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g~..o..a~~0~1~7 <br />This mortgage made sad erter^d into this ._ Swat day of , <br />t§ 81 ~ hyand betwern Fay Stahla and Aiane Stah:a, husband and wi£er <br />(hereinafter refer;cti to as mortgagor)-and Commercial fYatSonaf'Bank and-Trust Company <br />(feereittaftei refen-ed to as <br />mortgag[x), whq maintains an office and place t~f business at- ~~~ West Third sheet in Grand Island, <br />Halt Coumty, itebrasha. <br />9vlr~e?tt, that fqr ;Ile CO[Uidera'.lOn hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the ruortgagor <br />does htn~3y utortgrgc, sell, grant, assign, and convey unto the-tnArtgagee, its successors and assigns, all of tde fol-. <br />lowing d,s~ibed property situated and b~cing in the Cqunty of 'HaII <br />State of !Nebraska. <br />Lot S:ix (64 , in '"Palo Suhd.ivs:an," located.-on part a£ the NEss of thee- NEtr of Section. <br />~`. '!`trwn ~F in 1's cSn,-r?~ ^.;lnt~q ~:', 4......~ qF..~=:^ ...... e2i ., i.t: .wai iii~i;~y',. clout a:;i~ay <br />and <br />Lot Sever. t') of Palo ~ubdivisorx, being a part of the Northeast Quarter of the Morth- <br />east nuarter (DTE3rN£k} of'<icn Tha_~y-'t'hree C33?, Township E3.even (11~ North, Raxtge: <br />Nine ,9) West oS 5t!i n.M.: more: particularly described in the within plat and: <br />dedication in ~aii County, Piebraska, <br />a*~d <br />Lot Ten (i0) in "Palo 5ubdivson"'beinq apart of the NE§N~$ Section 33, Township 11 <br />>ZOrth, Rang:: 9. 'rPest fsth: F', M, in Hall Cgt3nty, Nebraska. <br />tngether with alI the tenea[ents attsl apptrt~tsnancxs ti[ereta belangiug, .;311 the .rents, issues and praflts [horeaf. and all <br />araea3ents, risltts, royaliits, mineral, vii and gas rights and profits, water, watts tights, and-water stDtzk, andinctuding <br />atS healing, plumbing, refri~ra[ion, tg}[ting, equtpttttnt and all fitirurts of every description belonging to [he <br />mgn.guggr ttow or hutafter attached thereto ar u:€ed in conttectign wit l the prtmises herein desctrbed and in addition <br />thereto the fgli~wing described prgpezties whicf[>ase and shall be dee[ned to bt fixtures and. a par[ a€ t'ne; realty, anti <br />aze a portion of the secarity for the indc}itedness ftertin stated: (ff Wont, state"Wane") <br />To havrarrd to hold the same unto tht tsl;ortgtgee as hertinprovided: <br />The mortgagor is lawfully sciztd and t>tssed of aitd has tht right to self-and Homey said praptrty;:that: the <br />same is free from aiI encumbrances except as hcreinabo+e recited; and #hat Morrgagor'covenants to warrant and <br />defend the tills aioresxid thereto and esery part thereof against tttcc}airrts of ail persons whomsoever. <br />Thin instrvmrnt is givrn to secure the payintnt of s protnis~ory nott tfated ti~~+~;- ~, l gat <br />in the principal sum of 3 25.Of2C Ca. „signed by xav Staftla- and Bane Stable <br />tr[ bthalf of ~y Staal~~st [31ane staYala <br />also, rs sudt matt or notes Ivry from time tq [imt be`mtfdffied mtetved or eatCndt3tl in writiP.K <br />fn the. evrnt the dt;~ to said real estate is transferred, ar contracted to >`ie txansferrtd, from the undersigned for any <br />retsan or by any me[hod «ha€socver, the entire principal stun and a6crued interest shah at oncz becomt dtte-.and <br />payablr at thr efe~ion of tttc boitfex hereof. Failurt to exercise this option berausa of errnsfer of title as ab4as_sta[rd <br />=n ors ira*s~ shallztot cstttstitutc a the sight ro exercise [hc same in thr event of any subgeyuent trat[sfet'. <br />8. Tltc tnr3r[gf,tat cover3anis and agrcra as follows:. . <br />a. T+u promptly pa; tt~e inaiebtesietcss cridttlceti by said protttissory itti.? at t~ie'tiattts and: in the manrttr <br />thrrein prrn+idcd. <br />K: To poly ail tsntx,, assess;nents, watt,: rates. and at4er guLe'rnrt~nerrtal :u mun~iplal chSres, tines,. nr <br />ins~itlurrs, `br :rhicitprcn°saiun haft ;eor been snrtde #tc-rein~fi7re. ac~? µ~ill prvrnptiuc4eliverthe :~i~cia[ r,~~xpta <br />rhercfor ,r, the said urfagrc. <br />~. "fta try ~sx~Itrz;xr^~ n:zs3 +>c~ a.; mx~ `x in~;ttrc*r; ~r, :hc arr~trreaem and tttaizttraiani'e +~l` slid ter:yncn., <br />i»:3ud4ttg :ist :ekn of .arty alt=.:nsv entnloHerl bg r3te ravtrrtgopee frrr the c;,lle~,tirxri r.}f airty air ttlf of the ~ cte?~tc:".;tc<•, <br />S7xsrnizY 'sta:~'atS, wan isa,ecsclsusc~ f~a rve:r5y7sgo~ ; xsin, ~; ez=zrrt prtrm'.;~f, or in any tither littgatttrn esa';r,tkt~~~iira <br />~;1rL~i:-:~ ~au3 ;r;;5:~r;s, <br />