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<br />TF3'Il9 IND&°N!'S?1tE, m~dn tS[fr~.6th ,~:.~y, ,a{.._~`}iARUdry .,_ _. L9 $~__~ 6y eud 1>Ptw±~n <br />_Rolland R. nimmitt and PecLt~_S._ Jimrni%t, husband and wife., each in hi s. and her own <br />right^and as mouse of the other,. --- -- <br />----- , <br />of Nall Caurt:g~. tQoda'attia>'gRr3o+' S. aadHsm~Pedtrsl Sariysgaeml l.ann h~x+osinuonafPsland.acocporatior, <br />orgynfzerSe:nAr~ttluir~,>tAelswsa(thrl.koitedStaErsofA[aeQ{eswhhfibprimiPn(e[ffcsandPlacr;.afhusinas~atG+and{stand.` <br />mort~ttm: <br />W{TTdFSS'4*C'lf~ 'fhatssvt'.'rnart`s~ar S. .fotaadioaaarideratianafthesamuot <br />"Three Thousand Five: Htxtdred Eighty-six and 42/lflt3ahs*"' -~,,~ 3,585.12 ~5 <br />the receiDr of what is hestbY da W'these Praser[[s ~r:Ra6e aru! warrint ante saiitnarrgaeee, its svereswxsandas6ipn., <br />rorever, a1F ~.he ro8pwlrgclduilraa raft elate. shus[rd in the Cotusty aP _~Ha l } __ . - <br />and stale of `7ednakn: ta,arit: <br />Lots Qrre Nc~dred Sixty-nine (l64) and Qne Hundred Seventy (I70) <br />i;a Qelmctnt> afi addition to the City of Grand Island, Hail County, <br />7E5ras ka_ <br />- i## <br />'~agether witia.a3ibsnting.air i. {fS2tting. and plamlring equipment sad fixtures,. including acreons; nwninga.. storm windows and <br />doors, sad svmdow aisadra tx 4linda, tried as or in conoection withaard PmPany. wtiet[ser the name arenow touted an ss{d-:PmP~y or hereafcm~- <br />p{atsrd thertae[. <br />t <br />TR'7 N~:acV S ANL) T(}.H~LD Ty[E SA'lff, LoAeth~ with adl and stngalar t1x ttssemants. Irarec{itamenta and apportenancea t{kxr~rrto a- <br />` t <br />Sar+giadB: to in aepwgse. app~Lain{msG,. fraever; sad: warrant tlrs t!t{e. to tha snipe. Said. morgagor..,.-5... hereby awveoant. _.~.._. with.::aid 1 <br />t ~ tbat:_....::_t6e .}f_.._._.i3 Y'P -_.. .. at tlxe die[vsry lmraof, the tawfut ownar_.-.5...._. of the ptetniaea above canveged. and d~eacriLe+ct,. <br />i."L_,_._.....aiaCd'of a gpod and. iadaiwaibls estate of 1ar3seritamx ttaareFn. (roe and cMnr a( aS{etxurubrnacxa, and that~...e,.-he:.~_.,.wi!{. <br />warrwc aaa ~!eier,d the [itla thaest,o iarwaragtiast tharli+nims sort dsannredaofal4p~ne whoataoemt~. <br />PflDV IDEk) AL W' AYE, +ad chu in~.Ttiment ss ezdx.ssted sand ddiversd to aataTe the Paymem[ of ihaanm af._~_____._~.~~~__~- <br />*'Three Thousand Five Hundrt=duEiP~ts~~s~ix and 4~f.lOfkths*~,~>~(~,_3_,,586.~r2___ _ }, <br />wits intenv[ therec¢. [ogatAsx wstll acKh rha~ and advantesas may bedno nadpaynble to said.:mortgx({tee under tha terrrts and conditiorts d <br />c# the pnuitisatrv :xrZS al eveadnta harwitA :rddaeeared Smrreby. tsatatsdby said: rmortRagur :~...M,_to snid: nrartgagoe,.payabteas expresstrd <br />.a said note. a~ u. snrsrrt ctia:P+e~orooa odnF] tMs terms sad rnralitiaoa contained tharain. The tnrmn a4:said. natearahereby inocxhorated <br />s,e<,w ey rbi. rafereaee. E <br />Itiathnintwmicnaadadtkiaps+t~artisente>:thattfsisaswtgaapsaiatiaiao:aeeuneaayfatureadvanceamadctoaaidmortgAFmr_~. <br />by swd nttat{[yaa, and wy andsU i~ inter taehe amonntabove-atatedwhicA saidmortgagate; or anyotLhent. mawi)wata j} <br />- eaid :nwti[n;se. hpr~cvar avdenuil, wi>so,trr by twte,.6aok account or otbaPriaie_ Thbaarigagea{r11 remain-in fu12 forceand affect:-}>a[.wcen $ <br />thw pnrrwa baaan and :hau brie, persrmal repreeimtativea, twat aed assigns:. uatst afl eswutata seemed hersander; urefudng. Eutuze. <br />edvaacae, ors pai3 in (ul'_ with iatsesc, y <br />Tha mor[iaia-%- ~Y aM+e+t -___., to said :nit testa and.imarne <br />trmrtgagpe :truing nt. any sad afl;c9meafrom-said Proprrtyand ~j <br />~d+i wtborise said morsgagan or its agaat, et its opyuir.. rayon defwlt, to taltt d3snrge of ~id:gtopetty atY! coilaetalf rents etld ~ocome <br />:Ireretrrwa sod apyilY ch. ~nma :-0 [tw pgmans at mtarsst. grinciyal. inautsrnx prrrmittms, taaeea:aaaesameata,repairs ur itaprmexntM is <br />mwasary eo letq sled px>p~Ry is YraNabMooarrStioo, or w uihrr rlurgta or Fey~.neaue.proni{tld far'herein u is the uota horalry wocured- TFris ,~ <br />rarµ wwYigtmeae tutait rontint>a in bre« uatr{ the unpaid lniaarx. ~s` cad pats :e (u{ty pai4, The of T <br />f;;~ <br />{ras•,>at .x rwud said nautgagaa in tha arlbetian of wd ~.una oy fereeE:aure or alGerwi~ty prraenaeian: heneander vha{t 'n ho rra <br />"S"he SsIIvre of ttxr nurtQagae :o aaeart en? o! it~.:ights h rauuder sc ant civtt! strait not be rpnstniecl as a waiver of dts rr~bt is es+u-t 11:e Z'~ <br />+, <br />same rat auty {at+I lime, : ad w asiet upor, ant.{ entor.:+• ...., campiiance with al: r_ye term, ,tad pravi. .t:.s of wrd note aade{ [.hs`s ntttrtgaRr. Il <br />if said "r 5 aiuil nsar m be mid ur erid m+>rtgagee the. antirF ~amuunt duv. iS 0ee.tunder. and under sha t+etzaa. and provr ~ t ~~ <br />_ or +auCl nWs Amy aaaa:ed, inrludi~ future wbreucex, azK any extemrme ar srnewtis .3;en~of iu accordane~ with tYte_tvrma.:ausd Prov uE;tu, <br />rdrrw'd', tad }I ~i. morypyor ._.i_. g~ eom(x~+ with a!; rho proriWirma of ;rsid wte cud of tbu rtuertgags,, t:hcr, ttxrac grseents nbs 11 he s~,ud: 'i <br />at.l+arwiae J.a tatpLW la faJ1 forLa sad sd4art, cad acid meMi[tgee ahn[) be eatj2ied 4t tha ppsanenion oP ry at sud pro~rty,.. taVi :nay. a4 its :>pt:e. iS <br />da5iarv fire wirels at said noon sad SH ""s-i`.-ar'--- :spreasnted fbarebr +a in {m<nwiiata{p dye and paynbte, nod;yray to-:c+cl~»e tkzt rtortf;uy c+ <br />or uka amy a1~ee lgld aTriOR rn peet~ct its Wit. Apy-~eemeat wxiv~ <br />t <br />'f'hieasuY~s s:Ga=: to beading ui>oa sad a;tiil envrti ;.v the braafu of the he+rs_ rtrre. actmin{a craPtga; sticra ass:{ nsxrq~n e! t}rr. rty <br />nxivttava Pb~ Aize.o. ~+ <br />i, <br />' [Sd +h;"T'K'-F;Qt~.'4' iti Ht'Si°s£3F. mid- Mast~crt _5.--- Y'4~ lxnroutem sssr ._ +13E.aC - --__ huu .a_ tfm dAy, arsi '(( <br />_ first etgv< i9 <br />___.__.. _ ~ r_ <br />_ ~(~~~ J ~..l~a~- .y..a.d-.~..L~"".- _~..._. <br />