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~V <br />'TRiis MorERage is rntttrd into betw~+ren Basselaran, Ines. , A Corparatian, incarpa>rateel <br />_..7~t,~,~;~~he 1a»s or the State a: iiebxs~k'a (heretn "Moctgagor'°) sn3 <br />F7:CE POf1iT5 ~r1A'K. (herein `"Mortgaagee") <br />Sllortgagor is ir.-debted to ,1io*tgagee in the pririctpal sttm of $ .L9~:,.L)1 ~.L~~~ ,evidenced `oj' Mortgagor's note <br />detail t 2 3t 81 _ (herein °*7aeP"j proving f+o>?papmeats:ofpeincipal andinterest, with the betane+' of the <br />indebtrdtiess, if not sooner paid, due end payable ern,_;_ ,7;inuaru 1..1.985 _ <br />Toaeeurrthe payment of the Note, with interest as provided theeeia, the payment oP alt ether sums, with interest, <br />advarrctd by Mortgagee to prretect the security of this'Mortgagr and the pertornaance of the eovrnanPs and agreements o[ <br />th4 Mortgagor contained herein, Mortgagor does 4ieneby mortgage and coney to Mort®agee the [oUosring described <br />property located in .._Ya1-1 County, Nebraska: <br />Lets Qcze {1) and Thzee {3) in B3ock Ttsentg-Six (26~ in Glbertrs <br />T?:ird Addition, City of fyrand.lsland, F3a11 ConntV, tiebraska <br />l'oRNtier wttrall buiid~ogs, impmvearents, fixtures, skreets, allewc, passageways, easements. rights, privileges aetd <br />app~rnancra lcs~ted thererm or in aoywcse pertaining theceto, and the rents.. issues. and gcofits rmreisiont aad remunders <br />thereof: including. but eat lienitr~i to; heating and cirn5ing rquipmrni' and Bach petsonai property that isattached W the <br />imp[oremeats ao rs to consl.itute a fnitum; :ati af. whtch,. ine0pd'ang reptaarnents and addrtians thereto, is-hereby declared <br />. to t,e a part o[ Use real estate secured #y'the flan of this Mnrt~age and altof the fomgwing eyeing referred to herein u the <br />..~~~}„ _ <br />AtorttaQor tgrtbeT coarer:rnic and:agtees, ivitb Mortgagee. as follows: <br />L. Pay®ent. To pity flee i>ldebtettness and the iatrrrat thereon as prorired in this kFortga~gesnd the Note. - <br />2_ T`itie. Slortgagrrc is the owaer of the Property, has the rtght and authority to murtg-.~ge the Property, aitd <br />warroats that the lien created hereby is a frtst aqd prior lien rm the Property, except as may oUterwise be sal forth herein.; <br />F3 'I'tw Property is .subyrct to a atortgage whenzrn ...~...k..,__._.~.._... _._.__.~_...:..m~...;~ <br />is the !So*, mcorded a[.~ouk ____ .Page __-._ __a_ ~_,~t the Mor,-gegy kecords of. Colmty, <br />;>3ebraska, xhich Moriga~ is a lienprioc iu Chr lien. created hemby., <br />~ Otherprior Itras or encumbrance : _.___ - <br />3. Tatea, Aaaeasoreryty, Te pay when due alf Cares, special ascr>,smecfs and all other charges against the Property <br />and:.ureon written demand by Mortgagor, to add to Cate pavment_a rwluired ~.;nder the ?:ate secured hereby, such amount as <br />maybe safticient. W enable the !4tortgagretop~y such taxes, assessments or olirrr charges as they hecorre due. <br />3. lMrvancr: To icerp t3ce irnprurements now or i•~rrafter located on tee real esiste described herein insuerd <br />a~liASt-dat7~e tlp Gig andsitth other hazards as 11oKgrgee may require. in amounts and with companies aceepta kde to the <br />lioat~gre, and wtthtc>bs pay~abW w: the. RforigrgF.r, in core of lass vender such policit: the Mottgagee i> authorised to <br />a/jret,cdtecl Sad tomfrromise, in itx- disetetion, xlf ciaitns thernunder at its soli option, authorived to either app4y the <br />- peoaeeid:;to the srataratiort o4. the: Property cxupon the indebG+dnr~c secured hereby, }ntpayment;; hereunder shalt rte- <br />Yirn~r uatat the afters trt~urcd betrby are paid in lull. <br />5. ^ fiaaow For Titer and 3murmre. Notwilhstending an}thing contained in paya{lraphs :3 end 4 hereof io the <br />Wtltra[~s 1Sottytgor.xhrdl pay, ta. Lhe Mortgagee at the time of papinq tAe monthly instaltmeats of prrncipsl and intecest. <br />uiaelre#flls of the yrscly "taxes, asaesamentt. hazed insurance premium,, and ground rent:: iif any) ~rltii:h may atixaa a <br />priority a:vsr thiu.~toript{r., ail as rreyaaady est'vuated from time to time by the ',NotiksQec. 'fhc artuur;ts sw paid shat! be <br />h+td by the Alnt/pyrtt w+thoat :interest and agpiied tb the pap'tmnt of she i2e:QS in respect to which such arnaunt3 were <br />- 'J~e iuula;}_tarld~3rt~c: h+snuader ampin+lged ac addlkonr~F ~~n.-ity fur are ~nd¢btcdaess sncarer4 iry this <br />~. a9gttlt-ysarakall pay W ritxt~re-#he. aracwnt of axrp~ defecirncy brtrreen t,>tie actual taxes, accsessnien.x, insurants <br />' ~ s~ ~snd r!ctt~. aao ihr. r,MpoFiti heawundrs aritt3vn iii dogs zfeer demand i~ r,Mde upon hlurtga`or eegtmsbing.. <br />6. Reprir, ~c~e tad l;sr. Tu proazptll> repair, 1ca2onF ar rebaiid nnr a~iiei;n~a or irstpmrcmcxst9 raw or <br />lrrra+lY3x'tr,~d3sn C+rr.~wrtti; to grey ttsr f'~portg in {~:ros3 rondititaz and rr~ir, rc;thoufr w•cstn, u;o-d larelc->'n nsccYantn's or <br />FrEh+E.t fleets t,ni :xgxe~t~r~ uc,~rndinatmd tai i~t~'iru.hefi-m?, nest. [a rnak~, ufifrr c>• yrrrxzeii a:~e [~ras~;~m pn axis-, oat ;a dup~n- <br />{~ err iars~tr tlyc• s•ai[e!- er.3• Sete #Trapagty trv anti xs±i .o! e~ncixs-orr :~i x:.: rsnd tc crsmfeiy aritta std n~+GSirt•nr:~tats <>,t' !ape wtW <br />:t=~r'~s„-1:.feti3v i~hrpE•sR~i~. <br />