f^- 'this 7e'Eortgr~ tsentered into t~hc^renL'nt~ ~, Eh.iErs anal Glenxta R, Eht.nrs, Husband anxlT: f e
<br />1 _?ach to '-tis and !:or own ri~Zhc and as spouse of. the other ih~i~.•tlyurtgaguc")siad
<br />Five ?Dints kanec
<br />.~ .-._ ___~ -___ _~,w__ (herein "Mortgagee";.
<br />!+tortgatgor is indebted to Mortgagee ttt the':gsritldpal sumof$ ~1,50D:OQ ,evideneedhy'Moitgagor's note
<br />dared - '~13fi2 -~~ therein "Note"j'proriding for pgYmenta of principal and interest, with the balance of the
<br />indebtedness, it net sooner paid, dtae antl.payabie nn. 3u3y 17 , 1982 ,
<br />'i'esrcurr the pacment of floe Note, with~interest asptovidedtherein,.the:payment of alI othersums, with~intetest,.
<br />advanced by Mortgagee to protect lhe'sretaxitirof this Mortgage. and the perfotnaance of fife covzeants end agaeements o[
<br />for :titertgagut curtained herein, i~Yort~or-does.'!*erc2i~+ mortgage sad c~ttvey to Mortgagee the foilowiug described
<br />pmpeag tooted •in _ Aa13 County,: Nebraska:
<br />Loc. Seventeen !1-1, in Black Three (3), in [.e Heights Second Subdivision,
<br />flat: ~;e~ur,ty, `iet~>;as'vca, being, a part o£ Lhe Yk~NW~ of Sectinrr 11, 'Powrtship
<br />11 +iort'r., Rare; e I'3" t'Jest of the 6th P.l£. > Hall County, TMFehraslca.
<br />TaRether svitb sli bt[Sdines. t[npronrmenta, Cixtttres, streets. alleys, oav9ageways; oasements, rights. privileges and
<br />appnrtetunees torsted thereon or m anywriie pertaining thrnto, and tier runts issues and proCrts, reversioaa and remaindars
<br />;breed(; inclndiag, but trot titnited to heating and .mollttg equspmrnt and. such personal property that.. is attached to the
<br />improtenetf tt ao ar to cornlimte a t»xture; all of wttitdx; including replacements and additions ihemtd; is hereby dedtird
<br />to be a put of tLr test estate Saieuted by ttte lien of this Mortgage and all of ttie foregoing. ling reterted to-berem as the
<br />..property.,.
<br />Iitoetgagor fssether convenamtx aawd aRntter, with; ~Tarcgaget~. as folEOws,
<br />1. Payment ?b pay- the iadetrtedaess and tAe:intrreet tgercroai a5 provided in this Mortgage attd the Note.
<br />~. 'i4ik. bh+rtga~tcr is idtr Darner of [he~-Property, has the rrgket and authority to mortgage Che Property, wind
<br />warrutts that the ilea created Irrrrtsy Ls, a fist and Briar kirtt on ihi• Prtrpeaty, except ~ m>wY otherwrse=be set, fo_rttis herein.
<br />fdt~rae t'e3e;!al Savnl;s ~ Loan
<br />'Cbe Peoprrty is subject to r. iMortgage wirerrtn _._.... _~.._ .~.._..._...~_ __-- .__--
<br />it,str~-r-~.F~,C. ;o.. -,'$ Jt167E3fr Hall -
<br />ie the lktridalrt, rrcttrded at~drrrat ~__ ,~'alr- _ ~.;, of ihr Mati};pge Recordsof~ (Aunty,
<br />'deb[alea., which AS.xt.ga:r is a f'aret prior to the lien cre~atcdirrreby,,.
<br />L OthK priorlleR3 Ot rnC'LRrnranCeS: _____.._ ..: _...,_.__.,..,._.......::_._ :.~_.:...._....._. -..-.-...-.-~ ___~„
<br />-.. - 3. TasM„ A7raannanta. Tn pay when due sit Loxes, spacial assessmenrs and a!r either chargY' against the Property
<br />aed, upon written demand b!r Morltagce, to add fo the paymenLS required under [lze F7otc secured hereby, sacra amount as
<br />aaay btsuflfeienS to enable the S1uHlprgee to pay such rues, assessrstenLs or other charges ~s thev become due.
<br />3. l~nec. To keep the 4mprovemeaia Dow or hereafter located on the yea! estate de:,cntx:d herein insured
<br />aRairut dara~e t>y Cire and such other hazards ~ !atoctgagee rosy require, in amounts end witty c.:!en panie~ acceptable .o the
<br />' ~tKt/II~le, sad witty Iorr payable. io She SfariFtgec. Io case of loss under se[ch policies t'rr Dfortgagee is authorized to
<br />Mljurt, ralieet aedcgaaptcrtrire, in its diserrtion, all claims. thereunder at i[s sole option, ~uihorizetitu either apply the
<br />pteoea~a to Shr xstoralietr of. the Itoperty ox upoa the indebtedness srcvmd hereMy, but payments hereunder shalt con-
<br />Staare. unttlthrwrmyecuredherehyare paid in fa?l.
<br />i.. ! t,~EtF J?Or d'aTr4 1tNi IniuranCt- _~otR'i[ILStarleiing aaewis<g can3.aiuee: in ~%at~r-rNks 3 .nG' ; : erc~;,.:h£
<br />cpnttaiy,..~rt~ur slat} pay to the'-'lSoxtaaereat thr_ time o€paying [be tnonthfg irasl.a{[menW of pnnGiptti and iateaesi,
<br />oecxrtnf~ otihe yearly t»es, a:artivienis, hard insusantt Premiums, and g-ound rents (!€ anyl whicEt map stein a
<br />priaritp Doer that. , at1 ai raear+onaaWy eatemated from flax to titnr c,a [be ~lartgag+*'r. 'iTc amounts so paid sttsl! t>E
<br />nwM'try thr.4Raat~ar witieenL iaeSerrct urdappiird to the payznettt of the iteas irs rrupev;c Eo whic?t such aetzounta wem
<br />drp6w{ed~ 1'he soma paid to kyc?etgaYrr hrtre;t[aflrt ate. pledged as additional security far i,hr iudebirdnira srcureC by this
<br />~~ gay to ~r tSte amount of anv d~eCtcteney i:rtwrrn the actt:at tsr:rs, ~sEnsmsats. insurantr
<br />pr+raui7tart artd ssaetrrd ranSC and rite dfpaaits 5erc+rndrr w iih'sn lt? day's after demand is rnadr open ~1osR;agor requrs[utg
<br />prryrrrent iEre~of.
<br />~„ +"tlgalite,.... r+~e+audtiaa,. -fc+ prFnrpt'sy rrparr. tests"ire car rrbtutd aeay bwtiditt,^R. arimpmaententr. Uos+ err..
<br />iarr+aa€taa.tiu Ctrs Ptarpc~:y:. tokeep Tt~ i'mpsr[q,n~gavuctc<xeOftion »nd reps+r. avith.rat v.sssGe. and face frota rrtr~hanie'e ar
<br />a41yTr4rtala sAtprit~uxfy3uLcvdiru3rr5 trv ;taeiir9 hb*:r~f: mGti tta tulCr, ~sSfe.^ or permzt ant nuk}aet:r toYatSE, aoor ro dicnin-
<br />kAh ttr:mµatt thr~aiua a£ tAz Nr[+p~rr~° Irv any act nr omivaetm lea are: anct to cxtmtx!y gttkc alga:gxiz>~arrr.L~ ~;f lttw whit
<br />esq. xricr P9'sspirmtr., -
<br />