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<br />DEDICATION <br /> <br />~.non~~':' A~U~~ ::m~U~~Cb~~~~.'b::b~~d:sp~/:.nQ~ ~:~~:I~.'::\5fMl~? ~t~1~o~ f:U9~N~,g~~:~ <br /> <br />Counl)'. "'lmJ,~. -OS" :thoit'" on n... ac.c::o.mpGIl)'tng f.~J nr.uof~ and dtJ. h., d~koJ. 1M l'C$.,m"ll-t:Sl~ U cmy~ tor jh" toc-on..,,,~ <br />con:dl1.lollan and moPnftomJnlll'1' 01 plJbllo u/Ufftu Of.-nr. top,.,hs-r wUh ,,,. right .of lllg,..,s and _g,.n III-ento, and <br /> <br />~~~n~~N~~dO~:"~ tt;::~;d$:~:r ~~ ~~~~roo:;:~:::"k ~~'d::~:n u::::::a:; ~~=:a:: <br />thl, flhrl. ,. R'rOt:8 ..,lIb till. (TN r.:O"',,"lIt and In a<:!G"Ot'darr-c:. wi',. M. du/~~ of Ill. UIId"'1Jgn~ own," and propmlor. <br />CFtrwNr:! .J:eladd N.b""~a. <br /> <br /> <br />It.NOW AU UrN 6Y 7HlS[ PR[3rNTS~ IItoI !IH-~ Jamu E:. Anmd:t, k. .aM MfrJ1yn .4nond:t, hwibond and ~1I1f.~ b.lng tn. <br />ownltl-J 01 Ill. land dt::lorl.Hd hfnon. hon (I'(NUhtd :fQ1J1. 10 0. Il/IWIylld. wb-dMdI'd. flGtf.d Qnd 6"':;o1.w os- ":SHA:DY lANe <br /> <br />~~.~:n,::uf?~~:Of~ ,~:I~;;:Z, ::::r=t;:,~ ~nd=I~~ (t~C~:'LD~~~:~IUA~:,;:~V:~d to9~~~:'h d~~k~,'~~ <br />1l'JQUU fJItd ttgI'U' 'hu.Mo-~ fHld 11.....&)1 P/'Dlllbfflng th. pJanJJng 01 "..~ btnhn DtUJ .m~ or pfa.cmg oHMr oMIlVCNon.e up.on.. <br />:1I":~d:;:~I:" u;::::m:lt j':,;/:::!.(H;:n o:hJ~w:Ja~m;,~~ ~11,.'~ ft::o::::,r, :::.~:::c:~o:: ~~::~:f"h~ <br />~d .c)Wna~ -and proprlmt.s. <::J ~. I" <br />h J{)u/~ JIll<(..\' L I-ty . N ef,rork.. . <br />Ih'I~Hf: ~~d; IIcrw O/lbitd.~~~ utW 01 <br /> <br /> <br />('~ EiomH~.~ <br /> <br />/iJ~ tk:lf~ <br />. IIfN drJ I' <br /> <br />KNOW AU.. yeN (JY 1HtSC PR[5:CNTS. Iho' w.. 11molh)' R. Anndl: ond Wo-,., A,.ttth. hUl"bond ond wU_J b.lng th.. <br />o-wne-r.l of n.e JrJnd d;e.urlbed MrH,... no\l1' r;aun-d 10m. to !No -Iunre)'4d. ,u-bdlvfd-..d. rfoitM and d..s~1M 0$ "'SHAOr 1.AHC <br />SeCOHO SUBDlliJ.SJOH-. Hall CO'4Jnly. Hl'bf'(l~ko. 01' down oOn lit. oG'-aompon1fng plQ Ih.r"o/~ and iJo hvebv dflIlcoh- Ill. <br />H'll'mMh~ if arq~ 10," the toC'O&n-. con:tlru(tff<m and mam/1'll'4P7(l8 0' pabJlo nrk" uJml/~ f()r.'Iff'~ fogelllu wllh tn.. right al <br />mguu muJ ~ ,,...,..10. lIJld ht.ft.b)' prohlbmng Jh. phmlll1g of Jr.u,. bu,h" ond ..Irroln~ or pJofJlng GlINT lJb:tlroonom upon. <br /> <br />;::'ct.~,i:c u-h=a~ f::/::~<<:n G:Il~~;:",:m:~ ~h f~: 'tr:.'O::r~~ ::If;::I~= ~6c~'Z.~::,~rs,~: <br />l#lfUfflgll.d OWMn fJtId pt'tJprlm~ <br /> <br />IN Wl7HCSS II'HC~ we h... ofl_ .... ~ h.,ota of <br />IhJ.-Z.!t!!!.d.., ., "'"nry ...z.cra!I. . <br /> <br /> <br />.(;:.Q 1lmalhy R. .......<10 <br /> <br />Gra,ld Llol'Jn <br /> <br />Nobrooko, <br /> <br />~ M.,,~~L <br /> <br />KNOW JILL ItICN 8't 1HlSt PRcseNTS. IlIat w... Koren A. iIej"nbrl,.Sc and tom U."ett"rfnk. wHe .and m.lband.. btlllg Ihe <br />;r~'HD o~J:mvU;;:':~$~~rC:.%~' ".'b:JI~~~~:: ~;:::n too~.j::Wal:::n .tJ~ld-;;or::::1.o~~da::'~o:'-:"'b i~.~:~ <br /> <br />.O-HmiMI.s. If Clny~ for fh. lofJallon~ .con,INClllon Qnd mG'nl.,nCUtC.. of pubrn~. uffl:Jfff" fonwr. tog.tll., w~ Ih. rlQhl .of <br />1t191UI' ond ..gun and hnby prohlbitfng IIl.- pkmffng of Ir..,. ~ ond shru.b.t~ or pIofJimJ 0",..,.. upon. <br /> <br />r::r'd~~''::" ~=~~ '::p:~CIC:n O:..:;M.o'}aI~:":~~ a:,th ~:: ~,;~~ :~':f;~f;:~~': =:';e'~.:::1J:rIJ'~ <br />undenlgnld' ow,..,., ond pTOpl1eIors-. <br />6"'11(1 Lland <br /> <br />Ihb ~_WlHJ: .'f~Jiu,;,,:r al17nd ~':" bonlla al <br /> <br />. ",ka,. <br /> <br />~~ a IV1.it1..J~ <br />ann A. Jh .n rink <br /> <br />~~/~ <br />Tom U.UltIlbtfnk <br /> <br />KNOW Al.L IttCN BY THES( PR(S(N1S. jl'lat 'III.... Ro~rl 1o"'III.""t,111 oO",d Cindy lNw.n:d.m. bu:tbond ond wlf.~ blfl1l9 Ih. <br />o...nlfn 01 lit. land dlII"O.rlNd ~n. lIa.... l:Q(I,1Itd "am. 10 bit ' , pJoJl<<l and ~J;gntd.fd 0:11 "SHAOY ~C <br /> <br />~=';:U~OZ;~:O~; I~:'%;:Un:z~ :::::::~'n ~~:h::i~J:~:: oi(1~~b&a':~fc:~:m:Z:'i::~y:~d ~t::r":r,h d:::C::/~~ <br />lnW"" and ...,~ fhvsla. and 1I.,,,by pI.oMbHJng 'III", phm111lg of I,..". bu,h" and .Jh-robl'. .fir platlMg ofh., ohJrool/oll" up-o,.. <br />~,:r~d~~f:;n u::;::a'::t ~~::~(R;:Jt O:hJ~uO;kI:.aj:m;~~ 0::;' '~::' f:r:.'0::r~~ ~~;::/::c::,;:~r: :U~!cth:'Z.~:''':''~~ ~ <br />und~ OW"..,,, and prop,.,.Jon. <br /> <br />tM. 737f!~;.~i":" h~1a of <br /> <br />o o.fl....Il.tI..'n <br /> <br /> <br />N'.bnu.lla. <br /> <br />l.ot-_Md. n <br /> <br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT <br /> <br />SIoI.. 01 N.lmmra <br /> <br />200'006'15 <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />Ca-tmly 0' HolI <br />0. 1..~.m,.I J"i?f.1!!!LY ,~. b.lanl m., /'1a,.//r" A.1Ou~;'" . <br />" Wotwy P-rmllo wHhln and lor ~!d ColMly. p.fJlOmJHy ~l1d -hmu C. AnllIIh. c "Jllgle fj4NOn-. 10- me p."onoUy k,.o....,. to <br />H n.. klltlI~al P_110" who". "gJIGI.u...- I. affIxed 11.,..10-. cmd hI' did -aG'kIlO1lf/~ Ill. .:11'"1.11101) Ih.,..of to b. II" wlunlwy <br />wi ond dud. <br />IN wmclcss WHCRrOT. , hGY4' henlolnlo ItPD'CO.rUIIlId my nome ottd o'1~.d m)l' Df11cJ:aJ :1-8-aJ atc-:;~~/".J <br />HG-lQ,ko. on Ih. dol. /WI abo.... wrllhn. <br /> <br />'!1 <amm~'IM ..pi,.. Mp~':';.~~ <br /> <br />~~~~ a. -, <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />stot. 0' wI::. <br /> <br />Coun-l)o QI 1)4l(c.-t ilL n <br /> <br />On N1~.m, af ~ .~, ""aro .... :So..", 17", ~ . <br />a Holary PubNo wUMn and '01' .rokl Cotrnty~ app.eoud Jomn E. Annd.:!ll~ Jr. and M<<lttn Annd.~ G'Ild wlf... <br />10 m. p.tlUllol1, knowJt fa h ih# Idtntlcol potnwt. whou ~nGtw.,. at... olllwd hrt1o-. and n..)I' did HkllOwII'dp I'M .wlll1ll/on <br />III.nof 10 h ht. and Ilu voJunlcly lIutl aml dMd.. <br /> <br />IN W11HlSS WHlRCO"~ J hGYe h"fwn'o .~d m)I' oo-mlt -alld ol1b~ my amoral .siN' ot So. ~tDwI C.l... Ylt. <br />on Ih. do" Io:!III above 'IlIIrll"n~ <br /> <br />5. 15- .In I I <br /> <br />(s+LmoA.~A~l <br />IIr~EoJ-_lO'dj.2 <br /> <br />My "7J:.n r~ <br />Hatoq bile <br /> <br />(soo., <br /> <br /> <br />Slot. 01 H.-lmuktJ <br />County at /hI/ <br /> <br />o Mal::" I~l>I~".;,:~'::d 'ar -'~/'::f. ponanally ~il'::::;- 1l~~nl~~'it:.1~Q:d:i::'d wlf., ~ <br /> <br />m.. P'"f.fOJKUIy kllown to k 1M tdtnllcaJ P'UOM wIIOlll. ,llJllowru ~ amnd 111.""0. OtId IIIq did ad'ITOW~ ~,.. ~on <br />lhltMOt to bit IIII' oruJ h..,. W1Iurd-ary oct dnd d.<<I. <br /> <br />IN w.mnss WHERlOT. , IusM h.nunto I'tIb:tCnbltd m)' ~ ond ofl/'nd m)" offlaJal-Hol ol6mn-lr,ja.nd <br />H.btu,,,.g.. on Ill. do" ~, CPbclw- wrllllfn. <br /> <br /> <br />My <""""~'Ian ..&~ ~:~~~ ~~_.,. <br />za~ u <br /> <br />S1at.. of Ih-bro:t.lrD <br /> <br />(S(A~~~"S~ <br /> <br />,. <br /> <br />COU'tlIy 0' Hotl <br />On Ih~d"f.f .Jal1ual'f . ~ClC>'I' , ".,.,. m.. Hal';I'I" A. IbtJ~ffoi? . <br />~ ,=~al.,~~ w:~~n 0':: ::'" Jh:k{.C:,'t:J~ p=:::::~:~:;::":'~":,.A d:::::t:::.klo~:jr:./h';;n~1/::'o'w=. M:' ::::~d; <br />fhftnof 10 h h.., 01td 11/$ valuntol)' -acl ond dll'~ <br />IN WtTHESS WH(RCOF~ I how hUflIJ'l-to- " m)" nom. ond oflhr.d m)l' ofllc!-al ~.aOI ot &1'c1w1.r.In~ul <br />U.,b.ra:tka. on- tJ't.ti 00/. /0,1 ooow ....,n,.n. <br />My ,lIA';f 't- 1: ~ ,2. <br />'11/ton;.L. ..J d. ~.::~-..) <br />Nol-ary~ <br /> <br />Stal. of Nebrc$M <br /> <br /> <br />Counfy of H"n <br /> <br />On Ih. Z6Ho <ivy 01 ~ .~. ".f.,. .... J<,b,.,*" A. P.r"~';"-!7 . <br />a Nolary PlJl!:JollG' wHhln fJrrd '~r,aId (Iunj'y~ (Hrum.t111y R.cb<frl Ui.w.nll.1.n and Clnd't Lo.\'I'iM.I~.M. husbMD' and wU.. <br />10 m. p."ona1l}o known j.o b. Ih. !d.nj1coJ ptIr:tOlll lIt'll:t-H :tl91'l'a/ 01. oUS'N.rtd h...n.Po-. and tlllt)" did ooknow/t'dge flt.l l'ltHuJf.oft <br />thltAO' ft) b-dI- his- alld "..,. y.o./utthlfy aoOl tMd d..ed. <br /> <br />j~ WJr~css WHCRCOF. J 00.... hiff"ll'ullfo ~ub::lG'nbiltd m)l' Ilome and omnd my oJll-clal .slftll~ o~ f7mAd .z;,/OAd <br />".bt~"kD~ on fll_ dol. knl obow wr1lt..n~ <br /> <br />.Wy .comm/u/t)n .Npltu hi/I ., ,;;z. O-/::L <br /> <br />'771~.J IJ. ,0.....,_ :r.~ <br /> <br />HoJary ,. <br /> <br /> <br />SHADY LANE SECOND SUBDIVISION <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />llENJAMIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. - ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS - GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br /> <br />SHEET 2' OF 2 <br />