Position .5 ..
<br />~IJ~A-iE"' it±l'~A Q y ((,, (~{~ .f~2y ''"'qtf
<br />Form Fxn~iA :~$'~-7.:A1i3 ~~ ~~ ~y V ~:V ~ ~ °
<br />Marian C. E~Talters, a single person
<br />TE~Y3LS'k1bRTGAGE is made and entered inm by '
<br />re mx FIc211 .County. Piebraska, whose post affice.address: is
<br />sxdtm$ -
<br />Alda .Nebraska (:8810
<br />hereffi gl~d:`'$orrower,^ and:
<br />fNH,EREAS Borrower is indebted to the United States o£ America, acting through the Farmer. Home Adsiaistcatioa,
<br />United. States Department of Agriculture, hereon called the "Govesataent," as evidenaad by one or more promissory Wate(r)
<br />or amtaaptinn, agteementla}, herein called "nou," which hu hero executed by Borrower, is payable to xhe order of the
<br />Gonnxent, atattoriaes acceleration of the enure ixtdebtedness at xhe option of the Government upon any default by Bor-
<br />rocvc, andis: described=as-falkxwa:
<br />AnrsualRate DutDattofFirral
<br />Dart of frerstratment Winc~xaF.Avnoum o~lntenst C+raathntst
<br />January 7, 19-82 $42,500.00 13.25 January 7,2.01.5
<br />~If the interest rate is less than 5"o for farm ownership or opa sting loan{s) secured by this instrument, thta the
<br />rste,nay be. changsdaapsovided in xhe Watt.)
<br />And the Wort evidences a kun to Borrower, and the tiottrnmtnt, at any time, may assign the note and insure thepay-
<br />ment thereof. puraaant m the Comsalidaxed Farm and Rural Developmenx Act, or Title V of theHonsing Act of.1949 or any
<br />other stamteadtninisttred by the Farmers Home Adminisvatian:
<br />And it is the purport and inztnt of this instrtxxxtent tfsat, among other things, at all times when tht Wort is held by the
<br />C>overntntnt, ar in the event. the Goverrlrtrnt should assign this uxsuxtmene without insurance of the noee, this instttunont
<br />shall. stout paymenx of the Hatt; but when the Wort is held by an insured holder, this itxstrumtnt shall not secure payment
<br />of .the note or attach xo the debt evidenced thereby, but as to the Watt and such debt shall, constititu an indemnity mortgage
<br />to secure the•Govesnment agair+st loss. under its insurance contract by mason of any default by Borrower;
<br />And this tnsaumeat also stexues the recapture of any interest credit or subsidy which Wray be granted xo the Borrower
<br />by the t"roverntatnt pursuant to 42 U:S.C . y 1490x.
<br />NOW, TNEttE1~QRE, 'sn consideration of the loans} and (aj ax all times when tits note is held by the Government, or
<br />in the event the Gavernntent should assigns this iastsumrna without insuranu of the payment of the note, to secure prompt.
<br />paymamt of the Host and any renewals and extensions thereof and any agre^ments eonxaintd thtsein, including any provision
<br />for the payment of an insurance as other charge, (b) at all times when size. note is held by an insured holder, to seturs per-
<br />fatmattte nfBarcowa's agreement htetin to indemnify and. save harmless the Government against loss under its insurance
<br />cantrsct by rtawn of arty de£anit by Borrower, .and ~c} in any event and at all. times to secure tht .prompt payment of all
<br />advaaees and exycadirures made by the Gaveramrnt, with inttrtst, as hereinafter described, and the perEotmante of every
<br />covcnaat and agreement a£ Ba~rower canrained itertiu ar itx any suppkmartatp agreement, Borrower does hereby grant,
<br />bargain, sell. convey andan, with ~tntral warranty, unto the Government the;following property situatedur tha<Sute<oF
<br />NrbtasksCastuity(ies}af ,{Lt`~td-1
<br />Lot Eighteen (a8D Argo ~hi-rd Subdivision, Village of islda,
<br />Frail County, 7ebraska
<br />FmHA 427-1 NB ~ i{ev. 11-21-$0)
<br />