<br />>.
<br />tit;lCPtt7V~E€3~MEl~IT Tf7 BE titlADE BY' t'SNlNEPi, LANf31:~R[7 .,
<br />OR AAC~FtTiaR€~tEE ~F HEAL E81'~4TE IHer~iraaftsr Teferrad #p as °'llndetsigrted°'} ' _
<br />tiHOrvnruAel
<br />sT~tTEOF: ~~« g2~~~~~?9
<br />CGtIfidTYQS<
<br />t __ l~~_, a Notary Pubtic within ana toe said County, ;,rt {ha'State
<br />atofesaid, duly cosn+ttessionad slid acting., do-hereby certtty that on thin _.-_._~day of
<br />t8= p6rsanaH~fapP¢ared~bctar@m@... ---- - ',-..
<br />tNtdarsigned rn the 4oregorseg Cansan*. &Waiver, to me personalty well known and known to 6e fhe parsonwho.:
<br />sigrsad said Cansant & Waiyeer. who, taaine~ by me duly sworn and being :stormed of [he eontentsot said Consent $~'
<br />WasverstaedarW aoknowledgad en oath. tnath@ signed, @xacu3ed. sea}ed and t}e:livared same as hrs ireaand-
<br />votuniarg aaSanddead, tar the yeas, purposes and Considerations therein mentioned and .sat iorlh.
<br />WITNESS my hand and S@a# assueh Notary P~trlic the day and year sn this Car4it;cate above written.
<br />Mg-commisstan expires___~ ._._- - __-- ._-~._ _ _.~-_
<br />_.-. n~mnrv :~:msc
<br />~r~x~rr;Ees~r1
<br />STATEQF ~---...~t
<br />9s
<br />cout~v ae_ ----,
<br />t, ~ ...__.__._._._-__.~~~. a Notary Public within and for satdCornty; in the-Stale
<br />atarasaki, duty CommiSSSOnad ,9nd aCti;ul. da ttaratrr cariHp~ ;hat cx? itssa __....___.~ ~tiay S1f..:._
<br />t9_____.. prsrsonatty aptreared !latora me~..,~.. ---- _._.-._- ~ arttt
<br />_ ___ , wtxa axeca#eA the ';rsdc q C;`nsa.^,*. ~. 4'Jairrar. tp me parara#;y w@!t
<br />known and knWm to :,@ the p~erson5 who sinned ^,aid Consent 3 v~:a t@.. and known fU b0 and wtta, bamg by ma. duty
<br />Sworn oral ba.tng sntarnred of trio cartents a' sand Consent E 4Ya.vFr. slated and ackn^wrledged nn oath thaithey
<br />were.Partners at___._....._.__..,._~.._._~W..._-__._.~.._.___...__,___._~.__.._..~..,_.._~..- ....~~.._
<br />_. _.,_.. ._ the Cc•par!narsntp nam@c m and wni.^h exeCUtad the said ConsaM E Waiver, and
<br />titiat ttray signal. @xacvtad, sealed and da:,v@iM ~sarna tndrvrduaay and nn bahaii of the sand Co-partnership,. wiM-
<br />a:rthcnt+_ a_c ;rran and.3fs~irae a:~ v7tuntar. act one d4~d to the was. purposes and Consideratans 4nereinman~
<br />tKk'reK'. aoA sat fdlth-
<br />v+!St>lESS my hand and s@at as Such t~sotary Pt p',C Frra ita7 ernt ;•esr rn tnss certiM!cate anove writtart_
<br />MycDm+hisssos;ex~•ka3,___...,._.........__.........._...._....._ ...___._ ,,....___..~. ._...,_._...._.___..___._.~_
<br />.iaFery flu •t
<br />icoW-oaet~toiv3
<br />~~~~~,,,,
<br />~ S:.
<br />CotfttTVO#.._...~: _ ~
<br />s ;~~y~,.~ ~-!~ ; a Ito ary Rabi a Arth.a aic for card C nt n 1h $1a,$
<br />afsxe&z~o, duly ConureiSSfon@d arcs actrrg, da Hereby cert:'y a:^~ai a. ,ris _...!!.'_ca et._.~rr .
<br />+. s szi!_ . txrspnatty a±xoasfad brtfare ma_.lr't.,~` ~ <~~/~- . ---..___.__~.~.__ _.._..._ _
<br />i flame ^+ 5:ongr twU+'x7erSar~etad3; to +:taSSersntsatiy wat4 ;cncwr. a~ kYlowft4G ma,o t5.e .the ;iarson who signed. t3te
<br />tot@ga%ng ~dn^uent 3Wa4v!Br,: and known ta:tnat4.bF.' atM w4ta, aeNtg. by n*.e d'.sf% 3waf'1. and b@Ind Intafl?1@d' Ot,th@
<br />i'
<br />dw+tants at earl COrt`<e~_~Waivef: siatedan~aaEsnowscd~7@tltfi ma ortoatn=that h@:wasc'~~
<br />~' a
<br />:na ::or~~a atMr an•ed i~ 1~ wn~cit d C ~~ ~ Waiver. aful tnat.h@ knows ;ne eeuiaorata seal o:
<br />5a y CcrO~atl~- drt0 4'+a: She sea° a9tSk@o . , .<.~ C ... _ ;Jere@Y is the loepcxata seaF a! said Carpo.attia~^.. !ha4 ha
<br />was dury~ samon.ea c> e>~~-c~r~ sa~o Gb. -.- , u 1"ar t. ,ot. an J~ nazria,:of ana oaaehattwi sa6d.Cdrparauon, and
<br />`na4 ra..e was s-,-nPe sea~~3 nx_cseo n- ~ew._ CY;tin'x :n the narziedt anA cn t^,elalt`~ of Sasd CiOrpCNat10P by
<br />0uthorv C : 3oare c' i;:reetors a~a a rye azec r:..~ st card Gansent 8 V,YaSver was h=s ?;~ and vbRrntary act
<br />s .
<br />and God .r n.s s2.d Capacry ' . 2crn -etiTe~? ' ".af Sold Cotrwrahan axedul@d ftte aama as it, valtFntaty
<br />' dC S'~C CC('Ct 3~a oyes ^;~ ^'. ^, vo;s:-1iB.: `i t.'~e _~.1PC ." rttld'.` O(. SBtd C4ry'OtJiror110+` tR+? US@S: p4.: CCESe9 ono 40f: did- '
<br />aruF+oreS :~ ~e~@rn rner!rvneG . nd set .af"~
<br />hBrEd"artt! gear 35 S:+th t'tgtary ~`aatFC t'.° ~3H 5:rd ''/eaf fl iht5 Gar4i a(,'.3tE :'etba'Je wtr4tart.
<br />3A~ii t ,y` t~,r.,.zs ~,~~~~,.~:~ /.~"~~ .r~:C~si~r~~ =-s -'r '~=_____._.
<br />~. M ~ 1' / 4XA84y P vt
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