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~~' • <br />Thr!~ raortgatge made and entered inxo this _,. _?~ day af- S~tzi~dgy , <br />!9.__$g_, hyand fx~twren f. C., Ixic: <br />(hereittaft,rr rtfcrred to as mortgagor) and rromtntrciat Natianaf'Eank and="['rust Cotnpanq <br />(hereiflaft:r refereed to as <br />roottgagee:}, who maintains an office and (<?iace of btisiaecss at 424 West- 3rd: s[reei in Grand island, <br />!~!a!f tAttrsy, Neb:asla. <br />Wt'tNFSS~TH, that. for the considittateon hereinaftet stated, xeeeipt of whicft is hereby ackaowicdged, the mort.Qagor <br />does lterda>~ mortgasc, soli, grant, assign, ammd convey untta the mortgagee, its sucCUSSOrs and assigns, all of the fnl- <br />towing described property situated and being in the Coanly of lta11 <br />Stag oC NebrasEa. <br />Lot Eight (8}, Castle Fs`ates Subdivi.s:ion, Hall Leunty, Nebraska <br />li~gcthcr with a!! rite ternetrtetttx and: appurtenances thereto k+elon3ing, all the rents, issues and profits [hereof: and.. all <br />easernestu, righu, royalties; raittei~aF oil sad gas rights arnl profits, watee, water-nghu, and water crock andneDuding <br />ail heaeirtc, plumbing, rcfrigeratiotl, lfghting, e~tzipmeml and ail fixtures of every description bctonging to the <br />mortgagor now err hcreafta atiaelsed'themo or eased in cann~tioa with Cite pitmises hzrrin described.aad in addition <br />thereto the following described prupetties which are and shall-be deemed to be fixtures. and. a part of the realty, and <br />arc a portion of the security t`or the iredebtedtx~s hertia sfatrd (if none, State "itotte"} 'None.. <br />To hour artd to hc+id the same unto tt5c l+fea•!cagee, as 4tetein ~rttvidedi <br />The mortgagor is tawfutly seized attd potisesscd of and has the right to seF! aced convey; said property,. that: tFte <br />same is free front all rn~,rmbranoe, except as hcretnabo•.e recited; and Chat Mortgagor covenatris to warrant and <br />tSefznd the tick aforesaid thcrero and evm~ part thereof against the :faems of a!! personsrw}tomsoever: <br />This imtrutnertt is giver; [o stcurc the payment of a promisson Holt dated Janvarv 7- 1982 <br />is zhe princital +um of S~4.Q~p.o', ,signed by G. Wayne l~olck <br />in behalf of ,_ _~,_ L. Zn zstries, Tnc. <br />aisra, as Such ttrxe orrotes rttiy from tithe to tune hG modified. renewed err nxttndetq in tt~titing. <br />3n tIfe event the tick ro said real cstatc is transferred, or .ontracte+d to be transferred, from the undersigned for;atty <br />reuon or f+Y atry ntdhod w}tatsraevtr, tha ~nttire firincicsat sum and accreted interest shalt at once, Ftcsome dntcand <br />payable at alto ekctitxt of tFe ttoldcr hcrcof. Failure to ezt•rcisc [his nation #xsaus€,af transfer of title'as above-staled. <br />in one inannae shsll ttot cottstitutc a waiver of the right [o exercise the same in the avant of any subsegtieett transfer, <br />1. T}te euortgaaor c~vettants and axn~cs as follows: <br />a. To i`rh' pay the indebtedrtess evidcr,°cd b}. said promissory note at late nines and in the manner <br />tfirttcrt dx~ideit: <br />b, ~"t~ ptty a31 lairs. assxssmcn[s, wa~e< rates, and outer gat•erritner,:al oa att~anicipal tiltargcs, fiiics, <~r <br />itupcxtititrtxx, fc+r whiCit previsicea has tzar 4>sen msde hereirtseforr, arni w~ii t,rorat~[Sp deliver +~ie official rercd¢sts <br />tirtrs3nr str t3ir vaizi ~ser+gage<. <br />>~. ~~tq psq iu.°fi e~tprn.~es t`ma fcxs as nag ksc irs~.a:rrst iat tt:r, ^rat~rt~orr axed rrtas~te<~ to e ~>r ;aid *~rc-+rxy. <br />inc;tttiq ace eerie of awry alt~ncg ctrsgsfoysx# by alto rnnrt~lyer >rx :he <_otie~ix~tt of era.. u: it the +ndcExtedatecs <br />hrstt!~°etiu:~w.3. «r frnr~tc»=3-rF ~r't aroti3:v~a~re"~ ~1c, or ~~u3rt t.,,~=vc<iSnrf,,. ~i? it~:tn+~ e+t-,.r i i ;a:i:•r~ csr pr[Y~'trtlin¢„ <br />;rE€ft;r:t~ "-al:a.4 jsX:t:tx',. <br />i. <br />