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<br />SFI~T3ItTZSSON AGREEMENT <br />GOGDWI'h 5Ul3DIVI8ION <br />In The City of Grand Lsland, Nebraska <br />The. undersigned., Arthur R. Goodwin and Irene M. Goodwin, hvs- <br />band-and wife, hereinafter called the Subdividers, as owners of a <br />tract of land. described as Lots 1 through 4, Block 5, George Loan's <br />Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska, said' <br />tract containing fl.8fl acre, more or less, desire to have subdivided <br />as a subdivision the above-described tract of land which is located <br />within the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />and hereby submit to the City Council. of such City for acceptance as <br />proVZdec .^..y 1s.: .... accurate map -1 nri p~ at ill 47,1~~i k rapJ58d subu'v'- <br />ision, to be kncawn as GOOD4d1N StiBDItiISION, designating explicitly <br />the-land. to be laid. out and particularly describing the lots and <br />easements belangi:~g ta-such =:ubdivision, with fats designated by <br />num}aers and easements by dimensions, and. propose to cause the plat <br />of such subdivision wren fi.nall.y approved by the Regicnal Planning <br />Casrsmissian and the City Council to be acknowledged by such owners, <br />certified as to accuracy of survey by a registered land surveyar, <br />and:ta captain a dedication of the easements to the use and benefir_ <br />of public in con.sideratian of the acceptance of the plat <br />of said Gtl(?Dt~Ii+ 5LzB3}IVISI~3N, the Subdividers hereby consent and <br />agree.with:the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, that they will <br />in3Cali ar provide at their expense the foil.owing improvements: <br />1. Paving.. The Subdividers waiva_ the right to object to <br />ar:y repaving distracts of Beal Street or rourtaenCh Street where <br />that: abut. the subdivis-ion. <br />? Wate{•. Public water service is available to the. subd:v- <br />sion, and tbz :: uaavtzert agree to connect all structures 9:n the <br />sub€ii-risicr. `a N~atcr service before. applying for aoctfpancy permits. <br />3. 7ax~.t;axc- ;~w~e,c-, t'izblic sanitar*z sewer service i.s ava:iJ.- <br />a~;le tr the> 4ut~eivAsUc~ns and ttse Sz:bdivic~~;rs agree t~. connect. ail <br />Cr~set_izre~: ir, ttj~ "s"t}division to the sa:~stcary saws<r system ?~e€ore <br />~~F~I..i.~EG ..... _c~_~.i;~ ,~cA.~ ~serc~.J:ts. <br />