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<br />.< <br /> <br />ATTACHMENT TO DEED OF TRUST DATED AUGUST 25, 1998 BETWEEN DEBORAH l. <br />McCARTY, A MARRIED PERSON AND MICHAEL l. McCARTY, HER SPOUSE AND <br />FIVE POINTS BANK <br /> <br />200810325 <br /> <br />98- 108441 <br /> <br />EXHIBII "A" <br /> <br />PARCEL l' Part of the south~~rnt QUarter of the Southea$t Quarter (S~~/4 <br />SEl/4) of section Twenty (20), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) <br />West of the 6th P.M., in the city of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, <br />more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south <br />line of said Section Twenty (20), said point betng One Hundred Seventy Five <br />(175.0) feet West of the Southeast cor~er of said Section Twenty (20); thence <br />Westerly along the South line of said section Twenty (20), a Distance of One' <br />Hundred Eighty (180.0) feet; thg~ce Northerly parallel to the East line of <br />said Section Twenty (20), a distance of Three Hundred Thirty Three (333~0) <br />feet; thence Easterly paiallel to the South line of said Section Twe~ty (20), <br />a distance of One Hundred Eighty (180.0) feet, to the West line of Arthur <br />Street; thence southerly along the west line of said Arthur Street, a <br />distance of Three HundredUT11irty-Th:-'''e (333.0) feet to the place of <br />beginning. <br /> <br />PARCEL 2: Part of the Southeast Quarter of the southeast Quarter (SE1/4 <br />SE1/4) of Section Twenty (20), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) <br />West of the 6th P.M., in the city of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, <br />more particularly described as follol~s: Beginning at the Southwest corner of <br />said Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4 SEl/4); thence <br />northerly alo~g the west line of said Southeast Quarter of the Southeast <br />Quarter (Sr.~/4 SE1/4), a dista~ce of One Hundred Forty Seven and Four <br />Hundredths (147.0~) feet; thence deflecting right 90 degrees 00' and running <br />easterly along a line One Hundred six (106.0) feet south of and parallel to' <br />the South line of Del Monte Avenue, a distance of Two Hundred Forty and <br />seventy Five Hundredt~s (240.75) feet; thence deflecting left 45 degrees 06' <br />and ru~ning northeasterly along a line One Hundred Twenty six (126.0) feet <br />southeasterly from and parallel to the southeasterly line of Del Monte <br />Avenue, a distance of Sever Hundred Twenty Seven and Sixty Five Hundredths <br />727.65 feet; thence de~lecting left 90 degrees 00' and running northwesterly, <br />a distance of six (6.0)-feet, to the Southwesterly corner of Lot One (1), <br />Block Five (5), Bel Air Addition; thence northeasterly along the <br />southeasterly line of said Lot One (1), a distance of Sixty and Seven <br />Hundredths (60.07) feet, to the Northwesterly corner of Lot Twenty (20), <br />Block Five (5). Bel Air Addition; thence Southeasterly along the <br />Southwesterly line of said Lot Twenty (20) and its prolongation, a distance <br />of One Hundred Fifty (150.0) feet, to a point on the South line of Delmar <br />Avenue; thence easterly along the south line of said Delmar Avenue, a <br />distance of Eighty (80.0) feet; thence running Southwesterly along the arc of <br />a curve whose radius is 90', an arc distance of Seventy and sixty Eight <br />Hundredths (70.68) feet; thence southwesterly parallel to the southeasterly <br />line of said Del Monte Avenue, a distance of Fifty (50.0) feet; thence <br />deflecting left 90 degrees 00' and running southeasterly a distance of One <br />Hundred Fifty (150.0) feet; thence deflecting left 90 degrees 00' and running <br />northeasterly, a distance of Forty six and Fifty Eight Hundredths (46.58) <br />feet; thence running southerly along a line Three Hundred Five (305.0) feet <br />west of and parallel to the east lin8 of said Section Twenty (20), a distance <br />of Ona Hundred Fifty Four and Three Hundredths (154.03) feet; thence westerly <br />parallel to the south line of said Section Twenty (20), a distance of Fifty <br />(50.0) feet; thence southerly parallel to the east line of said Section <br />Twenty (20), a di~tance of Three Hundred Thirty Three (333.0) feet, to the <br />south line of said Section Twenty (20); thence Westerly along the south line <br />of said Section Twenty (20), a distance of Nine Hundred Seventy and Seven <br />Tenths (970.7) feet to the place of beginning. EXCEPTING therefrom ,tracts of <br />land conveyed to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska by Warranty Deeds <br />resorded in the Register of Deeds Office as Document No. 83-002102, 83-002104 <br />and 83-004705. <br />(CONTINUED) <br />