<br />(
<br />iRw,'rT-aaa ~~ri~ jp.7ir~10 ~. ~~, ~ / Lt;~~i~
<br />(open-Bnd: To Secure Present and Future Obligations and Advances)
<br />$ ~l..: t3 ~ ~ ~' ~ ,Z Dart Dec~mb~r 30. ] 981
<br />r
<br />t
<br />~ Rotsert G1 ausen and Erma G1 ausen o ,Mortgagor(s),
<br />ot_. Hall county, Nebraska ~ . in
<br />i
<br />? eargtihlerat#on of theadvaoct of the princtpal sum, plus advances tar the purchase of Crass B stock and/ar participation
<br />ttI loaleir of the MOttgagee-as required by Mwtgagee's bptawa and by determinatton by the Mortgagee's Board of
<br />Clirrr:3~s un4ar sa#d bylaws, pursuan4 to federal taw.' to support the outstanding indebtedness, recftad In the note here-
<br />IneROm described and in txnaideratian of luture advances made byJJloragageelto Mprtgagor{s) ar any of them as htre#n-
<br />otter provided, hereby mortgages and t:onveys to f(iirBCi++]] 11 S an((tS PPOducfion
<br />Cradilf Assoctation, whose principal office is a! ran S an E ,Nebraska,
<br />Mortgagee, the totbwing-described real property in Ha 11 Cpunty, Nebraska, subject to oil,
<br />gas; and mineral r#ghts awned by parties other than Mortgagor(s}; existing easements of record; reservations in l)nited
<br />States and Stale patartta; and the rights a! the public in ail highways:
<br />NE~tNE# 3-12-9; W}5W~ & SW~NW~ 8-l(}-4 All 9n Hall County, NE
<br />corttairt#ng 1 F~ acres, mare or Irsa, according !o Government survey; together with alt of the r#ght; tiffs, and
<br />tntersst of the tiio.tgsgo~s)Yn sold property now owned, or hereafter acquired, and including alt buildings and improve-
<br />. menu tsow an, or htNMr ettd upon, sold real property; including also all water, irrigation, anddrainage rights.
<br />a A Fromiuory note dared Qecember 30, 1981
<br />() ,given by Mortgagor(s) to Mortgagee, 6n the
<br />prkretprtfisumOi .~frRp,Hundrad Twanfly/ 1-j VP Thntysgnrl anri Nn~jl#If1___ _ .~pLLApS,
<br />plutadvaneesior the. fsuretta:e at Crass B stack or participatWn certificates o} the Mortgagee as required by Mort-
<br />gagee's f>ytaws and by detenninatian by the Mortgagee's Board of Directors under ~a#d byfawa, pursuant to federal
<br />taw, to supportthe outstanding indebtedness, payable with intertstaccording to the termaof call note andanq itistru-
<br />ttunb taken in rafinaneing, extend#ng, tar renewing said Indebtedness or any part thereof;
<br />(tr} Arty future advance{s), wfth iniereft. wtttch may tm madr from t#me to time by Martgaga~e, at its pptian, to Mort-
<br />gagor(s), or any otthemorthe#r succetsora tin titre, for any purpose, #nctud#ng, but. not limited to, initial and. future
<br />( advarrees for the purchase of Cim $ stot~r and/or participation cart#ficates of the Mortgager as required by Mort-
<br />gagse's byuws and. by determination by the Mortgagee's Board of iirectors under said bylaws, pursuant to federal
<br />law,. to support the otttstandeng indebtedness, in any amount or amounts. proridad, however, that such future and
<br />additional advance. (a} ahNt be sa #im#ted lhat ttfe-total principatamounts outstanding atmny one Nmt shad not exceed
<br />6 tIw aum of -T-vo undrer~Fj y T13otssand and Nr7Il 170-------_------------------nOt_tr-A5.
<br />Altar said advances for purchase of Crass g stack or participaf#on certrticatea of the Mortgagee; and provided further
<br />z Metuture advance(s) sa made shaitbt payable In accordance with the terms of s promissory note arnatea which may
<br />be taken to ertdence such advance(s) or any part thereof, (The optional advance(s) herein authortzed ahaittse con-
<br />:idertd..addiHonal-to 4he adrance{s). hereinstttr autharlsed to be malt by the Mortgagee for the protection of the
<br />security ar MOrigagea's in#erest tt+eretn.y
<br />t
<br />7hh mnrtSege to bs veld upon thr paymani in to#l wilts interest at sit obtlgstiorts: present or future. secured or to be
<br />securrtid hsre!*y.
<br />t The Mortgagor(s), aml each of them, herrby warrant(s) that they ors tee owners of the mortgaged real property; that
<br />i they vrNtdefend tlts due aga#nsl a#i ctaimartts whomsaevtr, and that saitl property is tree tram a0 encumbrances; and they
<br />ret#ngtiish ail nghts othomestesd #n said premises, and covenant and agree with the Mortgagee as follows:
<br />i
<br />(t) To pay when=due art taxes, liens, judgments, c7r assessments w#tich may belawfuilyaxaesstd against the property
<br />herein mortgsged,: and.tfte rental charges-upon any leases assigned. as add#tiona6 security for this mortgage.
<br />(2) To inwre and keep ins;rred truiidirtgs and ether irn~prr~emeasts now on or which msy hr:reatter:be ptaeed on said
<br />premlaes to the salislsctpon ottlte:Mortgagee. Any pol#cyevidencing such. insurance shalt beendarsedwitha mortgage i
<br />cLust, approved by-and in:tarorotMottgages. anddeposited-with, loss ttrereuncker lobe payabieto; Mortgagee as #is
<br />interest may appear, AFitteopikm at Mortgagor{sj. and subject to general reguiatians of the Farm CreditAlm#nisira[ion,
<br />wms so rettsrttl by itlortgagas may<be tined to Fay for reconatrtrct#onof the destroyed Improvement(s); or, it not sa
<br />applied, may, al she:option-ot Mortgagee, tae appiied:in paytnenY of any #ndetredness, matured or unmalured, secured
<br />by this mortgage_
<br />(3) To keep altbuiNtingrrtccupied-endingoodrepa#r,andtaretrainfrom#heaommissionotanyactsotrernovai,.demo-
<br />fitlon or impairment thrtrsot, not to cut or remove; or permit to be cut or removed, any wood ar timber tram said vast
<br />prapeMy, and to commit arpermit na wtste or impairment of the valor of this security; to continuously pracfice
<br />apWwed rtuthods at farmtnQ on said lands; to preventerosianatad tree spread a? noxious and damaging wearies and to
<br />preserve the fectil#ty qt the Yell.
<br />(4) That in tM event fi0ortgttgor(s) faii(s).to pay when due any taxes: venial sherges upon any teases assigned as addi-
<br />t#onaf security for snia mortgage, viers. Judgments: or aastssments fawtuityasseaatd againxi the. property herein mart-
<br />gaged, or fail(si io maintain rtnurancr as hereinltetorc:prsvided,.,Mortgageemay makesucrtpaymtniarpravtdesuch
<br />insurance. evil the amauni(s) paid ziteretar ahaii;heeome a par! of the indebtedness secured hereby;. dot ctrl payable
<br />brsnsedlabeiy,andshdituu4ntereratatttsrcwrentrattofthe,MarFgageeatttittimet#to:Mcxtgagermak~as6ucftpayment, '
<br />(5) That in ilea event lortgagor(s} default(s) in the payment of saidpr6:teipatsutn, orinihR cepaymentof anyadditianai
<br />adyarsce(a) rrrr?de as 17rrain prarirMrd, or a! any interest ttsrrrwt, at the-tirnt whenthesameshaNtsedue; ar wtthrespect
<br />io arsy covenant cr cgnditian nerrot. then, at the c:prion of Mortgagee, the ant#re>ndiettteditess setxstxd tiereby:aha[i
<br />tarfnartth t+ecame duo and Daycare. shaft txrar ~ntrrest at Ina Current rate-of th7eMartgagee on ties date Ot ihedttaruft,
<br />xrtts the sortgagee r*tay imtoeatateiy tvrsat.3se tRes mort~apr or pursue any athtravailabiei+rga# remedy. tnthearressi
<br />ai say watfan tsp rtcsrtga4ee to en£orcv csti:rtction ei ma ~mcrtgaga darer, !ne Rfaityag'rdH(a) agree(a3 that any ea~pereae
<br />irt>rayrred to Rrrycwe nr err terrid an abstrtse; o4UUe shai!,wt:en pardlr~, Mortgagee, btsxame apart at ttte debt secured hereby:
<br />arM snN# tM ~iei4 Dq~ MoctQtysa-r~xl :vge¢Iter wrlra art o4 9ris iaa~tbt~ chats ei sucte actpn_ ~ '
<br />Yr .+ ~a„wrr. .r..,: _' ay Nb is su xs r x.k••, M • r> mp r .~ r. ~+wRq.v t~+erKSa ~n?e#Ms ~ .. w,. A x.. -•
<br />haV xx ,
<br />