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<br />200810392
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<br />...,. . '.. . t. BIIIIO!! "AI' .
<br />'fI.a 'OUTI.- 11A~' 0' 'ltI' ltOR11nrll'l' .ARTIn (I""",,) AND '1'1.1
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<br />lOUTIIUft quAnun 0' ".. IOUTlIVar QUAnTln CI."",,-) AND
<br />
<br />'fIll HOn1'l1 IIALP 0' TI.. lOUTIIWUT QUARTSn (N......) 01' IIOTI0N
<br />,
<br />'fIl1nTt-au: U&). IN TolfNSll1P TWIL'. (12) HOIttIl. nANDI TBN
<br />
<br />U 0). VDT or 1'1'1 '11].. r.".. IIAId, COUNTr. NBbRASkA. 1l01l'TINQ
<br />
<br />TWO CIRrAlN ~CTl!I O~ LAHb Mons rARTICULARLf btscnl0lD As
<br />
<br />rOLtoWS. I ~ "
<br />
<br />(U A '''.0' of bnd '.in the 1I0rtlt lIaU (N'" or 'ht 8out..w.., Qu.....r
<br />(IV'-) of .1,UOh' 3' t 'I'ow..'hlp Twth. (12) No..th t n..,S' T.n (10)
<br />Wt.. of thl "h ".M. J'lln11 Coun",.. Nebruke. dteot'lb.d .. follo.....
<br />DeS.lnn1"f .t 'h. ".., quarhr Corner of 800t10n )G I Townllhlp
<br />Tw.h. ( 2) Horth, R,u",e Ttl) nO) Voot. "hona~ 'ollth alollr. I:ho ..
<br />"u" Une or '.ld Roo,.lo" 36, Olle Thounncl Three lIundrecl IUn.
<br />Ind Il1ndl Th.... nuud...dl;hll 1)og.!JJ) ro.t, thOllOt 1ft" It
<br />rfslt, DtlSl.. J3 reet '0 th, ubtlnC Count, road rJlht-or-Wftl
<br />11n., thtnOI "orth p....Uet to the ....t llht or ..ld aeoUon )&.
<br />Dh IIUndred a"lh and ''In, tleht IIUnelredttul (1101.58)- ,..1:.
<br />t"onn .... ., I'I,h' "''lilt fltv'", (1) rull, Illt.nce north paraUel
<br />to the ...t U,.. of ...1,1 SnUon 36, an.n lIulldr-ect Two ",,1 Thlrt, ,
<br />Flu IIl1ndredt... Un.3') rOtt, thollat "e.t ft' 1'1S'" 1ll1'l1011 "0 r..t.
<br />to thl COI.., or besl."'lIv, _ ftt"' aontnlnbs 1.10 acr.. ..or. orlt"t
<br />or whlo, o. " lorell 11 eunt:!nR Oount, Rond ..ll"'-or ""'1 .aklnl a
<br />h" ac1dlUohal 1'11..t-~r"." or o.U tlor.. Mor. or 11....
<br />
<br />(2) A 'reotl of bnd 1I0Mrrhi"s th'Bout.. lIoU (S'd or ,... "o..t....
<br />V... Quarter (NIl,,) of 8"UOtl JG. To"nehlp T"lh. (12) liar_h.
<br />narlSI Te.. (10) W." of 'he 6th I' .U,. II.U Counl:,. "ebrlllka.
<br />d.....lb'd ... folio.." DOllnlll.. It the W... CIu.....r aorner
<br />or 8eoUoh 36. To..n.hip T"lh,(U) "ort.. nl"Se Ten (lD) II.d
<br />'''.no,1 lIorth alone t..~ WOllt 11"1 or ulel d.. tJo" 3G 01.. ThoUflllnd
<br />T...... lIuncJr.d OIae and 11eltt, 'Two lIund..'dthe (1301.8" rutj tlltl".
<br />..., at ..ISM: ft''I1'1 ')3 tett to tI." tahUne .aunt, to..d I' )Jht..
<br />or-..., 11""1 tll,nOft 'olltll p"....lhl tn "he ..... Un. of ..Id aeoUon .
<br />3f. rhelluncJr.d 'our "tiKI 8eunhcttllundredtllll (50'.11) ree', th,hot
<br />..., at r1Ch' a"slt. Itftn (7) rnt thenoe lout.. fJ","II11e1 to tb,
<br />wut Un, or alldSeoUolI 3'. ftncm lIutldncl NJ"~t, Snell nlldSlat,
<br />Ph. lIul1dra4th. Un .,~;) feet I \I,nlle"wllat "t .rJlht ."111'1 '10 reet
<br />'0 the roltat: or b'Sllll'lI1Sl ....1 oonhltd,.s 1.12 l'tor.. lito... or hili
<br />or whhh .0" aoru h U IIUns CQUlltl "on,J ,oJ.r.ht-nr..Wftl ..ftkJn~ II
<br />nel: additional rJlht:.-~r-Wl'tl 0.13 ftern lion or leu,
<br />
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