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<br />RHONDA CHERRY, formerly known as RHONDA HASSETT, a single person,
<br />
<br />GRANTOR, in consideration of One Dollar and Other Valuable Consideration received from
<br />
<br />GRANTEE, KEVIN L. HULSE AND TAMMIE L. HULSE, husband and wife, quitclaims to
<br />
<br />Grantee, the following described real estate (as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. 76-201):
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast
<br />Quarter (NB1/4NE1/4) of Section Thirty Five (35), Township Eleven (11) North,
<br />Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly
<br />described as follows I Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Northeast
<br />Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4NE1/4), thence running southerly along
<br />the east line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4NE1/4),
<br />on an Assumed Bearing of S 000 241 07" E, a distance of Five Hundred Sixty six
<br />and Seventy Seven Hundredths (566.77) feet, to the ACTUAL point of beginning,
<br />thence continuing S 000 241 07" E, along the east line of said Northeast
<br />Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4NE1/4), a distance of Four Hundred
<br />Forty Two and seventy Nine Hundredths (442.79) feet, thence running N 870 18'
<br />35" W, a distance of Three Hundred Forty Bight and Thirty Four Hundredths
<br />(348.34) feet, thence running N 410 371 40' W, a distance of One Hundred
<br />Thirty Five and Eighty Five Hundredths (135.85) feet, thence running S 860 05'
<br />55" W, a distance of Four Hundred Sixty One and Twenty Seven Hundredths
<br />(461.27) feet, thence running N 000 32' 49" W, a distance of Bight Hundred
<br />Fifty Four and Twenty One Hundredths (854.21) feet, to a point on the
<br />southerly right of way line of Highway No. 34, thence running S 890 29' 31" E,
<br />along the southerly right of way line of Highway No. 34, a distance of Six
<br />Hundred Ninety One and Thirty Three Hundredths (691.33) feet to a point on the
<br />west line of Niedfelt 1st SUbdivision, thence running S 000 24' 07" B, along
<br />the west line of Niedfelt 1st Subdivision, a distance of Four Hundred Ninety
<br />One and Seventy Seven Hundredths (491.77) feet, to the southwest corner of Lot
<br />Three (3), Niedfelt 1st SUbdivision, thence running S 900 001 00" B, along
<br />the south line of Lot Three (3), Niedfelt 1st Subdivision and its extension, a
<br />distance of Two Hundred Eight and Seventy One Hundredths (208.71) feet to the
<br />ACTUAL point of beginning
<br />
<br />To have and to hold the above described premises together with all tenements, hereditaments
<br />and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the grantee and to grantee's heirs and assigns forever.
<br />
<br />Dated
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<br />9
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<br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on j ~ g / z.. 00 9
<br />PERSON.
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<br />J:ERAI. NOTARY.stale ~ Nebraska
<br />My Appt. Exp. Sept. 7. 2010
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