#i, In the rcent ;sid ~rrrprny is .zttid at a }udieial foreelasnre sale ar° pursuant to the power of a sale. hereinahove
<br />granted, artci the praxecds are nett sa€fieient ta pay the rota! ittdehtedness secured by this instrument and evidenc-
<br />rd ny said prz>missary,txote, the mortgagee- will. be entitled to a defictency judgement for ease amount. o€ Chr
<br />derzt~ncy wsrhaal regarrd te8 Uppra~xrtenG
<br />7. to rite evr.rtr the tuartgagox fails w pay any fedecat, state, or focal. tax assesment; income tax or other tax lien,.
<br />charge, fee or otiter'expgrtse charged against the property the mortgagee is hereby authorized at its option to pay::..
<br />the same. Anr sums so paid liy €he mortgagee sita[t ~ added to and became: a patt of rite principal amount ofthe
<br />indcbteuness evidenced 6y'said note; snb3ect r.o the same terms and conditions. If the mort~gar shalt :pay and
<br />disc}+argp the indebtedness evidenced by said: tatomissary note, attd sktall pay snch sums and shall descharge all
<br />Laze.; and Liens and the casts, fees, and expenses of matting, enforcing, and extecuting this mr.rtgagr, then this
<br />mor:psge shad be cancelled andsurrettdered..
<br />g_ The corcrtants herein wntaitied sisaIt"bind and<the benefits and advantages shaltinure to the respective. successors
<br />and assigns of tktc parties berets. Whenever used,: tkte singutar number shall include the pluraP, the plural the
<br />singu]ar, and the use of any gender shalt include all genders,
<br />9: No waive: of any covenant herein or cf the obligation secured hereby she:: at any time thereafter be held to-be a
<br />waiver of ttx terms hereof or of the note secured hereby.
<br />l0 A judicial. decree,. order, or jndgement holding any Provision. or portion of this instrument invalid or unenforce~
<br />able sheik not in any way impair or preclude the enforcement of the remaining provisions or portions of this
<br />ittstttttneatt.
<br />l 1'. rltty writfrn nsxice to be issued ro the mottgagor pursuant to the provisions of this instrument shall be addaessed
<br />tv the :mortgagor of 4I46 Arizona Street, Grand Island, tdE
<br />and: any written notice to lac issued to the mortgagee shaft
<br />be addrtsxd to the :mortgagee at 424 west 3rd, i'•O• t3ox 2006, Grand Island. NE 58802
<br />IN WETN~ W'lEAE4F, she mvngagor itas executed this instrument and the ,x~orgager ;,as accepted delivery: of
<br />this iastnetnent as of flit dos and'.. year aforsaid.
<br />. ... C_,C.,,Zndustrieys,.Inc..._
<br />G. Wayne Fka1 President.
<br />Executed aad delivered in the presence of the following witnesses:
<br />(Add 4pprapriate-AGknowlatgemenal
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA }' Be€are tnc, a qualitaed Notary Public personally .appeared
<br />ss.
<br />COI.FN'C i vF
<br />lnuwn to me to he identical person ar persons who signed the fartgoing instrttatent and acknowledged the rsecution
<br />ihrnoi to be _ voluntazy as and rdead:
<br />t!°itn~ my hand and~I*Tp~rial=Seal-an ]9 .
<br />Notary Pubic
<br />'.Hy Camtnissian kzpires , t4
<br />S'f:4TE t?F ~FE$RA,SK,4 ~ Before mt a ct~ifed I3atary Pub3ic, personally appeared:
<br />ss. .G- Wayne `'t4t k
<br />CC}EiNTY ~F f3a31 _ 1 farrsidrtxt of __C. C. Industries Srtc. __ ___,
<br />., .,._.
<br />accNppr,'itian, t:fts~wta to me to tx rtte E'rnident snd identicai per=,arz^~r ha signet? the faregoiagnstrttmenr, and
<br />aikiao+v{cdged t?ic e~ecattion thereof ha be !Lis +~oZuntary act ansl dyed as such of{ic,,; and the vaanntary act ans~ d~tc1 of
<br />{ soled eaar~ratitxh artd r3rat its corpvratc seas eas atfixcd thereto by its authority.
<br />L. ~t~+t'tue~s Stcr ~an~ an5 tiet~~FZI ~eaS izn~~r~a ~car't x , }w~-.$~~.
<br />ra ~,
<br />~3~ ~ f t i<f ,,..x~.~lfC...
<br />t~f,91M. 8p 1fw. ZL. 4Y~I :G._,.~ ~__.~..___,._...d
<br />>~14 id. t'l.J1fi!!C t+lotarv Fubl
<br />°.?4 C~i7rr,rT::iaos7ll ~'f,pirch ,.. ....,..w.,......._...:....,.,,i ~ ____.»w.„..-...-. 4~t .. ._...
<br />