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,rte:,, . t,_ <br />i <br />_..v;~1~i..,F.~~T~3~'~E_LYi±Q.F3.Z,~.G~ .... ........ ........_. ._...._ ._.~_...~..., ,_., ; ..~.,-,._.. <br />nt~s~ias~a <br />tt7pen-Pod: To Secure Present and Future ®bligations and Advances) <br /> <br />Date <br />December 30, 1981 <br />Robert L. Johnson and Harriett M. Johnson _ , Morigagor(s>, <br />of ~ Hall County, Nebraska in <br />cottsiderratidn ot'the advance of the prlnclpat sum, plus advances for the purchase of Ctasa B stock and/or participation <br />certlNdth¢s of the Mortgagee as required by Mortgagee's bylaws and by determination by the Mortgagee's Board of <br />Ofiractors under said bylaws, pursuan9 to federal law,' to support the outstanding indebtedness, recited In fife note here- <br />Inatter described and Jn.Ctinsideration of future advances made by Mortgagee to Marigagor(a} or any of them as herein- <br />afierprattided, hereby mortgages and conveys to f;rand i gland <br />Credit ihssoctation, whose prhttipal oltice is aq Grand T sl and Production <br />Mortga¢gee, tiro following-described reef property in Ha 1 1 !'1$braska, <br />County, Nebraska, sub(eet to-o€i, <br />gas. ~ldminsrst rigtxts owned by-parties other than Mortgagor(s); existing easements of record; rsservatlona in United <br />Stains and State patents; and. the rights at fhe public. in ail highways: <br />NE3 36-9-i0 in Hall County, NE <br />containing 160 acres, mote or lass, according to Government surrey; together with ati of the right, title, and <br />interest of the Mortgagor{s) in said property now owned,. or hereafter acquired, andtncluding a{t buildings and improvs- <br />riwnf_nBMiF pre; tiD: hrre'aftei -s;ed t:pvn. ao°,.. ,ea ^yrap ,,..^,lt:diny also rt...._-ater :l..r +tt"..,, a,aaa. ,,.. ear' - <br />This nwrigage is given to secure: <br />(a) A Promissory ate d tBd Oe embei" 0 19 1 (yen by Mortgagor{s) to Mortgagee,. in the <br />principal sum ofd ~~ndre 6rty }d.~ ----------------------~Oltatis, <br />plus advances tar the purchase of Class B stock or participation certificates of the Mortgagee arrequired by Mori- <br />gapae:'s bylaws.and by determination by the Mortgagee`s Board of Qtrectara under said bylaws, pursuant fo tederat <br />law, {o support theoutstanding indebtedness, payable with interest according to the terms of said note and any instru- <br />ments taken in: retinancirtg, a:tending, or renewing seltl indebtedness or any part thereof; <br />(bf Any tutors adirartce(a), with interest, which may ba made from lima to time by Mortgagee, at its option, to Mnri- <br />gagor{s1, or any of them or their successors in title. far any purpose, incittding, but oat fimiled to, initial and 4uture <br />advances far the purchase of Class B stock andtnr participation ceritficatea nt the Mortgagee as required by Mari- <br />gages's bylaws avid by determination by the. Mortgagee's Board of t3irectora under said bylaws, pursuant to federal <br />law, to supprlrt the outstanding indebtedness, in any amount or amounts, provfded, however, that such future and <br />addltionaf ad~^nce{s3 sttatt be sa limited [hat the torsi prineipai amounts outstanding at any one time shaft not axcecd <br />the sum at ne unfired Thou<and and Nn/ 100--------------°---____°- ~ot.i.~,RS, <br />plus said advances for purchase fit Class: B stack or participation certificates of the Mortgagee to support the indebt- <br />edness, and provided further the future advance{s) so made shall be payable in accordance with the terms of a pro- <br />miswry nNe or notes which may, be taken fo: evidence such advance{s} or anypart thereat. (Toe optional advance(s) <br />heroin authorized shah be considered addttlanai fn the advance{a) hereinafter authorized to be made by the Mort- <br />gagre for tfue.protecfion at the security or Mortgagee's interest !herein.) <br />This, mortgage to tae void upon the paymen! in Suit with Interest of sit obttgations, present or future, securer! or to be <br />aesirred tDereby. <br />The Mortgagor(al, and each of them, hereby warrant{sl the! they are tee owners of tfie mortgaged real property; that <br />they will defeixdtfte title against ail ciadmants whomsoever; and they relinquish ail rights othomesieaden said premises, <br />and covenant.and°agree. with the Montgagee as follows: <br />~) To pay when due alltaxes, liens, }udgments, or assessments which may be iawluliy assessed against the properly <br />herein moriga~ed- andtherental cttarges upon any ieaa+as assigned as addi±ianal security for this mortgage. <br />(?) To insure and-keepinsured lwikiinga andathar improvements now on or which. ¢nayhereafter be placed on card <br />prRTniaes to the sattsfactiorsofifie Mortgagee. Ikrtypoticy evidencing such insurance shaNba endorsed wither mortgage <br />clause, approved by andirt favor af_ Mortgagee,: and depositedwith, loss thereunder xa: tee payable to, Mortgagee asii5 <br />pnterest may appear. At efu: option of Mortgagor{sy, and subjecx to general regulations of the Farm Credit <br />st,dm inistrat{prt, satins so receivedby Mortgageemay beused to pay for reconstruction of the destroyed improve-ment{s); <br />or, d not w applied, maY,.atthe optionaf Morigegee,.bs applied in payment of anyindebtedness. matured orunmaturtsd, <br />secured by thicmortgage. <br />(3) Ta keep all ttuildittgs occupied and in good repair, and to refrain from the commissipn of any acts of removal, <br />demolixion er imp+titmeni thereof;. not: to cut or remove. or permit to becut orremoved; any wood err Yimber fromsaid <br />reef property, and to comma or permit na was;e or impairment-ofths value. of this. security; to continunusiy praeticR <br />approved methods of fermatg on said. Sands, toprevenf erosion and the spread of-noxious anddamaging weeds, andia <br />c*res~a thee tertiiiiy of the stiff. <br />!4) Ttaat in 4ht event Martgagar;st faiisi to pay. when dale any taxes rental charges. upon any leases assigned as <br />additional stscuriry far this mortgage, liens,. judgments, err assessments lawfully aasessedagainst the property tTerern <br />martgaped, or fauil~l to maintain insurance as httrainbefore pravafed, Mortgagee rrtay make sucf¢ payment err provide <br />such ¢nsurana;~e: end the amountis) xhere#ot shati..~n,comea part-oiitreindabtednesusecured. heretry.: due and <br />payable rnacoediaxaly, and strait Lacer interest at the cusreata rats of tfta Mortgagesat the time the Martgegere makes such <br />ynyrruant. <br />5} That in ~ Rvtmi Aiort{faga:Isi <]aiaultisk i:t the payment of said prmcipatsum, or to tlaarRpaymant of any additional <br />auttarrca{s} tTSade its hereiTi ptavidnrl, or of anq intHr9»t ilTerrron, at the time:wtrenthesante shaitbe dus.orwith respect to <br />atrttY Covenant err ca>ndiLen hereat, thRn, at t}ru option R+lartgagee.. the entire indebte$iroess secured hereby slwi <br />4wthwrtia trecame due and payarriw., shell bRar rntarQat at the currertd rateotftraMavtgageee an the date of fife datauit. and <br />e3rt iMortgsgier mmlt ¢rnrTaadulteiy fore.cios.~ time marryay~ or pursue anyotf.eravailabletegal;rsmedy:. Iritheavencof any <br />+71."tiOrtt by J+ti~rigagser to an tiarCro t;Of kR/;tipn O t Tile r»art Lia{,tP, d R9 t. Lh~T NtPriga#rtlri 8: 3C!f Rat$i that ally axplsrtse elTCbrrrrd to <br />pr4C:,,ra x~r exFand ass abatre~, t of tit:® shad. whesre geed by t4tart ttagrta. or.came el~mrY tY.i ttSadebi svcuraid fTaraby, and shah <br />fs4 ;>+t~ Pry !Yt»ri~streTr s-srr tng.~~r ,re'sth ail =zf thn taxable e:o-,ax ;~t strGh;9C71on. <br />nw«,...« .ere,.... -- .,,... ,,,~ w --....:,,,,a~ a~•:rn r,.e .• aM,.,,.,.,,;,,.v..uan #¢w+a.. <br />TWr ....- Mk M '3 MVr'ly.a1 8aa+. a+ <br />., err rn, .r.,m../wb a ,. .,...vtr+ r ,x~i a..w~ n ..5 ..,., _ .,aye. ~*,• r. a,f.~ p w~ rwt.Naes x.'+ ~~"Nr9.a.+ ..r..'a 4# xee. ,teN n ~ . ..erg .can .~ wu,n.. <br /> <br />