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<br />. - ", <br /> <br />'_.' . ,~"" \" i .~,. : ," <br /> <br />. :~!.{.{)tt ":: ;;.::" ~ : :""'-"" <br /> <br />..'!: <br /> <br />. . ~ '. <br /> <br />200810456' <br /> <br />, , ' <br />acCeleratiOn has"ocCurred, reinstate as p'roVided in' Section 19, by causiDg'the action 'or 'proceeding to be <br />, disniissecf with a "rti1;rig that, ihLender's jrid~" precludes forfeiture of the Property' or otlierniateri8J. <br />inip~OOt of Lendet's int~rest' in the ~p.erty or rights Under:this Security InStrum,ent,. The prOCeeds'of <br />any'award orclaiiIi for dan\age8 that are a$ibutable to the impainnent of Lender's interest in the Property <br />are hlfIeby assi~ and shall'be'paid to Lender. ' . " , ' ,', <br />" ," All MiscellaneouS Proceeds'that are 'not applied to restoration or 'repair :of the Property shall' be <br />applied in the order,proVided for in SectiOn 2'.', '. ' , <br />,: " U. Borrow~ Not Released;' ;Forbeiiranee By Lfllder Not a Waiver~, ExtenSion',of the tilDe, for <br />" pa:ymmt, or moditi4ation of anlortiultion of the $UDJS'seaued by, this Security Instrumen~ granted by ~er <br />" ,to ,~i'tQwer or lIiy S1icees$or in lilterest of Borrower ~ not operate to reJease the lillbility tif BO~wer <br />or any Succes$ois hi Interest of Borrower. Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings against <br />, any Successor iri'.Interest(jf: :&rrowetotto refuSe 'to eXtend time for payineni 0'1: otherwise modify <br />, lIIIiOrtization of the'Sun1s 'secured by this' SecuritY InStrumeht by reason of any det;nanI1 ri1ade by the original' <br />BOItOwer'or anfSUccessocS'in Interest of Borrower. Any for.bearance by Lender in exercising any right 01:: <br />remedy 'including,"withour limitation, LeDdt;r's acceptanee' of payments froin )hird personS, entities or <br />Successors in Interest of :l3orrower or iil.a1nOuntS less than the amount then due, shall not be a waiver of or <br />pieclude the exercise of any right 'Or reiDed.y.. :' " " " " , '_' ' '; .' <br />,,' ~," i3. Joint '..~ Sev~I'LiabiUtY; ~gners; 'SUCcessors and ASsigns BQund~ Borrower coveWri1ts <br />8nd agrees that BorroWet'sobligatjons 'ana.'"J.jllbilitY; sballbe jow and sevex:aJ,. 'However, any Borrower who <br />co-signs this Security Instrwnent but:doeS not-execute the Note (a "co-signer"): (a) 'is co~signing this <br />Security Instniment only to mortgage. grant and C()nvey the co-signer's interest in tb.eProperty tinder the <br />terms of thiS SecUrity InsttUJ1lerit; (b) is not personally obligated to pay the suins secured by this Security <br />Instnnnent; and (c) agrees' that Lend~ aDd ~any other Borrower can agree to ~end, modify. forbear or <br />DJake any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security' Instrument or the Note without the, <br />," "s consent. " " '.' . , '- <br />, " ~ect to the provisionS of Section 18, ~y Successor in Interest of Borrower who assumes <br />Boirower's obligations under this SeCurity In.!nrumf!nt in writing. and is approved by Lender, shall obtain <br />all of Borrower' ~ rights and benefits und,er this Security Instrument. Borrower shall not be released from <br />-Borrower's obligations ~ liability under this Security Instrument unless Lender agrees to such release in <br />writiilg. The ccivenantsand agreements Of this Security Instrument Shall bind (except as provided in <br />Section 2{)) llJld. benefit the successors 'lll}d assigns of Lender. , _ " - " ' ' <br />, - 14. Loan' Charges. Lender -may charge Borrower fees for services per:f9lmed' in connection . with <br />Borrower's default, 'for the purpose of protecting Lender's intei'est in tb.eProperty and rights under this <br />Security Instrument. including. but not limited to;' attorneys' fees. property inspection and valuation fees; <br />In: regard to any other fees, the absence of express authc>rity in this Security I~t to charge a specific <br />fee to BOJ.:ro:wersJJ,a11- not he. cqnstrued, ~ a,prohibition on the charging of suc4 fee. Lei1dermay notcbarge <br />(tis ;that are expressly prohibited by this SecuPtY InstrumcJ:d: or by Applicable Law. '. . - , ',,' <br />. If the Loan is'subjectto a law which setS, maximum loan charges. and that law is finallyinterpt:eted so <br />that the interest or other loan charges colleCted or ,to be collected in connection wi~ the Loan exceed the <br />pennitted limits, then: (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the <br />charge to the permitted linut; and (b) any sums a1re8dy collected from Borrower whiCh exceeded permitted <br />limits will be refunded to Borrower. Lender niay choose to make this refund by reducing the principal <br />owed,underthe'Note or by making a direct ~t to Borrower. If a refw:1d reduceS principal, the <br />, reduction will be treated' as a partial prepayment , without any prepayment -charge (whether or not a <br />,p~ayment char~c< is provided for,underthe Note). Borrower's acceptance of.any such refund made by <br />ditectpaYplenHO Jk>rrower 'will constittltea waiver of ,any right of action Borrower-might have arising out <br />of Such overcharge. ,,' . <br /> <br />, 15. Notlces,',.A11 nOtices given,by Borrower or Len.dei- in connection with this - Security Instrwn.cD.t <br />must be in writing. Any'notice to ,Borr9wer in connection with this SecUrity Instrument shall be deemed to <br />hl!-ve. bee1i given to Borrow~ w~en niailEi,d by first class mail or, when actuaIly deliv~ to Borrower's <br />,nOtice address if ~ by other ~'. Notice t,o any onpBoI;t'Ower shall, constitute notice to all Borrowers <br />unless Applicable,Law expressly ~i'eqUir~ . otherwise: Th~' nOtice address shilll: be the Property Address <br />unless Borrower hils designated a substitute notice _ address by notice to Lender~ Borrower shall promptly <br />notify Lender of Borrower's chm;ige of address. If Lender specifies a procedure for reporting Bonower's <br />_ge of address, then Borrower shall only teport a change of addreSs through that' specified procedure. <br /> <br />OB-ll-06-0()0003 <br /> <br />P-o- 10 0116 <br /> <br /> <br />, Form 3028, 1/01 <br /> <br />42?J <br /> <br />- . ~.8(NE~ 10407l.(j~ <br /> <br />,,' <br />