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<br />-.' . <br /> <br />200900683 <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />EXHUHT "{.~" <br /> <br />A t~.ct of land cornprimlng ~ pArt of the QUITter <br />af th~ 80uthwemt QUArter (NE1/4 8Wl/4) of Section Twenty (20), <br />Townmh:l,p I:;levan (:1.1> 1~(,.,"l:;h, I:;:,~ng. ''':In<il ('iJ) Wlemt (~f tlH~ 6'1;1', 1='.i'1.., <br />City of GrInd ISland, Hall County, Nwbrlmka, and mora <br />particularly d<ilmcrib.d am followm: Beginning It the northw@mt <br />CIH'l"W'" of l<:i.awi'l:; f:;Llbcl:lYl,~~j,cnq 'l:;henc:f.1 N O() d€I!)"I'f.Hlfil 00' ()O" Er. <br />(Imm~~.d b..ring) along and upon thw line of Bachman & <br />Lemter Subdivimion which im Thirty Thre. (3a.O) feet ...t of and <br />plrallel with th.'wemt line of m~id Quarter of tha <br />Southwemt ~uarter (NE1/4 BWt/4), . c1imtance of Three Hundred <br />Fifty And Eighty Five Hundredthm (350.8~) f..t to the mouthwemt <br />CI:)"('nEI'" cd . t'".ct of loUld (:~r.mvf.IY.c1 't;CI 'l;h<<1 fl'l;lid~~! clf "'~ll:I'l'a<<~ka, <br />DepArtm.nt of ROAdm (Documant No. 89-10e540), thence N 86 degr..m <br />40' ,?o8" r, .nltlYlGf and lIpon 't;h~: 1r.cIlIth€I'f'ly U,l'lf.ttl'f $oldd r.~c)l'lveYf.ld <br />tr~at of l~nd, I dimtlnce of Nina Hundred Forty Eight and Twenty <br />Two Hundredthm ( feet to the corn.~ of ~~id <br />canv~y~d tract of land Ind lIma being the mOllthwamt carne? of <br />I<:I.awi'l:; Ehlcr.ll'lc! l:lllbd ivi.II:lcIYl! t;hf.ll"w€~ c~cm.t;:l l'lllin!1 '" f.l~~ df~!p'e€HI 40' f.!~\" <br />E Ilang and upon the mOlltharly line 0' Lot Dna (1) af mlid Kiewit <br />Sacond Subdivision I distAnce of Two Hundred Thirty Three and <br />Sevanty Nina Hundrrudthm (e33.79) feet to I point on the wamt lln. <br />l:)f ~~da Bt;"'EIt~'b, 'bh((Hlc€1 B ()O df.I~I'I't.~€Hi 0<1' ~i8" W ....J,Cmtl C\\'lel UpCHl '(;hE~ <br />wemt line of Ada Stre.t I dlmtlnc. of Two Hundred Twenty Thr.. <br />and Nin~'Tenthm (223.90) feet to I co~ner of Kiewit Second <br />Sub~ivimion And being . poi~t an the wamt lin. of I public raid, <br />Ilso being '" point on the f,lamt-wemt line th?ough the cent.~ of <br />maid Section Twenty (20), mlid point baing One Hundred Nina Ind <br />Three Tenthm (109.a) fe.t wemt of the center of mlid Section <br />TWel1'l;y (I~O); 'l;hmnce S 00 d('~g"'IHHI 03' Oft" I~ .~l(~n!j .ilnd LIIHHl '(;h(;) <br />wamt right of WAY line of I public rOld, ~ di.t~nca of Six <br />Hundred Twenty Thrae ~nd Ninety Three Hund~adthm (613.93) faat; <br />'t;IHHH~e '" ~~9 da~p'€lfHI ()~'i' .3(," W a digl'l:;al'lc~~ clf N:il'm Hunl:I"'fHI SevElI'l't;y <br />Eight and Seventy Two Hund?edthm (978.72) feat to A point an tha <br />((H' 111'1:; 1J,I'I€~ r.l'f gl. j, d IU ~lW:l. 'I; Elll bd I Y i g~ i cnl; .l;h em~~') ", 00 d €I !P'~If.HI O()' 00" <br />E along and upon the ...t line of maid Kiewit SLlbdlvimion, a <br />dimtlnce af Four Hllndred Twenty Five .nd Nineteen Hundredthn <br />(425.19) feet to the northelmt corner of .Iid Kiewit Bubdivimion9 <br />'t;henCEI S 8(~ c1Eqp'I!l€Hi ~l(.,' oa" W a),CHI!1 .,nd llpcm 'l';hf.'1 nr.)'I"t;tl ), :I.nEl 1:lf <br />mlid Kiewit Bubdivimion, a dlmtanca of Two Hundred Two and Thirty <br />Four HlIndredthn (SOH. 3ft) feet to the point of beMinninu. <br />
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