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<br />l'-J <br />S <br />S <br />CD <br />S <br />....... <br />l'-J <br />-..J <br />CD <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />LEGEND <br />~Ies 1/2" Iroll flpe FouM Unless Ol/,.rwlse Hol9d <br />o-Indlcal.. 1/2" Iroll Pipe w/Survey Cap Ploc.d 0Ih9",138 Holed <br />Q-/lldlcuI9S Nollfw Disk III Concrol. Placed Ql 1Il b...ft 11 a I 0 ~.~m" / IQJL <br />A -Indica I.. AC fUAL Olslance g r I ~ ~ _ r ~ ~ <br />R-Indlcales RECOROr.o Olslallce I . I " P'P' _ ~ ~ \ A Iraol of lond comprising 0 pari of Lol Six (6) and all of Lol Sev611 <br />~ 0 1 ~ rllulW __....r- \ ~ (7) In Black Four (4)1 M8V8$ Flrsl Addlllon aloll9 wilh thai portion of <br />~'" 8" III 8 fll 'j' E -- "~- - -- P'il 1/1 IV @ S \ f ! r IP 8 ~ Vocal.d AII.y Iylnfil soalh of and adJac'"1 Ihsr.lo, and 0 pari of Blocks <br />"-:t co" l~~r,,"( .. N J ',': I~'''' I ".'.to, Pt, Lot fJ \ Lot d <li Thrse (3) olld Foar (4), Koehier Sabdlvlslon, all In Ih. Clly of Grand Island, <br />.~'~ \5t'~'J'//"" ~"I"'~' . '4-, t' Oltj(;/! 4 11011 Counly, Nebraska, more parllcularly described as follows: <br />~~ \ r,,' '16", '", ~,.: ~~, Al d d ! 8!'- U'I Oeglllnlng 01 Ihe norlhwesl com.r of Lol (12), Sps/ls-Schul/2 <br />i . ~ .;j},., f Addlllon, sold polnl also being 011 II,e easlerly /ine of sold Koehler <br />. roo"." AP')r' _ -_~~ ~_~ ~ ~--':'-:'7;{- -~ ...:'::' rf" ~,jlj2'f.8Uii"li!.. -~'-c.-'=I~~= ~/J~=iJIIIIY Sobdivlslon: Ihellce rUII"I"g soulherly olUflfil Ihe easlsrly 11118 of sold <br /> Koehlor <br />27.11 A :!-"__'"J'TJIJl ". F,,"" V.' P." "1 .~.ijL;., ""'1 '"","" ,,,.m,"', P'lr',?t"tJi"'J~. SubdiVision 011 Oil Assum.d B.arlllg of SOO'OO '00 "W, a dlslallce of Two <br />" ~ ..',in..I'" 0,. 110. 'JW 1 It.;I.-s,.,,/' Ad.. Hllndred Nln. and Nlnely Thr... HII"drsdlhs (209,9J) f..I; Ih~ncs running <br />" c>1( C -<l I . FO"'"I "p. <br />#[ @ 1/1 PI ,@ r l:1'" ~ ~. :: "l I ',Lot ft NB9'24'I7"W, a dlsla"ce 01 Two IIII"drsd [fghl..n and fhlrly Two <br />~;:, ~] ~ l' Hundr~dlhs (2IB,32) f.~/; IhMcs run"lng NOO'02'OI"W, (I dlslance of 011. <br />Pi, {J/I(J~/! 3 _~~ Loll ~; Lol2 ~ i~ ~ ib: ", f/tmdred T.n ond Fourle.n Hundrsdlhs (110.14) f..I, 10 a pofnl on Ih. <br />;"" "",' ""''''r!' .ll' I"M)' ""11'/1" ~ : "soall, line of said Block Thr~. (3), Ko.hl.r Sabdlvlsloll; Ihenco running <br />ill . ;.. '" [ , . I ~ <l) " <br />,,\"""d '''p. \' - - -, ,;,. ~ I i3 ....., ,N09'17'09''W, along Ih. $oulh lill. 01 $ald Block Three (3), Koehl.r <br />------------~ ~ ~~ t~-. 8:::: ", Subdivision. a "lslanG~ of Twenly On. (lfld S.v.n HUlldr.dlhs (21,07) 1..1; <br />mtli/' . ::'-_JiillLl.!it."'." I ~ ~ LOt 12 ',Ihonc. ru"nl"9 NOO'09'SI"C, a dislance 01 flghl and S.v.llly Two <br />~ ,'1\:0 Hllndr.dlhs (90,72) f..I, 10 a polnl 011 Ihe soulh 11M 01 said Vocoled AII.y; <br />~: in "'l!; fIInll/llg H{Jg'3i'32''W, alollg 1118 $01111, 1111. of .-aid Vacaled Alley, 0 <br />.]j I ~____.."..________-. dJ$lonc. of TWellly Two and [fov.n Handr.dll'S (22./1) feol: lhonce ru"nlng <br />f :., "- "4 N30'4J '14 "C, a dlslanc. of [/9"'..11 o"d Sev.nly lIu"drsdlhs (IB.70) loel, 10 <br />;, : ~ ~::: I/le Com.r of said Lol S.v.n (7), Block I'our (4), M.v.s Flrsl <br />t....p. ~ ~ Addllion alld 10 0 poilll Oil Ih. sOlllh.rly rI(lhI of woy line of Memorial <br />I -lI:: Lot 13 Orlve; Ihonc. runllillg N7I'SI'SI"E olollg Ih. lIarlhsrly 11119 of ,'ald Lois Six <br />'", <llJ (6) a"d S.v.n (7), BloGk Four (4), Mev.s Flrsl Addll/on ond Ihe soulherly <br />'"",," r "p. ~ '%l rlg/ll of way 11M of Memorlol DrN. a dlslallce of 011. Hundr.d F/fIy Six <br />SOliih 66' Black oJ I n___.___u.___ and I'orly NI". Hllndrodlhs (/S6.49) f8el: IhonGe ra""/Il(l SIB'10'J7"[, a <br />__ _.... _ _ _ -' _ _ _" _ __. _ _ 3 u /1!i ill I IV I $ I @ U'I : ~ dlslallc, of Slxly NII18 ond Forly NiM HUlldr.dlhs (6g.49) f.el, 10 a polnl <br />I" ,- - -r--.------,--W______,__ .___,__:.... 0" Ih8 soalh lille of sold Vacal.d AII8Y: Ihsnc. runlllllg $B9'43'08"[, alollg <br />: : : : : I '<41> Lot 14 Ihe sOlllh II". of sold Vacoled AII.y, a dlslanc. of flghly On. alld Thlrly <br />Lotll: Lot9 : Lot 10 : Lot 11 : Lot 11 : Lot 13: q, fwo Hl/ndr.dlhs (BI,32) f881, 10 Ih. poilll of bsginnlllg alld conlalnlng 1,2S5 <br />M' , ' I J. I I 'I!l>> acr~s mora or <br />ru8ifWUJU'I ~ : ifllllUffl~:/$I!@ru :--'"----....--- <br /> <br />S-J!..iliY-_QliYl~.1ll11Q_ru I , , Lot t5 <br />I C8rllfy Ihol on Seplemb., 24, 2008, I compleled Oil aGCl/rale swv,y of 1)...Ji.JJ.ill (J.QR <br />'MEMORIAL PLACf SUBOIVISION', in Ihe Cily of GraM Island, Nebraska, os showll 011 KNOW ALL MCN BY TfJESf PRfSfNTS, Ihal TIM c. PLAff, 0 slllgl. person, b81"g <br />Ih. accompa"yillg pial Ihereof: Ihal Ihe lois, blocks, slreels, avenl/~S, all.ys, porks, Ih~ OWller of Ih~ la"d d.scrlb~d hereOl1, has coussd sam~ 10 b. sl.Jrv.y~d, <br />commons a"d olh., grounds as conlained III sold subdiVision as shown 011 I/Ie ,'ubdlvld.d, plall.d olld deslgllal.d as 'MEMORIAL PLACE SUBDIVISION' I" Ih~ CIIy of <br />occompo"ylnfil pial IIlereof ar~ wsll and sloked off a"d morked: Ihol <br />iron markers Were plac.d 01 all 101 comers; Ihol Ihe dlm~f/SIOlls of ~ach 101 ar~ Gra"d Island, N~braska, as shown 011 Ih. accompa"yl"g plol lhor.of, alld do <br />as .-hown 011 Ih. pial; Ihal .ach 101 b.ars ils own number; and Ihol suld Sl/rv~y hereby d~dlcole Ih. ~osemenls, If allY, as showlI Ih~reon for Ihe loco lion, <br />Wus mad. wJlh 10 kllOwn and ,"corded mOllumenls, canslrucl/on olld mainl'"af/o~ of,pl/bIIc serllloo uliliti.s, logolh.,. wilh 1110 right of <br />Ingress and egress Ih~rolo, arid prohlblllng Ihe planting of Irees, bush.s <br />and shrabs. Or placlllg olher obslructio"s upon, ov~r, ulong or undem.alh Ihe <br />surfaGo of such .asemenls: alUt 11101 Iho for.golng sabdivlsion, os mor. parlicularly <br />d.scrlbed I" II'. d.scrlpl/on h.r.oll as app.ars 0" Ihfs pial Is mod. wllh III~ froo <br />con56nl and In accordallce wllh Iho desires of fho ullderslgMd 0 Wfler and <br />proprlelor, <br />IN WITNESS WHCREOF, I havo affix.d my slgnalur. /18r.lo, 01 Orand Island, <br />Nebraska, l/JisJ4~t_ day of_Clt...&.~, 2008, <br /> <br /> <br />WUi 148' Of <br /> <br />'" <br />Q:Ji <br />~~ <br />'8" <br />~=-<O:( <br />g <br /> <br />LolJ <br /> <br />TftliJ Mortli <br /> <br />11 ()' lJ/lUJ(r -4 <br /> <br />FQliI1r,/ " Hi'" <br /> <br />. 1M' R) N $9'2/'17" IV <br /> <br />>DJ1-D.C..~ <br />~Sorg~~i1, ..R;[j:Tohd'~$ur:;6yo;.-No--:578 <br /> <br />I1Q/ll.QY~ <br />Submlll.d 10 and approv.d by Ihe R.giollal Plannlllg Commisslall af flail Caunly, <br />Grand Islaf/d, Wood River alld Ih. VII/og8s of Aldo, Cairo alld Donlphall, Nebraska, <br /> <br />~L' L' c?a?# <br />-----cIiQr;m~-- <br /> <br />I ,n ,., <br />'J1> .~ <br /> O' ') <br />'.~ ., ::: <br />'"'. <br />'" ~ '" <br />c" '.-' ~ <br />",-, <br /><0> ~1 'n <br />~ (Jl :.t:,.. ,.) r <br /><0> '_ 0 N , ~ <br />m ">- r.~.i '\- .... <br /><> ~~ :i ~ '" <br />N .\ ~ Y' <br />,., ,- 0 ~ <br />ifj "' " ~" <br /> <br />~~;::--~ ' <br />(.'~"~~_"""."-<"". (Seul) <br />{/j .I ,,*l.ll~ra""I't'tIl \ t "; <br />t.1 --'-._, I , <br />\: \~~( IA l~:~./<;' <br />'\.,:::;".:.;:;~ <br /> <br />------;z ~~ <br />-------::-.-.... , I <br />--- ......,.-... , , ."";" <br />4-----' _---- Tirr --. Pole -- t.=-=-:-;- <br /> <br />tl~kno wJ~(/.9om~n f/ <br /> <br />Sial. Of Nobraska ss <br />Counly Of HolI r <br />011 Ihe..l!1.':!:. doy o,-a",--&I>::~, 200B, befor~ f)JO'~lL~1--L"-1.!..'-. <br />a Nolary Pabllc wilhlll ami for sold Counly, persotlUlly oppeor.i:J flM C, PLAT[, a <br />slllgle p.rSOIl, and 10 me personally k"owll 10 b. Ihe Id.nlical p~rso" ",hoso <br />~/gnalurs Is affix.d I18relo, and 11101 ho did ack"o"l.dg~ Ihe ex.caliOIl IheF.of 10 <br />be his volunlary acl ulld d..d, <br />IN WlfNfSS WflERfOF, I have Iier~unlo subscribed my I/oms and affixed my <br />official s~al al Orand Islulld, N.braska, On Ih~ dole lasl obove ",rI/lOI/, <br />My <'ommlsslon .xpl,.s__G:..1..~I_I:i, -1.,,->- , <br /> <br />.....LL#{~ <r _.___ <br />a~ <br /> <br />ARprov.d ond by Ih~ Clly of Gral/d 1,'lalld, Nebraska, Ihls.J'ii. .day 01 <br />-(--)~__, 2008, <br /> <br />'~~~f~.~"-AI_ <br />~,r Mayor __----"='J-. <br /> <br />_----oQ.[ --\ EO(.'b.nD..- <br />'hryflir <br /> <br />~ OT1 c: 'I---; <br />7{oTii;Yp;t/k" <br /> <br /> <br />MEMORIAL PLACE SUBD/VIS/ON <br />IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br /> <br />K 0 C {( IV [ (( AND ASS 0 G, /. l. C. <br /> <br />[IIGlllfENIIIG ,t SURVfYllIG <br /> <br />GKAIIO ISlA 110, IIfHRASKA <br /> <br />511..1110. I Of I <br />