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<br />-- <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Home Place <br /> <br />Hitch1er <br /> <br />Hill Feedlot <br /> <br />Pasture 80 <br /> <br />200810389 <br /> <br />EXHIBIT" A" <br /> <br />The East One Half of1he Southeast QUartet (E Vi SF. lh) of Section Twcnty.cigbt <br />(28), inTownsbip Twelve (12) North. Range Ten (10) West of'the 6th P.M., lIal1 <br />County, Nebraska; and <br /> <br />A part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Q11artel' (NE 'A NW '.4) of <br />Section TbirtY.()nc (31), TOW1l!ltrlp Twelve (12) North, Range 1'en (10) West Dr <br />the 6tl1 P.M.~ HJll County, Nebraska. described as follows: Beginning on the <br />Section Lir:.e 408.7 fect west of 1he 'Ie comer betw~ Sections 30 and 31. <br />Township 1~ Notth. Range 10 West. thence south 369.3 feel; Ihence South 880 <br />57'. West 1~5.4 feet, nmoing thence North 11> 09' East, 372 rcctto tbe Nortb.1ine <br />oruid Section 31, Township 12 North. Range 10 Welt. RtJ.IU1ing thence North <br />89" 34'. East along and upon the North line of said Section 31, 235.4 feet to the <br />place ofbcginning. <br /> <br />And <br /> <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter (N <br />~ NW 1-') 8J1d part of the NorthWC!i1 Quarter of the Northeast QuatICt' (NW 'Ai <br />NE ~) of Section 31-12-10 West of the 60.. P.M., Hall County, Nebrasb and <br />morc pllt'ticutsr1y described as foUows: <br /> <br />Beginning at the Northwest comer ar 'IUd N %: NW ~; thence EastcIly alang <br />and upon the North une of said N ~ NW ,-' a distance of 1783.0 feet; thence <br />South l' 09' W a disblncc of 372 feel; thence: N 8 Bit 57' It a distance of 67 8.2 <br />feet, thence S 38' 31' B a distaoce of 66S.7 feet. thence S 82' 23' E a distance Df <br />387.6 feel; thence S 64- 52' B B distllDCc of 89.4 feet; thence S 89" 01' B a <br />distance of 428.42 feet to a point DO the East Line of saJd NW 104 NB ~; thence S <br />(J' 29' E along and upon the East line ofsl'lld NVI ~ NE ~ n distance of338 feet <br />to Ihe Southeast comer of &aid NW % ME ~; 1heaee S 89" 40" Walong and upon <br />the South line otsaid NW ~:NE 'AI a distance of 156.7S feet; theDCe N 43' 24' <br />W a distancc of 258.33 feet; thence N 7'r' 43' W 8 distal\ce of 735.32 fect; <br />thence N 35" 40' W II dislancc of542.98 feet; themee 5 89052' W a dis1anee of <br />152.25 feet; tbcw:e S 52" 47' W a. distance of 87505 feet; 1hencc S &9" 32' W a <br />dCiblnce of 189.5 feet; thern:c N 69" 31' W It disUlnce of 602.64 fecti thcnc;o S <br />6t;' 34' W 8 distance of865.7 feel, 10 a point on the Westerly Line of said N ~ <br />NW tA; thence NoJlhedy Illong and upDn the Westerly Une of Slid N ~ NW 'A a <br />distance ot 1069.45 feet to the point orbeghuiing. <br /> <br />N !h __Section 231 Township 11 North, Range 10. Wellt oflhe ~ P.M.. HaU . <br />County, Ncbmska (80 l!) <br /> <br />),: <br /> <br />E ~ sa II. 3~12.10 (80 a) <br /> <br />.. <br />.' <br />" <br />
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