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<br />u {) a IDe s c r / JJ..1i.Q..(L <br />A Iracl 01 land camprlsli'g a pari of Lal 0118 (I) Mainland In Iho <br />Saulhwo$! Ouarlor of Ih. Quarl.r (SW//4NWIj4) of Socllan <br />fw.nly S.v.n (27), Town.hlp <I.von (II) Norlh, Rango Nino (9) Wosl <br />of lho 61h. P.M., In Ih. Clly of Grand Island, /loll Coullly, Nobra.ka, <br />moro parllcularly doscrlbod a. fallows: <br />80glnnlng 01 lho soulhw..1 carnor of .ald Saulhwo.1 Quar/.r of Iho <br />Norlhwo.1 Quarl.r (SWIj4NWIj4), Ihollc. running 1I0r/horly along Iho <br />w.., 11118 of .old Soulhwo.1 Quarl.r of lho Nar/hw..1 Quarlor <br />(SWI/4NWIj4), 011 all As.umod 80arlng of NOO'14'19"W, a dl.lallc. of <br />fhro. /lundrod Sovonly Sovon and flfly Hundrodlh. (J77.50) fool.. <br />Ihonc. running NOO'J6'46"( a dl.lanco of f/fly Throo and Twonly <br />HundrodlM (53.20) fool, 10 a palnl on Iho .as/.rly rlghl of way IIno <br />of Soulh Lacusl Slrool and Ih. ACTUAL polnl of boglnnlngl Ihon.. <br />running NOO'I4 '/9"W, along Ih. .uslorly rlghl of way IIno of Saulh <br />Lacu.1 Slrool. a dl.lanc. of Ono /lundrod forly Sovon and f/fly <br />Hundrodlhs (l47.S0) fool; Ihono. running S89"J6'44"W, along lho <br />.asl.rly rlgh! of way 11118 of Saulh Lacusl Slrool, 0 dlslanco of <I.VOII <br />_{lod Slxly SOVOll /lundrodlh. (//.67) fool.. Ihollc. rUllnlng NOO'/3'54"W, <br />along Iho oa.,.rly rlghl of way llno of Soulh Lacusl Slrool, a dl.lanc. <br />of Ono Hundrod (l00.00) fo.l, 10 0 palnl all Iho soulhorly llno of Lal <br />Tw.nly flvo (25), Mal/hows Subdlvl.lan.. Ihollco running N80'J6'46"E, <br />along Iho .aulhorly IIn. of Lal Twonly Flvo (25), Mal/hows SUbdivision, <br />a dlslanco of Thro. /lundrod flfly Two and Nlnoly Six HUndr.dlhs <br />(352.06) fool, 10 a cornor of Lal TWollly Flvo (25), Mal/how. <br />Subdlvl.lalll Ihollco running SOO'/4 '/0 "E, along Iho wo.1 llno of Lol <br />Twonly Flv. (25), Mal/how. Subd'v','an alld 1/. .xlon.lan, a dl.lanc. of <br />Two HUlldr.d rorly Sovon and r/fly Hundrodlhs (247.50) f.." 10 a <br />carnor of Lol Ono (I), Garrl.on Subdlvl.lon; Ih.neo running <br />SOO'J/j'4/j"W, along Ih. norlh IIn. of Garrl.on SubdlvMan, a dl.lanco <br />of Throo Hundr.d forly 0118 and Thlrly Hundrodlh. (34/.JO) fo.I, 10 <br />Ih. ACTUAL polnl of boglnnlng ar,d conlalnlng 1.966 acro. mar. or <br />loss. <br />DedIcation <br />KNOW ALL MeN OY THeSE PRESENTS, Ihal SOUTH POINT( OEVELOPMENT L.L.C.. a <br />N.bra.ka (lml/od (labl/I/y Company, b.lng Ih. oWl18r of Ih. land d..crlb.d horoon, has <br />cau..d sam. 10 b. .urv.y.d, subdlvld.d, plal/.d and d.slgnulod a. 'SOUTH POINTE <br />SU8DIVISIQN' In Ih. CI/y 01 Grand, N.braska, os shown on Iho accompanying pial <br />Ihoroof, and do.s d.dlcalo Ih. .as.m.nls, If any, Os .hown Ihor.M for Ih. <br />locallon, conslrucllon alld malnlonanc. of public s.rvlco ullllllos, lagolh.r wl/h lho rlgh! <br />of II/yr... and ogross Ihor.lo, and horoby prahlblllny Iho planllny of lroo., bush.. and <br />.hrubs, or placing olhor obslrucllons upon, avor, along or undornoalh Ih. surfaco of <br />such oasomonls.. and 1/101 Iho forogolng subdivision as maro parllcularly doscrlbod In 1/1. <br />uoscrlplion hor.on as appoars on III/s pial Is mad. wl/h lho fro. and III <br />accordanc. will' 1/10 doslros of 1/10, undorslgnod awnor and proprio lor. <br />IN wm/fss WHEREOr. I /lavo afflx.d my slgnalur. ''''010, 01 Grand /,land, N.braSka, <br />Ihl,--..zZ~__day of-----'.&wau.I_,~, 2000. <br /> <br />A cknow/eduement <br />Slalo Of Nobra.ko ss <br />Caunly Of Hall lj. ~ <br />On IhoJL::!'-day af_~d!AI--.....' 2000, boforo mo,_~,{Jfj._ <br />a Nolary Public wl/hln and for sold Caunly, porsonally RA YMONO . O'CONNOR, <br />Managlllg M.mbor of SOUTH paiN IE DEVELOPMENT. L.tC., a Nobraska Uml/.d Uablllly <br />Company, and 10 mo porsonally kllOwn 10 b. I". Idonllcal p.rson w/laso slgnoluro I. <br />afflxod horolo, and 1/101 ho did acknowlodgo Iho OXOCUI/M Ihoroaf 10 bo his volunlary acl <br />and dood and Iho volunlory acl and dood of .ald Company. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I havo horounlo subscrlbod my nama alld afflxod my official <br />soal 01 Grand Island, Nobra.k~~~ ~hO dolo 10.1 abavo wrlllon. <br />My commission oxpl,.,-~ v-L.1~. <br /> <br />SOUTH POINTE SUBDIVISION <br />THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br /> <br />N <br />e <br />e <br />c:.o <br />e <br />.... <br />w <br />0:> <br />e <br /> <br />{N.W. C(Jr. NW1j4 S~'c. 21, <br />T II N ~ R 9 W. f\llJ/IIJ <br />SU(v~y MIJ{k~r <br /> <br />'6 <br />'I'> <br /> <br /> <br />fJdIJ~(tjj!rr!@!@vo <br /> <br />IJPj&1U!Ju@wy~ <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br /><@ <br />/"R~l}ttlnt;Q Poiflt Pltit:;ttif' <r>.. <br />, 1 '2:;:~: ::;/~ L/~lB Lok~ "d- <br />20 (J(#ily ffJ$dflld,U , VnublQ To PluCjj.. <br />.. '~.:; ,,,'/' - --.. - - -_. 1 <br />'1 I \.', $' Troil AM Utility <br />L I 20' Ulility fQ~d"'~IJ..t:71,.... ffJ!Jdmliflt ?= <br />I r:-f2U' f./tilily D.J5~m~nt ""..... ~ <br />1 I "" ~ <br />: L ;:"U~1~Y ~;~:r:/~~~- _.4 l' - --41.~-;- - - ::- <br />,-+ --- .... -- -. -- -- -- -,- - --- - .10 <br />,;. . I/V'~",. ...'" ~ <br />Utility fIJSefrldll''/'''' l "'l <br />""""[' ~ (~ <br />I ~ <br />: ~ <br />I ~ <br />20' Ut,1ify fOSS/111m ~r~ <br />I <br />,I -~~~ ...... <br />r:: I ~ <br />: ~ <br />I <br />, <br />, <br />I <br />, <br />, <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />t) <br />" <br />'" <br /> <br />.... <br />"" <br />"" <br />~ ~, <br /><I<l>' 8' <br />UI..<.u_d I <br />IUU' A: :i 8!rJ6'44" Ir <br />- <br />... <br />"" <br />% <br />ICl <br /><<011 <br /> <br />,~ <br />ft <br />isSi <br />~ ~~ <br />t~ <br />~~ <br /> <br />Lot 1 <br /> <br />JO:: <br />..... <br />"" <br />~I <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />FQU'li~~d_p~~ <br /> <br />(: \'5121'" ~ R N W,,'W [ <br /> <br />Ii:, ': <br />li 1 'I' <br />.: ~ @ &1 f f ! 3 @ f!O <br />,~! 15 <br />,., ] <br />;I~ <br />13, . <br />:<:, . <br />'" <br />~: <br />~~I s.w. Cor, $1V1/4NIVI/" <br />'I-i--, ~'C. 21" T " N - R 9 Ir. <br />\1/ FQI,Ifl/J tif/}!J!I Cap <br /> <br />ruJitlg. <br /> <br />J.(f,J()' A ..t R S 89'J6'4S' W <br /> <br />fJdIJ[@rdUrr!t3!@U'O <br /> <br />'\" <br />\'0 <br /> <br />~vor's Cerllflcate <br /> <br />I /I.roby c.r/lfy Ihal on O.c.mb.r 24, 2000, I complolod an accuralo survoy of <br />'SOUfH POINTE SUBDIVISION: In 1/1. Clly of Grand, Nobraska, as shown on Iho <br />accompanying pial III.roof.. Ihol Iho lois, blocks, slr.ol., uvonuos, all.ys, pork., <br />commOIl3 and alhor ground. as conlalnod III said subdivision os showlI on I"" <br />accompanying plel I/loroof aro woll and accuraloly slakod off and markod.. Ihal Iron <br />mark.,. WOre plaood 01 011 101 comO,..- Ihal Ih. dlmon.lons of .ach 101 aro os S/lOWII <br />on II'. pial.. 1/101 '00'11 101 boars lis own IIumb.rl and Ihal sold survoy Was modo will' <br />r.f.ronco 10 known elld rocordod maf/umonls. <br /> <br />..,.,.... :>'1;,\\\ <br />:~~.~.~,,~.j'4 <br />'~":~\~(fJt;':.., <br /> <br />, ... "~ <br />' rsoeal~ <br />~<;:p ~$ <br />-PA.'./19UIl.\j~ ~ <br />( o:'soii<;~' <br /> <br /> <br />q-L_ ()-[), S f--: <br />';iif~/, R09~'rurviyorf{ii:WO <br /> <br />.d/lorova/s <br />Submlllod 10 and approvod by Iho R.glollal Planf/lng CommiSSion of flail Coullly, <br />Island. Wood Rlvor and Iho VII/ago. of Aida, Cairo and Danlphan, Nobraska. <br /> <br />r271 -~~ ,- " <br />v-;vw~ C C:.--" /lidf" L4_ 9. <: ()O? <br />C/lalrman lfalo <br /> <br />Grand <br /> <br />. I .., 1~ <br />ApeLpvod and accoplod by 1/10 Clly of Grand Island, Nobrasku, IhlS,,__!-'l--c-day of <br />_kLbrlli\C-i---' 2000. <br /> <br />(Soal) <br /> <br />'::::ztt,'~~#c",,~~<vj -~~~f?l.ill"(h, <br />?f.~,~~,:=!~aYar c.- ----.. y or <br />1.:;:'.,,0:' I? ~:""'''''''''~):'. <br />(: t ..... -,.' <br />\\ ~l"( l~ 1111. ".. <br />" ;;,'r~~.~t:.',:..~,-;; ;,J <br /> <br />IN <br /> <br />ROCKWELL AND ASSOC. L.t.C. <br /> <br />ENGINEERING .t SURVEYING <br /> <br />LEGEND <br />.-Indlcolos 1/2" Irall Plpo found Ullloss Ol/l.,wlso NaloJ. <br />o-Indlcal.. 1/2" Iroll Plpo w/Survoy Cap Placod Ullloss Olhorwls. <br />A-Indlcalos ACTUAL Vlslaneo <br />R-If/dlcolos RECORDfD Dlslollco <br /> <br />, <br />Nolod <br /> <br />SOUTH POINfE DEVELOPMfNT. L.L.C.. A Nobraska Llml/.d Uablllly CompallY <br /> <br />--iiaYmon~'Co/lfior, Managifiij M.mbor <br /> <br />~~+- <br /> <br /> <br /> @ ,,'" <br /> 0--1 <br /> eo'" <br />'U .-'~ -" ~lj;: <br />ro" <br />;" ~\- '-" " <' <br />~A,' '" d '" <br />'-" 'II ~ <br /> t ~"1 <br />'" ...." <br />5\ r' :U <br />'" ~~ <br />'" "" <br /> = '" <br /> '" '" <br /> <br /><ol~ <br />~~ <br />~i <br />=~ <br /> <br />GRANO ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br /> <br />Sh.., No. I Of I <br />