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<br />Lsc^x rburrs~edby-. ,. _ ~ai~Uar,~r 1`3 ty $N
<br />W ns n F'ussYi~xn & kteatin Inc.. artn~rs {~rpcb~Sam,n~SS~me E Oo ..... ..
<br />` ~ I 1~ebr
<br />~ .. $ . .,. _,... ~ .._ Bgartsst ~.......325b
<br />E~C'~ t?eat ~Jorth~~`~ont 5tree~°...`.._.. 6480 Gind Lane
<br />.-1ddrP.r.r. Grand _Isaland;~„ 6~80I . ..~a~g~t.~tera.x._.~A.....930I :.:................ .
<br />tF..$S._,. Dr. Gr,
<br />Sept 11 Sanco En~ineerin~ Bill on disposals ~~ ___,
<br /> ~
<br />f ~,a~or~__~at rzals and_ Cax_,gt?_r_ Znv___ i
<br /> ~ X6532, attached a~ Exhzbz.t A t~ 402
<br />Nov 13~ Re asring coffee maker and servicing ~
<br />
<br />___ ,
<br />-- r taiiet - materials z _labAr and_'-ax t~
<br />-- ------------------~ _._--
<br />
<br /> I attached hereto tt 34
<br />__~
<br />-N__4V-.---- L __..,._ __ ..___ ________.._______.
<br />__~$a~ ~~e_pa~i~yg__leal4_ zn_ ceing_ _ labar_ and _____..
<br />
<br />-°---
<br />___ ~ materials ,per Inv X6335, marked
<br />-- --
<br />~ ;'
<br />- __Exhabzt Band attached hereto
<br />---- 36
<br />
<br />. j~._ ________ ___ __. ___.________. ___ __ _ _ __________._________ ___ _________
<br />__v________
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<br />i ___4
<br />i
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<br />E ___..____..______________________ _____________________________
<br />___________________,-_
<br />____________
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<br />_~ _ _ _ ___
<br />_ . TOTAL `
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<br />i
<br />---- _------- i
<br />~ 3-~ ------ - ~ ---_----
<br />{
<br />------ .r
<br />38 ~ ~ ~
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<br />4 I
<br />~`~te of ,.Nehraska ,
<br />' ~48iaxt'. ....Doyl~,_Winfrey_.,...__ . ............. _ . ..___, hE*ing first s
<br />date ruoru; on h%s oatlc says gnat the foregoing itemised account of zoork, tabor, skill ............... ........ ......... __.....
<br />~ mnferzats; ¢nd isra~ro~lemrrxts s true and correct: that same ccere done and /lerforrneti and f{rrnishcd bt~ tbae undersigned
<br />fir tats sas'd:....,_,E ~?:..~e_,.5ambo,' s . Znve, _tmenC. Co_..,a... a_ Partnership„
<br />rsndrr aE .,._,.~_. Vii_bA~,._° ............._......_.. contract.5.,_-. ...
<br />i arthaa repttzrire~ and. improvement ,_..cf beiilding __ ._
<br />om the jotiatrzitng X~t, , ~~ re or "arcs? of tared, .~:,....? pt One_ .~i }„~ Panx~er, SYZbditi isian in
<br />..__.
<br />_ _ Grand Islas-.d, Hall County,.Nebraska, commonly known, as 1325 South
<br />Locust S~reet Crand Island Nebraska
<br />f ................... .____ ._.. .. ._._....)...,........ ......_........_. ,......y_... .... _........_.....
<br />Ta3dt of tha tuns srYid coaetraet 23.au »cade arnd tabor and ncctterials purnisked rend detsiered theraaender ._--._...._~....
<br />. E.x+t_._~, Samha'sr.Invest3nenC Co A Fartner~hip,.__...,__.~fras rate o2an3¢r of said premueta
<br />!.~s..h, date ref ,1.~ bars. r.<rn furnished ¢nd dalfrsered spas _'~ppter~beT.. 2.7i, .19$1 ........ and the ;
<br />-: U 7~3IlU ',,
<br />!, dc3e• of fh ~ last iferm ivy -_ _._ - __„L'a.~_..~~1,. ~-.7.z?~ .___. _____._._ __._,._.._ ...,______.. ._._.. .__. ...__._ _. _._... ._._.. .,......... t
<br />.4;~art ~urtruv states t&at s¢id labor rr.+zs perfarm~d am, ¢nd reateriaLr were furrsished for, dala`ver¢d ut, and used in •;`
<br />yid buildirrng or 7~r:^~rriscscm rnd .:h•',-z~ the ~r`,~tsS s~scified. ~
<br />?~h:~t ;~:e ~ru~s charged tnEre<>r cre fia:r rend me~~amaf~te arxdthat there %s naxrt due. on said account "he sum of
<br />~r.tr_ Kux.dred Se<,erty-r:f~r.ee and 64?I00 - --------
<br />_._ _.....-.. __,.- _._.__._ ___ _ _--_.-- -_._. ....._... -.-._.Patlars, treat soil'
<br />~+t1 2rE_v Plumb ink & Hca~irg, %-t: , A Nebraska Carporafiion
<br />... _. .,__. .. .. _._...._ _.______.__... __ _._.. ___.._ ___ .~...-_. ... ......E ta3~i. & t"acTs ,~:r xas4 svxd ;~.c .".,sws fw.- tna Judi a;r .cr, of
<br />'' ~ .,~~6 ~~ s 413_. ~_4_ -
<br />rind aesos+nt. '.a ~t_ z l:x ~ 7 _-_.. ___.... _._. _..._-tegatker :tzttx interest thereon at .Ice legal rant. '.
<br />~rJZN 7'1F..-....1SC LSE CG'i?7 ~7E:T
<br />. _.._ . .... ~u r.._... ___- __ _,-. _.-_ _ __. ._ _
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<br />~tinfr~y i-2u.~b _:~ ~ t{eat-zng,. Ire. ~. 1 '~~taracka
<br />...
<br />~I~ISaer-rw.~Mr~r. ~Axp~ra.C:e.er..k?y._ ` ^=.- ~ .-~.~ ~ ,
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