<br />dT;3T~~, {?F' 1~aI~St~i, C:QEYL1S,i` $E ...................................................:
<br />J4 +ie~:~4$ ZQSSOrQE. RA .......~.~.» .................. 'a.R ...«... &$ ........... ........... O `e~aC~C ......,...............„. .~Sf' . t~
<br />and xx~3ordad in:ths heed Rxcord _ ................................ Pa{ye ........................,.... ~'~e..~~) ~ ~ ~. ~ /
<br />....... ..........» . ....«.....,,.. By .. ... ....... ,..... ..,..
<br />......w. ............... .......... ..... .............. ..... ..,...». ......,......
<br />tieansL~etr*a-0~I3tereds ng~~c~yy}-~ A ~~ ~...L~7eyrg~nYCvgRegister o~fyDeet3a
<br />~7S1~ Y ~V~a3TY~Y" ~t~it.LU7i1'lt .i i ~~~L/
<br />also kno~rtt as Dflaaid, H. Buckner
<br />Dogs H. Buoknertat~d Dora l;. 3uckaer eat~i in his or her aw~:a righ~L and as spouse of the otYeer
<br />hereincalled the grantor whether one ar iuore,
<br />is aausideration of P'if'~y-$i(~ttt Thousand atxl Of?fltX)' Dollars
<br />received from grantees, does grant, ttargasa, seta convey and confirm n,..a
<br />klcharcl L. Cola and: Elaine l~. Cole, hnshand a*td trift~
<br />nx: jaia`t: tsnanta with right of eursivotship, aad not as tenants in common, the fallowing. described real
<br />property is ......._.._.._........Ali'Ly ............................ Count^, tictaraska:
<br />5TA7~itF3VT A"iT.4~H~~
<br />l ; t~.RASi4ll: ~f..~'AR^f.
<br />.~A~~ 19 ~~~?
<br />~~
<br />I
<br />Lot El:evaia (ll} in Sack. Boss Horse Countrg Clnb
<br />Second Sutadivision in Ha1,3 Gountyy Nebrasks,;,beiag
<br />a tract of land comprising a pant a£ the. southsveat
<br />quarter (} of Section 1`wo C~), Township Elevetr
<br />(ll) North, Ratsge Ten C1Q) West a€ the 6th P.&1
<br />Td have and W hold the above deseritad lremiaes together with all. venements, hereditameata
<br />and app3artensnces thereto belorsgiug Hato the ¢t°satees and to their aesigus, or to the. heirs. and ensigns
<br />ai the survivor of them forever.
<br />And grantor does hereby .cvenant with tlse grantees and with thew a~igns sad with the heirs
<br />and s~~xsa of the sura~icor o£ them ihst grantor is lawfully ceiyed of said ~remisea that. they are free Yram
<br />e~hrsnce sab~ect'ta easnts and restriFtions of record subject to the unpaid
<br />bslnnee of m mortgage of record in the ssmt of $42,& in Favor o£ 'dcxae ]Eetleral Savings
<br />& moan ~f' Grattcd. Zaland. W
<br />that grant~ir has $and right snd lawful autlaarity to convoy iise same; and ttaat grantor rt~arrauts and will
<br />defeat? the Lille to said premises against, the lawfai chinas <>f 2ii fir-rsaats whanrsaez•er.
<br />Tt a :the uatention o£ all parties -aereto that. in the event of tho death aY either of the grantees,
<br />the-rnur~ fee title. tin this: real garaperta ahall vest in life surviving grantee.
<br />.tea , ~- ~ ~~ ~
<br />©~€Ee.~ ~a~ 't
<br />S`T3TF< OF ...i~?S,[113A~~iA~....................T._.....,, E:ouaty of ._ ......._. ...._....~.._...._._...._.:
<br />l3efate one, a a~tarp rnhile qu?tli~t+ed for said county, gully name
<br />alsa a.rsoxra aza ;rsnald H, Buckner
<br />d. Bttocner/ ~d Doaaa ?i, Buckner coca an leis o2' Her rssea- right atad as spouse of the at#~+er
<br />Jcnovra to uFe to h~ thr~ ir;e=atiexI p~~rra» r,: gtera5trs wha.mtigned the Yoregaiag iastnament and acknvwl«3ged
<br />the ezecukSoo thert~sy!' ,`.n be hix. fret or tnmia cain~ytary iaeS-and deed.
<br />_. ~ ~
<br />~~~i csatsrisl .~.~:a: o:i .... iash?~-~ .... ~ ~ I9
<br />,~''c ~ar,~~,,xtr.Se:~`r'E~~ ~.ok.~.4,~:~c~,......~~". .~..'`: 1it?~' ~' ,_...... ~' -r~r ~?~tti~ie
<br />~...."w".,a,.a„~,.r t :qtr nn . ~x~~rax exgrsr+ex .,.._. _.. ~ ....».....W........, . 1~ ..............
<br />1; .~ rc>~ r:, ~ ~} ~,w. ~~" r r'e~~.. E:.a, ~ , ~ n a ~ ~ _ rain a ar~sr+~,. aas~a,~. ~a.a .
<br />