nebraska.
<br />Narthrrest Quarter (FIWk) of Section Three C3), Township Eleven (11) North, Range 'Pen (lll) ,
<br />Weal of the 6th P,M„ in Ha.1l County+ Nebraska, excepting a rectangular tract in the
<br />Southwest corner cf said Northwest Quarter"{Plti`si1 consisting of approximately one-half
<br />acre wltich is deeded away and a ;rata eontai:ni.ng two acres 'mare or less, 3eseribed as
<br />follows: The Westerly One Hundred Eaghty-Seven feet (W187") of the Northerly Four Hun-
<br />-, dred Sixty Five and EigI~.ty-Eight Hundredths feet (N4&S,SBT~ of the Northwest Quarter of
<br />the Northwest Quarter (NW'YNtr'h}. of Secta.anThxee: C3}.., in Township:>:Ieven (il) North, Range
<br />Ten (IO), West of the 6th P_M., in Ha11 County, Nebraska, subjeet'to any easectents, re-
<br />strictions, public roads, and rightsiof way.; of record or ptherwise
<br />and`
<br />N~NIi~ ~-I1-1D Hall County, fieb~ra&ka,
<br />All containing 237 acres ttx~re'ar less.
<br />together with all [its tenemottts apd'appuriensnces Fhertto!bel4ng'tttg, al} ttte tints, issues. and•prafits !hereof, and all
<br />casements, rights, royalties; mineral. "oil and gas rights and profits; water, water rig}tts, and water stock, and including
<br />ail hwtin`, piurnbing, refrigeration, lighting, afuipment 'and aiY fixtures of every description belonging to the
<br />mongagor now or hereafter attached therao ar used in cetntaationvrith the>premises herein described and ir, add[tion"
<br />thereto the following described properties ~fihicfr att and:shali be deemed Io be fixtures and a part of the realty, and
<br />are a portion aC the security For the indebtedness herein stated. pf none, stato "none"1
<br />To have and to hood the same unto the Mortgagee, as herein provided:
<br />The mortgagor is-lawfully seized and possessed of and has [he right to sell and convey said property; that the
<br />same is fm from all rncumbranees except as hercinabove recited; and that Mortgagor covenants to warrant and
<br />defend the title aforesaid nc~reKO and every part therrnf agains[ the claims of all pccsons whomsoever.
<br />This instrtuttent is givers to secure the payment oC a promissorynotesdated 12f14181 • 1/6/92: _ 3 i 3/~__
<br />in-the principal sum of 5~4...Str2.52 ___, signed by ~ '~a y1~'i=rter, r~_~a~ry> >Iichael and
<br />7 n~ sall?P aax Pr Deborah Baxter
<br />in behalf oE~ ~iY - ------
<br />also, as such rota. or rota may from time to time be modified, renewed or extended in writing.
<br />in the event the title to said real estatr is transferred, or rnntracted to be transferred, from the undersigned Cor any,
<br />r~aon or by any tndhod whatsoever, the entire principal sum and accrued interest shall at once bttotnt due and
<br />payabk at itre election rsf the :colder hereof. failure ?n exercvse this option because of transfer of title as above stated.
<br />in onei~unce shall not COnt[]tutt a waiver of the right =.o exeruse the same in the even? of any subsequent trar;sf~r.,
<br />t. Tito mortgagor covc~ctartts acrd agrtza a foltvws:
<br />a. Tp prompt[v pay the indebtedness evidenccri by said promissory rule at t?te tines and in the' ittantmr
<br />thetrrn provided.
<br />b, Tts pay all rues, asaessntents, wtter raie_s, and other g:nernmental or muari~~ipal charges, find,.. or
<br />amprs34ticur ,for wbsch provision has ;rot been :nadr frerrnbefore, and a•~f pnrttp.dv deliver the n?ficizil re,eiPte
<br />thercfc+r its lire said mart=atic:_
<br />C. To f+ay cuCh exixn~ acrd fees as may !>,c itrctrrrss3 its 'n< ; rotection irnd ::trintenanrt ~>f ~tid Z~rolr-rte,
<br />itELl+ucfipg t.ttt fees crE' arap attorney etnployctl by rite [reortgagee Ior tke caiiectic*n era anv nr ai( of the intiiehtt~dnes.
<br />7teYr#n gees°utrd. ~~; far>rsaaaute• try rtt.rlgpgec'~ •«~k, nv ct.e.. ~ r.n_n sztl=r<, ~~r :a a::v r hrr :itiktna„r~ co-- }>r~x, ti+ir,,:
<br />