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<br />'2008t0456
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<br />:" THISSECOlUtY INSTRuMENtioombineS uniform covenants f9r natio~ lJse and non-~forhi
<br />cOvenants With l;:initec,tvari~t~Qns byjun$diction to c9nstitutea uniform.security inSirunient covering ~.
<br />,p~~.,' ,:, '::" ," . ". " .'.' ~... ',' . ' , ..
<br />, . U:NIFORM ~OVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />. i. Payment of Principal, Intenst, EScrow Items, Prel>>lyment Charges, and Late ChargeS.
<br />BorroweI: shall Jlay when due the princip;uof, and interest on, the debt evi~~ by tlte Note and ll;Uy
<br />pt;~aym.eI)tcharges and late charges dQ.eunder the Note. Borrower shall also pay funds for Escrow Itein$
<br />pmsuantto &:cti~3. payinenis due under the Note and this .Security Instrument shall be made in u:~.
<br />currency,.. However, if an:r check or other instiume:nt received by Lender as payment under the Note, or ~s.
<br />~tY Instrum~f. is .renu:ned to LeDqer~d. Lender may require that any o.r all subseq\lent payments
<br />due U,nder the, Note' ,8nd".this .~ty ~b1Strwnent be made in one or mOre of th~ following forms, as
<br />~lect~by Lendei: (a) t:a$l1; (b) inaney order; .(c) , certified check, ,bank ~ ~urer's cneck or
<br />ca$hier'scheck",p~ovided ~y.sus:h checf Is drawn upon an institution whose depOsits are ~ed by a
<br />federal agency; insiiumentaiii}r" 91- en~ty; ad d)B1ectrOnic Funds Transfer. , . : , _ .' .' .
<br />".Payments ate.~deemed recel-Yed l:JY' Lerider'~ ieceivCd at the location deSignaterl in the Note or at
<br />sucti other locaiio..n, as maYbe.desi~' biLend~ inaccoidimce with the notice provisions in Section'IS.
<br />Lender may return ,any payment ~r partiaIpayment if the,payment or partial paYments are insufficient to
<br />bring the Loan current. Lender may accept any payment or partial payment insufficient to bring the Loan
<br />current, without waiver of any r18hts hereunder or prejudice to its rights to refuSe such payment or partial
<br />payments in the future, but Lender is not obligated to apply such payments at the time such payments are
<br />accepted. If eacti Periodic Payment is applied as of its scheduled due date, then Lender need not pay
<br />~~~t on unapplied fuOOs.. ~er may hold. such unapplied 1'unlis until Borrower makes payments' to
<br />bririg the Loan current. If Borrower does not do so within a reasonable period of time, Lender shall. either
<br />a~ly such funds or return them to Borrower., If not applied earlier" such funds will be applied to the
<br />outstandingprmclpal balance under the Note' immediately prior to foreclosure. No offset Or claim which
<br />Borrower.might haVe now or in .the future.against Lender shall relieve BorroWer from making payments
<br />due under the' Not~ and this. Security Instnunent ot" performing the covenants ahc:l agreements secured ,by
<br />this Security Instruinent. . .' '"
<br />. 2. AppJlcation 'of PaymentS 01' Proceeds. ExcePt as otherwise'describ:ed in this Section 2, all
<br />payments accepted and applied by Lender shall be applied in the following order of priority: (a) inte~
<br />due under the Note; (b) principal due ,mlder the Note; (c) amounts dUc"under Section.3. Such payments
<br />shall be' applie4 t9:e,ac.ti Periodic Pa~t in the order in which it became dUe. 'Any remaining amounts
<br />shall be applied first to late charges. second to any other amounts due under this Security Instrument, and
<br />then ,to reduce the principal. balance of the Note. ' '
<br />. If'Lender receives a payment fi;'om Borrower for a delinquent Periodic Payment whicti includes a
<br />sufficient amount to pay any late charge due, the payment may be applied to the delinquent payment and
<br />the lat~ charge. If,more than one Periodic Payment is outStanding, Lender may apply any payment received
<br />from -l~orrower to the repayment of the' Periodic Payments if, and to the extent that, each payment can be
<br />paid in full. To .the extent that any ~s exists after the payment is applied to the full payment of one or
<br />more. Periodic Payments, .s~ excess' may . be applied to any late charges due. Voluntary prepayments shall
<br />be applie..t first to any prePayment ctiarges ai:ul then as described in the Note. ' .
<br />; ',: Any application of'payments,.. insUrance proceeds,: or MiScellan.eous Proceells to principal due under
<br />the Note shall nOt extend or postpone the due date, ot c.tiange the amoWit,Of the Periodic PayinentS.'
<br />" '3. FUndsfor'Escrc:i'W'Items. Boirowcr shall pay to-Lender on the day Periodic 'Payments are due
<br />UDder the Note, until the Note is p~d'iii,-ru.ll, Ii sum (the "Funds-) to pto~ide for payment of amounts. due
<br />for: (a) taxes and'assessments aniLother'ltems which can anmn priority ovet this Security'lIistrumentasa
<br />lien or encumbrance on the 'PropertY; (bfI,baseb.oldpayinents.or ground rents on the Property, if any; (c)
<br />premiums for any and all insuranCe requiredby Lender under Section 5; and (d) Mortgage Insurance
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<br />~-6INE) 10407I.o2~
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<br />rage 4 ot 16
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<br />08-11-06-000003
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<br />. Form 3028 1/01
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