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<br />+~RTG~C~E ~~~-- ~~~i11Q~ <br />,, <br />THIS 7h`I7E?+TiZTRE: eaap3m :tiis:.__..1~....__~_ da of 72a ttnxa ~ $~ <br />y ?-,.-.>r_._..__..,_ . ...._. _ __ , 19 , ~., by attd: bMween ;~ <br />__r_4~~.y;c_~ _~'~`-~?(S'ir _ar.d-K_art??s~F.-~.~'i'12r~~3-r-1_2t~a_Yl, cxa~.~._._____----^.___~___,_.-~._.___,:, }~ <br />of ~'.{a~,3~._._____. C..:;,~~).'~cirrsska, as mtirc~agcM -~ ,and Hoene Federal:Savldgaand:Loan.AlsoaationafGxan6lsiarrd.amtpnastsarc. <br />•~rsuttixrd ~: td ctis+i¢g •;¢dcr the iawsaf the tln=zed Sts ca of America wrilr its princxpslcffsee and place O#buaineu at Grand Island, Nebraska, as: <br />WI',~tJE_S.~ETH. That sera martgiigcrr_.._,.a,_._,,.v._. Soraadin ennsidtratiad~of fdesuat of ---- <br />;;~TM Ta.ccc5asu! ~c~ z ~.ka.Rd izrld 25~1f1C -_____.:_______ ~uxtS 3,006.%5 ). <br />cat:ecct'+7,:i which >s lsereby~mxltsbged, Ja,..__ _.~..bybheu presents rmrrtga~c and warradtudto saidatCrCgagec,.i2s sut~~essnr artd assigds <br />;dre,:. ~J ~~~ f+,aikrsci~sg described reatazate, sinratea in;3x County Of .____~..._.,_...._HCx"~.~' ~. , <br />a.;d 4ta!; ~~+'~rbretks,Fo-wil. <br />Lct.~` Sa.~:ty-Fc+;r,w ibtl Le: f~~.c3hts FnF~rct`!i Sulidi.vz_s:iun, Ha:Y,E C~~w'1ttt, ~d€~~a.a.alzu. <br />Tort witfr-all kapatite~.:. alt eansftiotcitag, 'sia,««irtirtg, and g€umbinq ec{nipme¢t and #i;zttxrt>s, irrcludinl ncteans, awning»., at.trrm windowsa¢d <br />dtanta, acrd window shades. nr bilndn: uaada~n ox in canrectiarn wrlr xatd propeKy., whether care setae are Haw located an said-property or hereaftex <br />nla~3,therassxr. <br />'S"U f{rtVF A.4~ TC? HOLCi T'€!£ SFsME, tufetheyr with alt and ainflrzlar Glu tarsements, hcre[titasrent~ and appu:.,otratrcea thertarnin he.. <br />iua KU•eg, trr in anywi°ee teptant4aaniarg..iotever, and r. tnt the title to tttc name.. tiaid margeutrr. ,y...,... hereby exavenant __....._. with said <br />r~xbgapuc Wsr _..s, he,E~...., . ..__..;~,+i~;.,w.... rat lA ,. irextof. tlar. lawful awnar __Lr.-.. of the pnemise~ abrrve canvrryed and ciew¢rihed. <br />azt! -_. .'t.. ^ nfa s,~'and: anei ztzda3a`e y,ci~ r- ,>d i¢Mrrita.-rc~ ihtttei¢, Sts,. p.nd char o{ all erreatnbxancea„ arrct tdat.,..~a.. he~__.. r.~ili <br />wamtit you dnenai ts. title t;xreyh i<.a n~na. r.: - :duz~~ anhddt5xmeads of sli perwans wMomsraevar. <br />P~{3titi.'k~l ~Ltti et9~~: a¢rlb~ia i.ts .,r~tt•,< ~'xs..l$~alivrrnt3 to n~acuxr'.dxe lray~eatuL Ofkke xuma o9_ -.____.,_.. .. .____._.,_..,.__. <br />_..__Ti~:~ _rk.:;~sar~ S~,"~~5._e~i^~. ~~.1,~.~_-- - rx~srrit~___'~.SI~Fi~~~__ ~.____.._._• <br />>n.taReti:~aexitu,uc~srhar{{emard ~anoeaasmayb.dueandpeyable~tasa£dma~entrnler-ttieccrrr~:tutd,sctndstions.. <br />c;-,c pmuux>nn note e# ruse leap b€ai~wi€h Gard at*curn~ naraup. eaecuced Ery said rrurrbga,>;or.:3_...... to said nutttgagce, payable as. expreswxl <br />;a vex`. ~. xad ;n:xstwtrp,thc: u€e!! cha cex'rnsaandsatu9tsotsx eanian®dtherein:. `i'heeerura.:nf said note,arc:dtezr~hYincaz'poratec. <br />4rrw.n op tt.:n rrtieime,:e. <br />titncrniatcutx+raadda6ttaLO#tbepartinmttesc,t,~«tu~rcthiasaastgat4!~sturlla3aosecvre•enylut+urad'va.~rcesmadeea..c ,r:.:.~,,•,;..._. <br />;y card ,rn.+ttlCaR~•, ,rd Eny~':-aaufal£'e in sddetioa~ tatl~e anrnunt alaYfva stated w6rie& said nrortgag~ors, nr ar.~: ¢i tt rnt. rt,n. ~,wt , , <br />~sa1 :rrartrragse, ?~..-.~.-er rvidemted, whetlew hY xatrte..'anuk xccs>nnt tar atiuerwise. ttrortl;age s~tlrcmain m £.ili: force an:t of ic•r_t i, .,. r,. r. <br />t~ t„uc+a Hereto x,:,: ~.r herre. pes+unal repirssentatc~<.., suceesrrrrs and assigsss, until. e!l anwuratta ntxnirad. harenndar enc;.+u~iin[; +uti~rr~ <br />.rdvnrrmy, an paid ,:, „ri; .°ith inifireet:. <br />r}s• .nrxc.~at.rr S_..._ Fresebv arxign _._..~.: W-sett3' mi§;rerttsamtnxcame aresitrgat arty anet elk. bitnee ir+>m. axl ~.. o;x~r. ~- .: ,,..~ <br />i;ereby ano b3roree aa~d aforetaAe,e cv >~ agelA.,. at ;ts ar~~•a...¢Cn d°f~ui6, !tr :L1tC ¢Itet(~ of said. ptrrrrrs`ify-and ealle..t ua rn~ ~+nd arc n:r~ <br />tcernfn-s:ar sea. n~riy she :rxm.+ to the psymaAC of u2e=r.3t, ^.rlnripd. snaurence -ptemP'ams..taxee; aaaNSaauesris, repairs c ;.r, prw , :c~.r,:_ <br />eacx8awxr±a keep astir::pmgarby ur lensatabiemndrtioa,~a:tac,cnes rhatges;nr ~ryxnenra paarrided[or StCt~ait>.as iaa r2te•n.~+,e h~ret;y w.u:urw "'ia::~-. <br />±en4 affsagaamon4 stun rirnl~rwe in f~n~uptd ~ St urF-rva~ . -iancc of ,. txxe ,< haiy }aid The isiungerf pesseasian kwT rrnree _ I l i ~. ,. rr nr., r <br />„ ca~fn ,r,~ zY„a,i _wsu< moregagee ia~3.hh-cVitBCtss>n r~ ame', surn9 h `.ce>q;eezur• < r <br />5 Q..fiL't'Mr39P.: <br />'F~ Siglurc~. Y£ tn.:r..eort~+_lbb :er sfurtlre. any of ter r~~hce `remunder e!. a-e.- ruse s1ut11 not hn~rRUaeErtterS'.a= s u ~r r>1 icy ;Srh~ cc u.~NO. t;,:, <br />acne- et ae7y lattr t^, ins uptrn anG rnirs .._, _ . uorlilia¢ee~ with ail 'ba te~rrrs nnrl prei c ~ , ca ~:,.. t i . u~ x:-~,l ; t pis n;a, _.y:.,. <br />is RattS r.%-nf{~ ~c~' ~ +hcif r~+tsn ts, Le paste xn i ...,rc~'p'S~ t~RroII41[ka91ni2sR ci9€+3t h4'tEfi7td -~.. - - !!x 2; r-r ;.:rtf i~.,,., <br />_~ paio r-sie Oc^etrp ,e._..:cx? irr~ €•3~mndveare+ ,.: uer; cv. trnaiana o: rr~wxl.e tb R[tal ies ,u..: .. .,_ ,.,. ,. ,..~ ,, n+. ,.. ~. <br />i.`1wvr+f.wd if wFd tma."ly,.a~rar _. .~ hulk tt~nr{fly ~+5th i~ c'.-,~e. procu~tong of aaad no&e sad rsS chix msrt~ g, -i,rr . su i'r~wn' ~ _haiE Fr v , t.. <br />:.ibrr*riae to txrarin tns ivli! {reap *md effect, and Raxi mot' &a~re ,F,,::,i tx enUaierS ~ the pns,~s.xm of m seal ~n Pert.;. and m'-. ei it_s C io,;. <br />aie..i'x,`t i_ha shc>iq ad csc$! t*#s aed ail zratiehtednp-t[ m{ui.:eaaa.J lkert~y ,o to kn;uc~mbe_t ~ ;:,r ~nG n°. nv s' %rm~,r t- P is m,.rya;ai•e <br />or iaint' AP~V cx$et lap'T: ar::,.., La ixotarS iu rytM.:~p{~xacxmrnt 4ru4airi. <br />'°'h'a+~.zrdfjagpe BRbL' 6b *riniiicpa =t9trd s.,:d er 1; enurn tai Um k;~rn,`:v of thw bears. uxi , awe. r.aa n,,u .,.,r.. .~^tiworN .. s.wl; ..9 ....,- <br />r~-cv~,ttu: e'psrtam ;n>rgco. <br />I!a `+k t~"!'i i'-~v~+ c~~,i;;.EO#'. wtad b4rrrSga~,~ S ':a l,'':2~ar~nu; aw ~ '." , , <br />'_ - tt ~ t ~',5 < s t'--,~ star <br />r ~a ~.. .r~ ~ ,~,t,,~,..-. <br />