2-- a~vUl
<br />9_ t."enrdrenn~Ken. "Che prt+creds of any sward or ~4a+ert ±e,r damages. direct ar catnaqurntial, ,n ~onnectz~,n watts any
<br />randtmnottian or ether taking of the Property, ar part ittrreof, or frr cc~nvtyancr in fieu arf condemnation, art hrrebg' asaigntd
<br />atxt shad ere }mid to tendcx.
<br />In rite event c f a tatui taking of tier Pra~rty, the prayeeds shah be applied to the sums secured tsy this Decd of Tent.
<br />wefts she txctas. ,t a~~y, paid is Banaw•er. to the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrawer and i.ender
<br />othxrwise egret in writing, there shaft tst applied rn the sums srrurecl bro' this [7etd ~ f 'Trust such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is agttat to that prtrpartian which the amount of the sums secured by this T9red of Trust immtdiateiy prior to the daft of
<br />taking bears to the fair meeker valor of the Property immtdiatety prior to the date of caking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Bar[awer
<br />tf flit Property is abandoned by rorrawer. ar if, after notice by t.cndrr to Borrawer tfzat the condemnor afftrs to make
<br />an awarit or attS~e a claim for damages. Borrower fails to rrsixand~ to Lender within 3t? days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed. Lender is authorized to catirri and apply the proceeds. at l,cnder's option, either to restaratian or repair of the
<br />Property ar ro the sums secured hL' ihrs feed of Toast. .
<br />Unfess t ender and Bnrrrzwcr etiterw•+sc agree ,n wrirmg, an}• suctr appficatian of proceeds to prinopal shall not extend
<br />ar postpone the deco date of flit rrwzmhi}• enstafirrents rrterrtd to in paragraphs and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such inst+triments.
<br />!0. BaQrnowtr Not Reitmrred, Estencion nt the time for payment or m<xiifieatian a[ amortisation of the sums secured
<br />by this Dted of T`r,;st granted b}' i.rnder :,~ :env successor in +nteres? ni $orraw•rr sha11 rot operate to refease, in any manner,
<br />the liability of the origiz!a! Barraw•tr anti Borrower'c successors rn +n?errs?. d.tndrr shall not be required to commence
<br />proceedings against such successor or rtftse to cssend nme tc>r payment ar otherwise rnndi€y amarUZation of the sums
<br />secured t+`v' this Deed of Trwt by reasrn of any uemand made by the os:ginat $nsrawar and Borrower's successor in interest.
<br />l t. "Fat3+esraare by t,eadrr Not a .tiaivtr. .3n}• forfn,arancr h}, E.rnder .n esercistng env r+cht ar remedy hereundte, or
<br />otherwise afforcirti by appficahfe law, sh::i: not f.~ :: waiver af' or precitrde ihr estretst of am• such right or remedy.
<br />Tate prac:urtmenr of irssuraurr ar the pamrnt .5f fazes c+r other liens err charges by ixndrr shall not be a waiver of t..tnder's
<br />right tc aactlerate the maturity of fist ndebtedness ,scored i,y this Deed of Trtzst
<br />12. Remedies Cnmutattvr. :lfi remedies arov+<teci in this i?rrd of Tntst are distinct ancf cumulative to env other right
<br />or remedy under this Deco: of Trust r afforded t%t ':aw <zr equit}~, ^nd may ix^ exercised concurrently, indtpendendy or
<br />successively.
<br />13. Soceeswrs attd ,9,ssigna &tnnd; 3oinr aad $ererat l.iabilitV: {:aptiarrs. The covenants and agreements herein
<br />contaentd shalt b,nd, and the rights herr::mder shalt inure to, the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrawer,
<br />subject .o ?ere pravisiens ct paragraph " herz:of :elf covtrams and agrremrnts of Borrower shal4 be join and several.
<br />The captions and hrudings of the ;,aragrapirs rt th:, [}eeci at Trust are [or canvrnirnce only and are eat to be used to
<br />interpret ar drltnt the provisions hereof.
<br />i4. Notfct, Fxccpt for any Warier rryuirrd nodes applicable %aw to hr given in another manner. (a} any notice to
<br />Barmwer pro~ridtd far sn this tlcect of Trust shalt ht giver. by mailing such notice t;y crrtii3ed enact addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Property Address at ai suc..h other addtx~s as Borro•::cr may designate by Hance to 2~endtr as provided herein, and
<br />fir} ar,} ~: tc i»e.^,de:' shat! t+.~ given by crrtifird mzatf. return rtctipt sequtsted. to i,ender's address stated herein or to
<br />such other address as tender rna}' dcseRnate try n<:ticr ;n Borrawer a: p Uvide 'l,::rein any n....._ troy-ided ter in this
<br />Decd elf Trust shalt i~r deemed to have beret go'rn r,rs $orrawer ar l.erder whin given in the manner designated herein.
<br />t5. t'niforat t}red of Treat: C;oversting t.av: Sevesabifiiy. 7"lies farm of deed !+f trust combines unrfomt covenants far
<br />nationa3 nsr seed norz-uniform covenants with timittd variations bp' iurisdicnon to constitute a uniform security instrumtm
<br />covering real proper.y. -This t7eed of "i m sh~il 5r gnlrraed i±y ihr taw ni the turisdicUan in which the Prtzperty is located.
<br />in the extol that one pro+isuan cr c1at~ f this Herd of Trust or flee '\ate ccmff ets with appf:rahie taw. such conflict shall
<br />nut atLecs other previsions of ihs Jeed of Trust or t?>e Noic w•hrch c:r~. he given effect without flit canflirting provision,
<br />and to this end the provesitxts .tt she f etd ,yt Trztst .end ihr !doff err deriarcd tct be severable.
<br />t6. Sore>+rrr'x f apy. Bo.rowtr s'sait !re turrushtd a orvtormed ropy of ihr Note aad at this Drrd of Trust at the time
<br />of rxceutiart ar after rtcordauon hereof.
<br />t7. Traasfrr of flue Property: Ataetmpthra. if at! cx asry part of ihr Property or an interest ihr..*cin is sold or transferred
<br />by Borrower without i_.tndtr's prier wr.ttea consent, rxciudang ~:ai the Creation of a ties ar encumbrance subardsnate to
<br />this C?eed ~f Trurol. (b ~ ihr e rrauun of :t purchutte money securay :nircrst Car hous>'hoid appliances. ! c? :x transfer by devise,
<br />descent ar try aperatiar, of taw upon the dtat#t of u ttsrtn tenant or id) the grant of any leasthald intcrtst of theft ytars or less
<br />not cxtntaininyt an opuatn to purchase, Lender may, at i rrzsitr s opuon, dtcfare ail ihr sums secured by this. Deed of Trust to hr
<br />immttleatety due and payable. i„seder skull have waived such opuon to acce}erate it, prier ta. the salt or transfer, lxndnr
<br />and ltte persrtti to whom she Property a to fir said ar rransfttrc~tl rraetz agrremt:nt rn writing that rite credit of such person
<br />+ssatu€ttciarp to t.rndtr and :hut the tntertsc payable a;r ihr xums yH_ered i;y :his Decd of Trusst shalt leaf at sorb rats as
<br />Leerier she!! request. f# I.endcr has waived the oat ion to 3G4eltrate provrdtd in tiers paragraph F 7, and if Borrawer°.s xucressor
<br />in inicresft teas rxe`cuted a writftn ausurnption agrrerrrent accepted +n wrung by l,endrr, i..endrr shal3 release Borrawer from
<br />ati ohh~xfloes uttdee thix. fk:cd ref '!`rust fed tbs. mate.
<br />if i.endtr axtretses such optton t~ acceirratr, i-rndtr hr,i !-.tart Borrawer notice at acctltraGen in accordance with
<br />pacaga'aph i i herc'x11. Such nonce shalt prvv,tir a penxxs n rz >. `.rss t3zan ,ti days from the date ihr native is mailed within
<br />ixltich Borrawer nzay pay the sums ctrl fartcl dur_ if Borrower f;niis to pay such runts prior to the respiration of such period,
<br />Lender may, without furilter natter or demand on FSarrcvwtr, invoke any remedies permitted by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br />2nfon~U:stt=oat C_ovErvalvrs. Borranver and i.rndcr furrtttr covenant and agree as follows:
<br />!8. Acrrterstioa: Rrraa~ta. !'u'•-xrrPt as provided in paragraph i? hertaf, upoa Borrower's breach of any coxeruat err.
<br />agrretarent of Borrower in ttsix shed of T'east, including flu covenants to pay when dot any sums srcared by Ibis Used
<br />of Tr•trst., txi;idc+r Prior to acrtteratioa shah mrdt natirc to Sarntwer ws..prnvided in parttRraph 1.4 beerof specityirpl: (f) the
<br />breath;. (2} the aciiwt rrq:trtd to cztrt sortt breach; (3) a daft, eat leas fbae.3i1 days from tlx daft the aotirt is tootled to
<br />yraeruwrr, by which sash brearlt entaX be cartdt aad (4} thwt faiRorr to rare sacb hr•twch oa or btfort the date speciEr~
<br />in t~ natiae may rtxdt in acctteraiion of the sutnc resoled 6y tins Uecd of Treat aad sale of ttte Property. The. notice
<br />sNwff. further inform Borrower of flit right to rriaztatc after acceleration arm the tight to brims a court utfon to assert
<br />t-t eon-txiwtenre of a dtfaotf or any athtr deftest of Borrower to acrtteration artd sate. tf the breach is nnf cwred
<br />on oe Aetort teat flats sperirfred in flee notice, ferrdcr at fxader's option. may dectwt aft of the sours scented by this Decd
<br />of Trost. to be iaswediWrfp. due. attd payable without fotiher demand and toay invoice t[x power of stale .aad any otbtr rtmedka
<br />pctatiped by 9ppficalbk xw. fendee sluff rte twtitfed to collect ail rtasaaaMe r~is and txperoes irtrarrtd in pursuing the
<br />ra~fieK pravlrtrod in ihet-parageaph lg, inciadiag, Met aat eimucd to, rcasottabk atiornry'a teas.
<br />EI flit pewee of sa4 is ievokra6„ Trusteac shaS record t rrutiice of dtftsult in rash county in which the Property oe some
<br />part thereat is i~ocewted aadshafl: snailcopiea: of such notice is the tttrrtaer presrcibtrl by applitabit taw to Borrawer and to the
<br />other persona Prrarribrd 4y n~ry~liv.:whit taw. After the tap6r of sarft Batt as may be required by appiicabte taw., Trwaee shah
<br />give pabTir rartice of #a the pcrswrs aad in the atawatr Prescribed by irppticable law. T'rtuYee, without dettund on
<br />Borrower, shalt sef7~ tsars Proptaip'. al pwhtic auctiow to ihr htgtttsi bidder at flee tttwt atad plate arad notice ehc ttrtns desigitattsl
<br />is ihr rrWicr of ssle Ea one ar taoreparcr~rarrd is seat order as Truster tray determine, '(rtrstt,e maY pastpatte sale at aft
<br />or.arr;,' parcel of tier Prnperiy by ptt~lit antsouaretntat at the fleet isnd pittr ~ ~y prexiat>,dy sritedaisd sak. t.tader of
<br />t.tade r :v de+:~tser arov pare nteax flat i'roperty at rosy sate.
<br />i~yoa receipt of ital-enter of .flit-prier. bid.. Trttsice obeli de&vaer to ttu purrtarater 7"tvrstec`a decd rooveyitrg the Property
<br />srrfd. ~ r!v_itatr m tine "truster:'=, drtd tcUtdl be primw f~ri~.rv+dract of the SrWft of fix atatcxntats matte ilttrtfn. 1"ruatee
<br />shalt reppi> =1w tsrarc~rrds .:P the ti~ 'set tttt folEorrhigvrdrr: ia} to s6 reasoaabtt casts ate erpensts at the sale, ittdo~ag. bsrt
<br />trot iiraiteG t<s, !'ra>rtrt's tree at rat snare titian .S'~ O~ 1 ~ ref the gr0~ sate prier. rrasonahit attorney*s fete atad costa 9if
<br />title evidtarr; ;b} to alt norms scrtarte!' fay tins uf'3'r•mt.; aad fri flu rxra~, if :ay, to she ptrsatt ar pcrsoas ttgauy eatitled
<br />tMiereta•
<br />.q, Bonwvcr'r flight ao Kritatatt. NUtw;iizstaot+srtg L~nt~t"t ai:ctitratean of the sums stcutrd by this I~ttd of Toast.
<br />&xrvwc, ci:a;t hH,: ts,. ersirt ,,.; have xny fsr~ex~dir~gs ~s,s try Lender to tnfawr this Detxi of 7rt+st a=~scontinzaed tie
<br />an,; t, ~ nzr:kr t„ .. - _~.,rc:. c :, ;r.; r.r ..:f,< hi b r t+xtvre et.e ,ate of the Property pursusnt to the powee •.+°' vote cantaitted
<br />vr, host i>cY~ri e>d Q n,a • s ..t er,_ v ~.:. ks.dg;r.~~n? .v [ r oy ;+~+: treed tat Tarsi if: fa) Barrawtr pays triodes ail sv -'s sa:hich w•atiid
<br />ere. !her :fire ,+,>~rc ~.h:e lira.. Cr+sst nx 'tiaflc 1 ,.oRa ..:u;rtg Future Rdvancrs, +t. 'nary, bud tx d::uait ;it+a;: <xx:nrrrd:
<br />Ct,d ~rtower ~.r - ~H :{,~• ~_ ai a ebe; ~:a.ti r agxrrrnrxtt~ of BMrc~r <+.m r.antd •n tins f?.~'~ -•t 'Trust:
<br />tLi fir ,, z>e .. r:~. ,i .~r •_,.;;.-, ,e.: t by ~ -.,,a! grid ?"stet?er in a.. ,< a~a} ih#: txivCnants n ;,i aq+aernanrt .pf
<br />Eke. r_»,. _. . ._ +:5a a~r~c t~r~.3 -. ,... ., r, „~ ....r tl;:~ sa4 7;... r. ,,..'d.~ ~, t.--.vidret ixr ~, ,ratt'r.x{ph 't
<br />txa.~u .. l..~~ ~. .a: .t~~ c: ~ au. _,..~:,' etyr _ .. ..,. ..a tender rnnv .. ... :..txfy
<br />rryr~.r= .~.-. .ra,,.:.. a. :.s ..ere ,.n ik:.z wf -c :.( :. .::, ...-, a,~-. _ct :. ::. n• Rrt` ., .a via, c:. r,2ei;~.u~r,a ,..~.~.
<br />