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<br />! <br />I 0 <br /> <br />I 200900297 ~ <br /> <br />~::~:::-~~ - - -= - ~;;~ - - -=-=- - =- - =- - -= - -= --= =-- =- - =- - =- - -=--= - - :~": j;t~ <br /> <br />I. ^~'''l <br />i ~I~ 'llll <br />I ;;:~ <br />l 0'" , <br />I '" I I <br />O~ <br />I j<a: <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />I <br />\ <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />\ <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />40 WIDE COUNTY I <br />~RIGHTOF7 _ <br />- ~-=-- -i <br />,,:.1 \("":-~~~416~'A2-' 13TH STREET <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />5 E CORNER SW14 <br />SECTION 11-r11N R11W <br />FOUND 1 J' IRON PIPE IN <br />ASPH. PAvEMENT <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />~O1.69' A2. <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br /> <br />,.- <br />~~ <br />2"- <br />ao <br />u.... <br />"'i2 <br />P~~ <br />!eC; <br />II: <br /> <br />" <br />,. <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />! <br />1 <br /> <br />\i <br /> <br /> <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br /> <br />A Iract of land comprl,'ng a part of tho Southw..t Quartor (SWt/4) and 0 part of tho Northw..t Ou.;i-t.r (NW1/4) of <br /> (I.von (I I). Town.hlp (Iov.n (ll) North. lIang. (/ovon (II) W..t of tho 6th P."'.. Ha/l Counly, Nobro.ko. ond mOre <br />porl'cu/orJy descrJb.d 0'5 fo/Jows: <br /> <br />B.glnnlng 01 /ho .0u/hw..I COrner of .ald ~outhwo.t Ouartor (SWt/4); / runnlng..o~.I.rly, an<$ uRon .tho <br />.outh IIno of .old Southw..1 Quortor (SW1;14); " ClI./anao of On. Thou.and Nino N(m<$ro<$ Nlnoly and (/ghty Four <br />Hundr.dfhs (1.990.84) f,.1 10 the 5olJlhWf$' cOmfiT of 0 survey by L"e D. WOQ'n.r. R.plBtered Land Sutvilyor No. 557, <br />dated Oec.mber 8. 2007, said :lIJrv.y refiJrred 10 as "TRACT NO. 21B", lhtmce deflecting lef1 90.,6'39" and funning <br />norlherly, along and "'pen the wulBrJy line of 'said ftTRACT NO. 218" and Its norl!J.rly proJongallon. Q dlstoncfI, of ThreIJ <br /><$ Flfly and Sovonty Two Nun<$rodlhs(3050.72) fogl 10 " polnl on /ho ,olllhorly IIno of a '"N.y br L.o D. <br />Wagner. Regls/.red Land Surveyor No. S!57, :dated April 1. 200~. $l)ld :survey referred to as "TRACT NO. 20A': thence <br />deflecllng I." 8S'tl'58" and running west.dy. alon~ and upon q $oulherly 1/n. of SQld "TRACT NO. 20A;", a distance <br />Nlnf Hundr.Q Nln.ty Three'. Q'f1'd""Slxty_n'Tnree Hundr.dths (993.6J) J,sf'lo Q southerly corner of ,aId "TRACT NO.' 20A'"j <br />th.nce dflfl80tlng I.U 06'49'52" and runnin.~ west.rly, Q/ong and upon a 5outh.rly line of sold f'TRACT NO. 20A", a <br />dIstance of ' Hl.lndr.d ThJrl"en and fifty' rIve Hundredths (413."') 'eflt to, Q south srI)' Corner of 50ld "TRACT NO. <br />20A"; deflecting ,.,, 67"4"00" and runnIng southerly, ,Jlong and upon on eosterly IIn. of sold "TRACT NO. <br />20A", a <$1.lonc. of Throo HlIndr.<$ rlghty Nino ond Twonty fOllr HlIndrodth. (369.24) f..1 10 0 .oll/hoa,'erly corn or of <br />$ald "TRACT NO. 20A "; thono. d.flf.r:dJng r/~ht .27".5.3'i03" and runnIng southw''',dfji'IY.. Qloryp Q. nd I.JPO. n a southtl. o. :derly <br />IIno of '<lld "TRACT NO. 20A", " dl.tanc. of Tw? Hundred (/fl.hlr Six and Two Tgnth. t26B.20) ful /0 a southorly <br />cornor of SQld HTRACT NO. 20A "; them:f d,fliltdlng rIght JZ.54 05 and runnIng' wlsterly. 'Q/O"P Qnd UPOn Q southfrly <br /> <br />~~e Ih; ~;:t ~r~:C:f ~~/i~A:~t:w:~~/O:;rt:~ (;~1,,)~r::l:'~~/ntn~.f:;.~Z() riK:n.~~~dr;::~~ty :Zf~;.::) Q~;t /:rl~ Gtdl:: <br /> <br />Hundrodlh. (273.46) foot soulh of tho northwo./ corn or of .al<$Solll.hwo.t Ollarto' (SWl/4). soldpoln/ al.o bolng tho <br /> corn.r of $Qld RTRACT NO, ~OA n; thflnCfI c:lefJ.ctlng left 76"7"41 ,. and r/.lnnlng southerly. along and <br />upon Ihf line of saId Southwest Quarlfr (SW1/-4)" Q d'slancfJ of Two 1hoI,Jsqnd Thre. Hundred Sixty Eight and <br />SIxty Hln. Hundrodths (2,36B.69) (e~1 10 'h. point of bfflJnnlng and conlainlng 131.522 OCr.., mOre or less, of which <br />4. '96 ocr", more or '.$5, 1$ presently occupied by public rood r/~ht of way. <br /> <br />I hereby certify that to th4!J bf!l$t of my knowlf!ldge and belIsf, Ih. occ:omponylng plat 1$ from an accurate slJrvey of the <br />described properly mad. my supervIsion. <br /> <br /> <br />CAPITAL AVENUE <br /> <br />_ _ / SECTION LINE <br /> <br /> <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br /> <br />11-11-11 <br /> <br />o <br />is <br />a; <br />~ <br />OJ <br /> <br />13TH STREET <br /> <br />PART OF THESW1/4 AND <br />PART OF THE NW1/4 OF <br />SECTION 11-T11N-R11W <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> <br />g tNf' 21A.dwg <br />,. <br />II, ,. <br />~ 12...:3:'1-200i <br />, <br />. <br />: .L.V. <br /> <br />LAND S'(jRVEY <br /> <br />TRACT <br /> <br />. <br />. <br />, <br />, <br />IIIlBENJAMIN & ASSOCIATES; INC1l't~ <br />11II ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS .0 <br />P. O. BOX 33~ - paONE 382-8<85 - .4JlEA COllE 30B l <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA6BBOa-O:.l:.l9 ! <br /> <br />NO. <br /> <br />21A <br />