<br />MORTGAGE WAN NU• ,-j,~~-4, Lt 5 R
<br />Kt+TOlf1Ai.L11~EN81t'EYIESEpRESTclv7S.Teat Z:inda K. IiK3DV2r, Sirtgler and JOkSCi H. MattttE'sy 6iTlc~ler
<br />Mortgagor, whetlmr oae or aeote,vt.~vroideaation of'the sttm of
<br />3-~ '~~~' Ttrvicarrn .jl1UQ ~. ppty.t-Rs
<br />6owaeti qo amid t Ly'77ta i`goitatrie i3tn7didR and ixmr[ Avodation of Graoti tsYand, Ne6rasica. Mortgafsro. upon 354 shoe of erode of
<br />rasa Ah"SfJCiA77ON, Outi-xate Tao. L 24 r©1$ , do hereby gtattt, convey sad maregage unto the aid ASSOGIAT[ON the fo8ovie6
<br />dariibiod rtrai estatr, ~tmred: in iis8 4:ouaty, Nebraska::
<br />It~ts Sev~.nty-€ive aarri Seventy-si.x t75 & 76} in Helrnnt, an Adriition *o fihe City. of Grand
<br />Island, Nebraska
<br />tuitehcrworh sii[ht. teaeacam, Trersditxrsssnts and apptutessancss tirexsuntu E.eksngiaR. incituiiag attached. ttaarcoverirggt, aD. window seaeena
<br />wirrdiw sbxdes, biusila, stormwiashtws. awnirsgs, heating.. nit ccsnditiaaing,and ~umbmgand water e[lwpment atui accdaories: thereta;.pumpa,stoves;:.
<br />rsfri~rators,.stdoither ftxtsuesaadtgaiepmtrtt tuawnr Pterufter attached u> w used m asnteection with saxireaitstate..
<br />Anti vrher~s.:the said tmttgr~srhax. aXTetd sad dau turrisy apte+e brat the esxmgabw :hurl and tvili Pay sii taxes aiad aresarcnts levied or
<br />aaeaedsaparr sad pitmixa anti upon thismart{p~ tmd the ixstui stcrusd thtrcby hefes[t the same stmil ltetgme dshtegneitt: to furnish apQnmsd
<br />inNnaaae upmt [he,btuMiixgis on uidpeenaesrs tatwted in tht sum of E 3S 0{IO.OD Payable w said. A,SSOCtA770N sad to deliver to said`
<br />.+4~k1CtAT1ON theptriieiex for slid trtsuraner; and rust to cotatniit or permit any waste on or abewt saidpre[uiaes:
<br />in cane rsf default is the Prriotvesoex esf' soy of the steno arui tursditiarrs of thna neor[gage ut tie bored secured heretsy. tht trtortgagee shall,
<br />ao ddmrtd, be grttkd to tattsedutt pao of tix marrt~,rsged itecntaes and tiu martgsgtsr lsere#sy amgpts. tratnfat: and sets orer to the
<br />ma'i[Gr~Rrc aii the rents, terv;aaaes. aid iistx+trse [a i,t derivtd Tram the xearrtg~tge. i Premrsss during sochtwm as the tnwtgape :indebtsdtteaalull retmin
<br />[mPairi. asei the mwtex affil hare- !ie povvtx tuappa>rnt grey r~gats[ or agcutx it axxy desstc for tltc pttrpos~e of rt~uring.smd irtetnses ud rmties
<br />rise setae atxi edieilttgt the [ants,revatitets assd iaastat, trm4 it [toy pay taut of sad ancaxtsc. all axpsases of [:pairing said; premix: and a~esrrY
<br />cosneriiseciottx sadexpenaes iacartxai mrtntisg and asa4eaguat [ire sutras a[td =sd coikctng ttntaly tisexefrom: the (silanee tttsuinittg,„: i!' any, to be.
<br />appia¢d usaa[si the-tliscfwrge of sand morty~t iatkbtedtatss; t tress rights of the marigagee mmy he exeeciaed a4 any tune dwirs6 thetststrna of aueh
<br />default, rresp~tercartauyteaapara[yvraiver~of the-sa>tre-
<br />7'Atst Presersts,lrxsM2vtr, are upao the Comiitiaa, 7tu: if ~ ~sr said tNOrlgty~or afall rtpsy caia krra on tx txfare the rtnttutty of sad stores by
<br />iryyireear.; pay-mwsth$y to surd. A5Sf7CiATtCiTi a>S` tree- vtr[r[ specSxxl to the iteussi securrd herdsy as imesesr and Principaion said iona,.an ar bafare
<br />the Twtmtitth siay txf tat3[ anti ersery' tesnttth, untii said. ttsaa sa i uLy pad; Pay aii taxes arttl aaarsxutntt leveed agtsrnst aid premises attd on this Mortgage,
<br />sodilx:Band:aw:vtrcaftiacarT!y„.beiaredeiuuiueaey:f[u'nx~cpprerxeeli[[sttrarucu~s+sthebuiidin~[hzaroanintMaaumaE3 35.s~OQ.i10 payahie.
<br />to:~ riS.tiY)Ci,t7t~!sf~ repay-.eo seed ASSCX.:iA77ft?~iuPon ucmaxdatlxtasrxy tsytt pxui tar..sar~s texts., aenlsattdinsurantc.+vithintemrtat
<br />rise rtrarsicams k~:i c~=~ snerean: ftvx[t dace. nE paymear alt of wt[is3t ~~e te+rsby asarees to pay; perxrmi no waste on raid pramnrs;keep srnl earnply
<br />ra±Ihail"thr sb+ccmeaxs and ewsatixrntssafthelton3 t<;r j ~~t ~F]p. ~(} tlsis da>r giseen by the said:Mottg•yar to said ASSC1ClA77UN sad umtply
<br />Whit ali the r-quucnscnts of`[ke Cana[ttutii»? and By-s seas n# sird :l5'Sf3CtA?l0'~, rhea, :issue. prcatreCS sitaii; beasme anlF:aod wid, otherwis they.
<br />shatl rcw[ss m fuif faro 3rd trey ire foesadsasd a, Ur c~soa <sf tiea~isi ;L~Of'i4.T7ON after faihur i'or threemonths to ittaksaay ofssid=.
<br />tray tr.exs <x tx :hrsc m~mtln m arieariesu.-mainref szsd r-x»sLr.Fy paysrse![SS,. asr to keep:~x[d.cYS+sspiya~ith~ths agaxarerrtt and.CanditiaAS.of said:Bond;:
<br />std (Msrt~{apen agrees ea Furs a rsenscrappausted fortirwetn ;n sueta t~~rtduxwe Pioexedi[5/s~
<br />tC there ss saydsaage r$ sswnesshipoftlte.:r~lestate snrrRatesaheseiss..by ssde ar rsthetw..iat, Urea-tart-tatuertrtuinusg iitdeMedfieta. titrtby.
<br />roc~ed shah, a[ ttx e,ptiga of Tht iieitntabiie&ari~inx ant l.c.an AaaaGiatiOaaf Graott:Leland,Yahstfl[a.bteaflne:"vmrntdisteiv due and pryahie withcntt: -.
<br />fsrdrr Horse. and the atssa>tyri resrginimig dale •uavkr. sta<i tiaq,d, amd say other boad:fax aayadditinoat sxiss~acesmadt thcrestdier, :lull, from tlu
<br />Qate us- emca d said bpteoa. btu intcrtst at tix'.aasunxttnn ~ s att, and tltis:axetiyege may thenix forrriwed to.taiisfy the aa[aunt dsr on wd
<br />berod, srstaaer.xt.sx harm for addrtineatad.~t[aa,;:tagttwtr wiih aM.aamsPori 7+Y smd77ee f,.kuitahitBne7dm' gs~ai.aan Aaosaatiemaf6rand islusd,..
<br />Ma6aaslsa for vuuratscc, tzr.es astd asaa~erer8,sad;sbatzaxaistg,tictetmianrd with mtatesrtTrereon; from- dau of payttaau at thtxmPtttnattt:
<br />~ t'ax-
<br />Ar prmrdeei rn the &rad asxused heueby- wtede €fiss mFNtglige rttssasas ux tffttt tht ntortgaget may P.sreaittr adtrartce adaitiana7 arms to-tix-
<br />aeafve.s of said 6orsd, stcsr asrgo W.: sucirvor. in ustccest,whiriis»asahag'be wit}tiatlie seenritygf the nsortgagei}te same as tree fo[sda arigioaliy
<br />xxuted thereAy, the wul s:uo[mt ~,[ Cmr,;:rparf Be}ttsrot taexcctd ataxy spa the asrgimiamatmr a€thu,a>usrt~e.
<br />[+atd rite Bth Lay isf 33sitaa€y A: i7., 19'£32
<br />3~'i~ ~: _T~_ ~~..~.~.~.
<br />`i'rA7F :1/{ ~F,SRA.4KA.. # ~ Z7a a1s~ t3'i'1"S.
<br />:_oarTrr f1~F i1A11. ~
<br />dayaf Je2tlul.Ly iv $s' ,hefare^mt.
<br />r;},etd,. a. iVxst~-zyPtcnt: attd tart mid: caaatr» i~x*~Ycarae:.
<br />i,irtd.~. K. tsiotn/wr, si:tr3is., anci Jl~l]n. H: t+Satt.3]P,i$s sii~l~r rrt~ itS.'~"2' ~saettllYitnos!p;ta
<br />rcae ttr tss rfc ~ta+rst persoias vts..r~sume!a,' 'strL'- aff'aiedfo~lrt~ais¢tar.~st smmtptl;ar3 a~ t2S~y a~itg
<br />ackrrwbJttnd tlx. stud irrt[rya~xarrt to ~ ~lr ~~d6igttari. act sodsdsea.- ~'~ ° .. i
<br />~f"
<br />tiwT'F7tit-,~a'i +t~r rum-,~' and T#utarwi 5aa tex :Wiaa '`'^"' P ~ti,..~_
<br />.•_.- f -
<br />~tp ~<~rav¢ras r>rtnr~r. ~, r y ~"?"" ` ....-,. ~,. +~r~' f f _
<br />„.s ~/' ~'.~~..- 'v tarp' NuL.iic,.~~
<br />tsar.. - !`:--aS'- ~`" /~.e',.=";s+' '. (....,. t.."""_' '''''~'~~
<br />__. ~.._.. ~ F ,~ 11~
<br />