<br />'200810t65
<br />
<br />18, 1<'oreclosure Procedure.lfl..ender requires immediate payment in full under paragraph 9, Lcndermay
<br />, invoke the power ot sale and any' otber reInedie$ permitted by applicable law. Lender shall be entitled to collect
<br />allexpeoseS incurred in Plo'suing tberenledie.'lunderthis paragraph 18, including, but noLlimited to,
<br />r~sonableattorneys' fetSIUldwsboftitlee:viclence; , ,""",,, ",' ,', " ",', , ' "',
<br />Uthe power or saltis invokefl, TrUstee shilll recQrd a IlQtice ot'det'a,dt bleach county in whith any part of
<br />the PrOpl~rty is locati.>d llndshaUrollil copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by applicslllelawto
<br />Borrow, eran" d ,to" th, e o,tberperson, s pr" {'.!ie, ribedby, a," p,plirnb,le lilw. Af,fe,r the tim,ercq"ui,r, e, ',d by :llPplicabl,e, la, ',w,
<br />Trustee shall give plibJic notice ofsale' totbe persons and in the manne,r pi"eScribedhyappUcablelaw. 'Trustee,
<br />without deinand on JJorrower,shallscll tbePropertyat publk allctionto the highest biddei'attbe timeuQd
<br />place and llndertheterms desiguated in tbenotice of sale in (me or more parcelsllndhianyorder Trustee
<br />determine$.'l'rustee may postpone sale bflln ol'a(lypatcd<if the Property by llllblic announcement at the time
<br />llttCi J>11l(:~ofa..y previoUsly Ilcb&J\Jlcldsale. Lender or itS dl'Slgnee may purchaSefhe PrQpetty at my sale. .. .... ..
<br />If ,the ..Lcrider' sinte..estiri.>thisS~urityJnstnlmeritis .... held by ..the. $ettetaryandtbe . seCretary, requites
<br />Iltlme4iate..'p<iyDlent.....ln..full....pt~()et::Par~gl'~pb .....9,. ,tile ..Secr~tary....'tnay.'invo~the.......nQ~judjaal.po\Ver.~f.s~le
<br />providetlin,tl1eSIJ)gle FalllilYMol"tgageFor~IQsul'e Act. ofl99~(" A~t'~) (tZu.see .3'1 Slet$eq.) by requesting .
<br />aforecl..osure..c.o..ffi. In.... iss.io.n...cr..',....d. .es... i.g.'.n. '.at. f.d.'.....u.n.d....er.... t.,.h..eAct...... '. to. conillien., ce..'foredosu.. t.e. aD. ,.d.tose.l1...
<br /> t.b. e.'".....P...ro..',.per....ty.. a.s
<br />p.r.ov. ide. d.i..n. J. b...eA... 'c..t., .'.N.... 0.. th..in. g. ... I.h. t.l1.e. p. tece.cl.in...gllCll. ',' .t.enc...e. sba.l.J..dep. i"lvetheSecretaryofaily. n. ghts..oth. c. tw...ise.
<br />avaiJableto~Lenderllndertl1isl'arllgtatlh18orapplicabl('law. .. .. . . . . ..... . .
<br />tYpon receipt ofpaymente>fthe price bid; Trustee. sblllfdeliyer to thepllrchaserTrustee's dee.d conveying
<br />the.. Property. .]'he redtals ...intbe Trustee's ..deedshaUbeprlqaatacieevldellce ortbe. truth ..of. the. statements
<br />made tl1erein. TrusteeshaUapply theproc~ofthesaleh,fthefonowlng order: (a)toaJlCQstsandexpellSeSot',
<br />exercisiug the power of sale,. and the sale;indpdingthe.payment of the Trustee' s f~ Bctuallylncurted,not to
<br />exceed . .3 iOOO%ofthepnncipal amount oflhe note atthetimeot'tbe declarati()nofdefauJti
<br />and reasonable attorneys' t'ees,aspetmittedbylawj (b),to all,sumS secured by tbis Security Instrumeutjand'(c)
<br />any eXcess to tbepersonorperson.slegallyentitJed to it;
<br />
<br />. .' . ,
<br />. .. ,. , .
<br />19. Reconveyance.' Uponpllymentof all sums secured by thisSeC\lrity Jnstniment. 'Lendersl)allrequest 'fmstee
<br />to tecOnvey the Property' and shall. surrender' this SecuritylnsiIill'Tlent and all notes evidencing.. debt sec;wed by this
<br />Security Ins(mment to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property withom warranty and withOut charge to the
<br />person or persons legally entitled to it. ,Such person or person.s shall pay any record.ation costs.
<br />
<br />20. Slibstitute Trustee. Lender, at its option, may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a slIccessor
<br />trustee to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which {l)is Security Instrument
<br />is recorded. Without conveyance of the Property, tlle successor trustee shall succeed to all the title. power and dutJes
<br />conferred upon Trustee herein and by applicable law.
<br />
<br />21. Re()uest for Notices. Borrower request,'Hhat copies of the notices Of default and sale be sent to Borrower's
<br />addres!; which is the Property Address.
<br />
<br />22. Riders to this SecurityJnstrument. If one or more riders are executed by Borrower lj.nd recorded together
<br />with this 'Security Instmment, the covenants of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and
<br />supplement the covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument as if the ridet(s) were apart Of this Security
<br />lnstnunent. [Check applicable box(es)].
<br />DCondominium Rider
<br />o Planned Unit l)evelopment Rider
<br />
<br />, ,D Growing Equity Rider
<br />D Graduated Payment Rider
<br />
<br />D Other [specify]
<br />
<br />.--4RINElI04071.01
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<br />PaD. 7. of a
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