<br />ST~~'f~ O l+fs`i~, Connt ~t .............................................._......,.:
<br />h".ilad for reoazx# sect enfrsx~o-i ~ Nameriesl ladaz
<br />cea ._._ ................._..._.._........................_. a# ................ a cYoek ................ ~Sf..
<br />and re=eardmd is x3eoei $eoord _....._ ...................... Page ......................,.......
<br />.... ...._ ............................ By .................,........................,........
<br />Coxinty-Clerk,ar Drepaty Caunty Clerk or
<br />I~sgister of Deeds Deputy 12egister of Deeds
<br />
<br />W~~R'A~tTY P.~FD
<br />GORDCIliT' R. WII:I}E and BERNIGE S, WITDE, txtrsband and wife, each in his
<br />and, ties own r3g;kxt and as spouse ~f' eactx other
<br />, herein. es2led the grantor whether..oae or rrrre>
<br />in conaideratian of SEVEfvTEEN THOITSA:~iD .AND AIU,/ 3 UUTHS DOLLARS ($ i 7 , jL1U . UU }
<br />reeeived iron grantee, daea grant. bargain., sei3, convey and eonfirm ants JFRRY G. DIR~IMITT,
<br />a siaxgle Berson
<br />herein. eaIled the grantee wheiher one or more, the €ai3owing described real property is
<br />.........._...Hall ............................... Goaaty, Nebraska:
<br />Tots EiEI?t t~}_ Nine (y}, Ten {70}, Eleven (t1}
<br />axxrl Twelve ~i~}, in ?31oak hive (~}, in firnwn's
<br />Addition to tlxe 1~iliage o#' ptlda, Hall C;otinty,
<br />;~lebra aka ,
<br />Ta have aad to hold the akxave described premises together with aU teaements, hereditaments
<br />and appurtenances thereto beianging unto the grantee and to grantee's heirs and assigns forever.
<br />~Yad the grantor does hereby cavenant with the grantee aad with grantee's heirs.... and aeaignr:
<br />that gxaatar is lawfulir seised of said premises; that tisey are free fram enenmbrance except for
<br />e~ssements ~rnd restrictions crf rccortS
<br />that trrantar bas good right and iawfu3 authority to oaavey the same ; and that grantor warranPs and wifll
<br />defend': the title to said premises against tixe lawful ~ laiax;q of aiP persons whomsoever.
<br />,,%t [f a
<br />i/~ , f.-
<br />C,nrdon Ft, Wilde
<br />,, ;
<br />,~ ,~. ,
<br />.. ..... .... ..._ ..:t.......
<br />Bernice I. Tlilde
<br />:~TA'FE rJF ~TI3RASiaB.< Caxxxxty_of ~ .....................a3.i...........,.............
<br />k~fore nee, a aetary perb?ie clfealified far said cannty, persaaai3y came
<br />GOTiFJ~??d R. kILDE and 3ERiv°IGE ~. kTTLDE, heasband rattd wife, e:acl'a in Ili.s
<br />~3nd iat:r €~kre raght and as si>ouse of eackr other
<br />~~
<br />j ~E~t3RASi'~ ~J?JatitEi~TA€2Y_ ~ P~~
<br />~ ~i
<br />~si~~xe t~^~ rrxe "to be the identical person. or l+en~ans wha s€gtxed the
<br />for z~,roing i3xatrixment and. acknawiedged tfxe ezec>ntian thereof to he .axis,
<br />~. °~' ~. t.~r ~ r #~eir volrrnrg act and deed.
<br />~Vtir.e,~ my hma<i aad natarxzb seal ~n .....': `r `l`; f~ ?..f. .........:....
<br />`~
<br />. F { 4`
<br />~~"~~~YM _:...,.,.''ear~;' fs..i , ,.. .n..~:,.~ f ~. ......... .:... tiataxy l~Sfl.Ykie
<br />~':xF're Fi[±t=rUr~ .- 'vc ~ ~a=3;A rv _,_ - ... :.: Y'KCUar R WmCt t}s,. SJiwia. Nam
<br />