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<br />I .. _ , -. _ <br />'.:'-." .. <br /> <br />. I'. _, ~ . =. . <br /> <br />.,'l <br />..= n; ~.. f~~ j"~t. :;. , <br /> <br /> <br />. < . ';: <br /> <br />200810,456, <br /> <br />:' ::,: ;B?rroWtrf ~~' pr~~p,i1y, d.g~,~y li~ which has priority over'~ 'Secupry Instrument unies; <br />~ol)'Ower: '(a) aifeeg h;1 ~tiilg ~o ,the payixient of tIu, obligation Sel::ured by the lien in a manner aCcep~le <br />to Lender, but o~y so'long /lS B4;lrro:Wer is performing Such agreement; (b) cont'ests'the lien in good faith <br />by; .or defends' ag~t enforc~~ o( in, legal Pf9~S which in Lender~s: opinion opera~ to <br />prevent the enfo~t of t)1e liell wJiile those proceedings, are pending, but only untIl such proceedings <br />are concluded;'QI .ec) sec~from,~,lio(dbr of the lil!?ll an,agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating <br />the,lien to this secunty Instrument: If Leil4er,det~~t any part of the Property is'subjectto a lien <br />which can attain priority over this: Security Instrument, LendeI:' may give BorroWer a notice identifying ~e <br />lien. Wi~ 1 0 ~ys of the ~te ~Il whi,* t)1at notice is given, Borrower shall satiSfy the lien or take one or <br />more of the actionS'setfoith above in this Section 4. " .,' " ' <br />, Len~ 'may ,require ~rrower to 9ay ,a one--time ,charge for a real estate, tax verificil.tioQ and/or <br />repotting serviCe,,~by t.end,er in connection with this Loan. ' .. , ' ',', <br />, 5, Propertyfusurane:e. narrower Shall keep $e improvements now existing or hereafter erected on <br />the Pro~riy iI1sured ag~t loss by fire, h3zarQs included within the ~erm"extendtd coverage," 3JlCi any <br />l?ther, haz8rds iIicJudmg. ,but nOt limited to, e3rthquakes.and flO()ds, for Which Lend,er requiresinsuraD.ce. <br />this insurance ~ be maintained in the amount8"(inchidmg deductible levels) andfor the periods that <br />Lend~ reqmres.What ~~'requires pursuant to the p~ sentences can change durlng the term, of <br />the Loan: The ~anCe cartier providing'the irisuraQce shall be, cho~'l:iy'Borrower.subject to Lender's <br />right to "disappro~e. Borrower's chOice, which right sIiall not be exeiCised unreasonably. Lender may <br />reqUire Borro~ 'to pay: inconnectiori with this Loan, either: (a) a one-tnne cQ8J:ge fOf flQOd WAf; <br />,determination, certification 'arid tracking,sexvice$; or (b) aone--titne I;harge for flood. zOne detennimltion <br />'and:.certi:fjcation:seiyiceS,:u,4 8J.Ibsequeri.r,charges each time remapping~ or similar ,changes.oceur 'which <br />~nably ',might' affect such ,determination or certification. Borrower, shall' also be responsible for 'the <br />payment of any fees imPosed by the Federal Emergency Management' Agency in connection with the <br />review of any flood zone determination resulting fr()m an Objection by Borrower.: <br />, ' ," .f Borrower, fails to maUrtain any, of the cOverages described above; Lender may obtain insurance <br />coverage, at Lcn4er's optioii' and, Borrower's expense. I,.ender is under no obligation to purchase any <br />p~c~ar type, or lUD.Qunt of coverage. 'Therefore, such coverage shall cover r..ender, but might or might <br />not protect Borrower, Borrower I s' equity in'the Properly, or the cOntents of the PropertY, against any risk, <br />hatard or liabili~, and might provide greater or lesser coverage than ~ previously in effect. Borrower <br />acknOWledges' that' the cost' of the insuicmce coverilge SO obtained might significantly eXceed the cost of <br />,~aD.ce' tluit BoriO~r coUld have obtained. Any amorints disbursed by Lender: under this Section 5 shall <br />become additional'debt of Borrower secured by this Security Instrument. These amo'imts shall bear interest <br />aithe ~ote rate from the d~te of disbqr,Sen,1ent and shall be payable, with such interest, upon notice from <br />Lender to Borrower requesting pa~t.<:-~', , " <br />All insurance policies 'required by ~,and renewals'of such polici~shall be subject to Lender's <br />right to disapprove such policies,shall il'lclude a standard mortgage clause, and shall name Lender as <br />mortgagee and/or as an additionid loss payee. l.ent'ki shall have the right to hold the policies and renewal <br />etmificates. If Len.der requires, Borrower shall promptly give to Lender all receipts of paid premiums and <br />renewal notices. If Borrower obtainS any fonn of insurance coverage, not otherwise required by Lender, <br />for damage to. ot-destruction of, the Property,such,poiicy Shall include a standanLmortgageclause and <br />sh8Ilriari1e Lende~;,as mortga.gee and/or as an additional loss payee'. ' <br />" 'In the event ofloss, Borrowershall give promPt notiCe to the insurance 'carner and Lender. Lender <br />may:Jl1alre proof of l~$ if not, madeproinptly by Borrower. Unless Lender ,and 'Borrower otherwiSe' a~ree <br />jn: writing,any, inSurance proceeds, whether or' not the 1lnIierlying insurance, was required by Lender, shall <br />,be applied to rcstc:lration or repair 'of the Property, if the restoration or repair is economically feasible and <br />:~er's securityi,slll?t l~sened. During such repair and rel!toration period.Lend~ shall, have the right to <br />Aold ~ insur~ pro6eedsUntil Leridei:hashad an opportunity to insPect such Prop~ to ensrite\he <br /> <br />~~INE), ~~1~2:' ,,' <br /> <br />PlIge',8 of 16 <br /> <br /> <br />OB""1l-06-0000(}3 <br /> <br />, .., 'n Form 3028 . 1/01 <br /> <br />c:;?(~2) <br /> <br />. '., r <br /> <br />, '. ~ <br /> <br />...:....-.....-:- ; <br />